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AUR30405 Certificate III in Automotive Mechanical Technology BSBSUS501– Student Assessment 5 Version 1.1 – May 2016 Southern Cross Education Institute Student Instructions This unit describes the...

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AUR30405 Certificate III in Automotive Mechanical Technology

BSBSUS501– Student Assessment 5
Version 1.1 – May 2016
Southern Cross Education Institute
Student Instructions
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop and implement a
workplace sustainability policy, including the modification of the policy to suit changed circumstances.
To achieve competency the following assessment tasks must be successfully completed in the time allocated with
the essential resources. Your traine
assessor will give you the due date to submit the assessments and provide
you with feedback after assessing your work.

Refer to the table below for the summary of assessment tasks for this unit:
Assessment Task
Assessment Type Notes
1 Questioning To be completed by the due date provided by the
2 Report To be completed by the due date provided by the
3 Project To be completed by the due date provided by the
1. Students may need to spend some hours outside the class hours without supervision to complete the
2. All assessment tasks must be satisfactory to achieve competency in the unit
3. All the units of competency must be deemed competent to complete the qualification and obtain a certificate
4. The assessment requirement for this unit are presented clearly in the Unit of Competency located at
5. In the student assessment, you must be able to:
o Answer all questions
o Complete all assessment tasks within the required timeframe
o Complete all assessments tasks to a satisfactory standard
6. The following resources are required for this assessment:
 access to an actual workplace or simulated environment
 computer with internet access
 Access to word processing, spreadsheet and PowerPoint software
 access to relevant legislation/standards/guidelines
 access to a range of workplace documentation and personnel, information and resources (such as
compliance obligations, organisational plans, work responsibilities)
 access to reports from other parties involved in the development and implementation of policy

BSBSUS501– Student Assessment 6
Version 1.1 – May 2016
Southern Cross Education Institute
Reasonable adjustment
For information on reasonable adjustment please refer to the student handbook located at:
Record of assessment outcome
After all of the assessment evidence has been gathered from the assessment tasks for this unit/cluster of units of
competency the Record of Assessment stating your result will be completed.
Information for the student
If you do not understand any part of the unit or the assessments you are required to undertake, please talk with
your traine
assessor. It is important that you understand all of the aspects of the learning and assessment process
that you will be undertaking. This will make it easier for you to learn and be successful in your studies.

BSBSUS501– Student Assessment 7
Version 1.1 – May 2016
Southern Cross Education Institute
Assessment Task 1 – Questioning
Instructions for

 You are required to answer all questions in Assessment Task 1 – Questioning
 Responses to the questions may be typed
 Use of co
ect grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundational
 Use of APA referencing must be used where original sources other than your own
have been used – to avoid plagiarism
 Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of
competency on each piece of paper you attach to this assessment document
 Submit to your traine
assessor by the due date
DUE DATE  The traine
assessor will inform you of the due date
The due date for this task is _____________________________
1. What is the purpose of a workplace sustainability policy and what does it entail?
2. Outline three (3) environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice applicable
to an organisation of your choice. Identify internal and external sources of information and explain how
they can be used to plan and develop the organisation’s sustainability policy
3. What is an environmental management system (EMS)?
4. Provide an example of a typical procedure to review the implementation of workplace sustainability
policy in an organisation.
5. Outline typical ba
iers to implementing policies and procedures in an organisation and possible
strategies to address them.
BSBSUS501– Student Assessment 8
Version 1.1 – May 2016
Southern Cross Education Institute
Assessment Task 2 – Report
Instructions for

 Read the report details below and follow the instructions
 All parts of the report must be successfully completed
 The report must be submitted to the traine
assessor for marking by the due date
 Report is to be typed (not hand written)
 Use of co
ect grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundational
 Use of APA referencing must be used where original sources other than your own
have been used – to avoid plagiarism
 Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of
competency on each piece of paper you submit for assessment
DUE DATE  The traine
assessor will inform you of the due date
The due date for this task is _____________________________
Report One
Access and read the Environmental Sustainability Executive Strategy Brief from Microsoft located at
Write a report that addresses the following points.
1. Summarise the main areas of Microsoft’s workplace sustainability policies – ensure that you
mention the strategies used by the Microsoft to reduce the environmental impact.
2. What are the policies of Microsoft that shows sustainability is an important area in business
3. How is Microsoft planning to monitor the ca
on emissions and environmental condition?
4. What communication procedure did Microsoft use to reduce environmental impacts?
5. List one or two strategies of how Microsoft’s cu
ent sustainability policy could be improved.

BSBSUS501– Student Assessment 9
Version 1.1 – May 2016
Southern Cross Education Institute
Assessment Task 3 – Project

Instructions for

 Read the project outlined below and follow the instructions
 All parts of the project must be completed
 Project must be submitted to the traine
assessor for marking by the due date
 Project is to be typed (not hand written)
 Use of co
ect grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundational
 Use of APA referencing must be used where original sources other than your own
have been used – to avoid plagiarism
 Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of
competency on each piece of paper you submit for assessment
Due Date

The traine
assessor will provide a date and time for this assessment

The due date is _____________________________
 You are required to work in a group of three (3) for this project.
 There are five (5) parts to this project.
 The total length of this project is approximately 2000 words.
 Refer to your traine
assessor for further information.
 You are required to adhere to industry code of ethics in completing this project.
Project overview
Your group has been asked to develop a sustainability policy and procedure by the management of SCEI.
ently, SCEI has a large number of electrical equipment such as computers and printers to support the
operations of the organisation. All of these equipment are switched on no matter whether they are in use or
not. All the course materials were printed single-sided and materials for internal use were printed in colour.
Most of the staff prefe
ed to drive to the College, so the car park is always too full. SCEI is expanding its
usiness rapidly. Considering the growing business needs, SCEI wants to come up with a new sustainability
policy and procedure to minimise its environmental impact. For example, the College is considering installing
low flush toilets in all of its bathrooms and air hand driers to replace paper towel dispensers. It is estimated
that this will save the business a fortune in water consumption fees. In order to do so, SCEI is adopting several
measures which include:
 Space conservation
 Recycling
 Minimise energy consumption
Part One
You are required to develop a workplace sustainability policy and procedure for SCEI that complies with
legislative requirements. Before developing the policy and procedure your group is required to create a 2000
word proposal which covers the following:
 What is the scope of the sustainability policy and procedure?
 What are the different sources where you can gather information to create the policy and procedure?
 Who are the key stakeholders?
BSBSUS501– Student Assessment 10
Version 1.1 – May 2016
Southern Cross Education Institute
 What strategies can be included in the policy and procedure to encourage stakeholders to use the
esources efficiently?
 What are the recommendations for policy and procedure options with respect to effectiveness,
timeframe and cost of the implementation of the policy and procedure?
 Benchmark indicators of industry best practice
 What are the suitable methods of implementation, including communication procedures?
 The strategies for monitoring continuous improvement in sustainability practices.
Part Two
Your group is required to present the proposal (from Part One) to the management of SCEI (traine
and class students). Before the presentation you are required to provide a copy of your proposal to the
Your presentation should cover the following points:
 Workplace sustainability policy and procedure and its impacts (e.g. expected positive and negative
outcomes on stakeholders)
 Steps involved in implementing the policy and procedure including communication procedures
 Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders
 Strategies for continuous improvement in sustainability practices
Following the presentation you must gain feedback on your proposal:
 from the audience of your presentation
 from one of the managers (traine
Once you have received feedback, you are required to review the proposal and make the appropriate changes.
Your traine
assessor must approve the proposal before you can continue to Part Three.
Part Three
Now your proposal has been approved, develop the policy and procedure that reflects the organisation’s
commitment to sustainability as integral to its growth and development.
Your policy and procedure must be meet a standard policy and procedure structure:
 Policy and procedure title
 Purpose
 Scope
 Definitions
 Policy statements (policy headings, subheadings, statements)
 Procedures (procedure headings, subheadings, procedural steps)
Answered Same Day May 22, 2020 BSBSUS501 Training.Gov.Au


Soumi answered on May 28 2020
161 Votes
Running Head: QUESTIONING        1
Table of Contents
1. Purpose of maintaining the sustainability policy of a workplace:    3
2. Environmental or sustainability legislations maintained by Mater    3
3. Environmental Management System (EMS)    4
4. Example of procedure to review of implementation of sustainability at workplace in an organisation    4
5. Ba
iers in the implementation of those policies and strategies to address them    5
References    6
1. Purpose of maintaining the sustainability policy of a workplace:
A growing business is always responsible for helpfulness of society as well as they flourish their image when they takes the responsibility to provide a good manner and impact on the su
ounding environment. When a business is buzzing the world, it is also important to maintain the sustainable policies to give the world a positive future. Any kind of workplace should maintain the sustainability policy whatever it is an organisation or a study place. Sustainability policy includes both the internal as well as external drivers with respect to environmental dimension.
As per the statement of Norton, Zacher and Ashkanasy (2014), a clean environment gives a positive energy to the persons who belong to that environment and sometimes it is cost effective too. Henceforth, the sustainability will not only provide a good image to society it will also help to maximise the business. Most cost effective initiative is the waste product management and recycling of reusable products.
Green house is increasing nowadays which is affecting our health too. As explained by Gue
ero-Baena, Gomez-Limon and Fruet (2015), the energy source is going to be diminished day by day. Henceforth, use of energy or water should be in such a way that will basically give us a
ight future and will show an alternative way if the usual energy is finished.
2. Environmental or sustainability legislations maintained by Mate
The organisation Mater has taken initiative for maintaining of energy resource, waste management, facilities design, water consumption, and transport and stakeholder engagement. The sustainability program at Mater is taking a step to support the management of responsible matter and consumption of the resources of the organisation and their impact on environment for future benefit. Their sustainability team is in a full-dedicated position that was initiated to notify new opportunities, any initiative that can be taken and monitor the output of the program.
They follow the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007, which was described with the reporting requirements of National Pollutant Inventory. They also follows the...

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