Using an IDE or Text Editor of your choice, create and save a UNIX Shell file for the problem given. Before
submitting your solution via Canvas, zip the shell script and name the archive, if your name is Ha
Houdini, for example, HW1_Ha
In fixed-length or fixed-format records, each field starts and ends at the same place in every record. A
data file that contains data records of equal and constant length might be organized as follows:
eeeeef ff {1fggggghhhhhhbhhh
The illustrated data file has three records—one record on each line. Each record is made up of twenty six
characters split across four fields When you define a fixed-length format, you specify the length of each
field using a fixed-length record file definition:
Character Field
1-5 Account Numbe
6-11 Tag Numbe
12-16 Amount Paid
17-26 Transaction Date
Write a shell script, ar. sh, to process a file defined Ly the record file definition illustrated previously. The
Script must generate an output file for each unique Tag Number. Each output file shall be named after the
esponding tag. The lines in each file contain two fields separated by a comm: A date, and a
cumulative dollar amount equals to the sum of Amount Paid up to and including the co
esponding date.
Sample Session - Input and Output Files
Command Line
§ ./ transactions
Sample Input File: transactions __ OutputFile #1: NJ7339 Output File #2: PA2094
58171NJ XXXXXXXXXX/20/2023 01/10/2023, XXXXXXXXXX/10/2023,8483
22024PA XXXXXXXXXX/13/2023 01/22/2023,14471
93668PA XXXXXXXXXX/10/2023
00089PA XXXXXXXXXX/10/2023
93668PA XXXXXXXXXX/10/2023
00089NJ XXXXXXXXXX/10/2023
00089PA XXXXXXXXXX/10/2023
58171NJ XXXXXXXXXX/10/2023
22924PA XXXXXXXXXX/13/2023
93668N] XXXXXXXXXX/22/2023
Grading Policy
+ Student found in violation of the University Policy on Academic Integrity will face disciplinary action.
+ Thisisan individual project; collaboration is not permitted. All work that you represent asyour own
must. in fact. be vour own.