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FINAL PROJECT Final Project Guidelines Please use this format to submit your final project. The paper must follow all the guidelines as instructed in order to obtain full grades. Remember that our...

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Final Project Guidelines
Please use this format to submit your final project. The paper must follow all the guidelines as instructed in order to obtain full grades.
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ections will be ca
ied out. To submit the final project, students must use the template below, with their answers written after each statement.
Please present your final paper according to these requirements:
Arial 12 Font.
Margin: 2,5.
Line spacing: 1,5.
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Be aware that you are permitted a maximum of two submissions per subject. If both projects do not meet the standards and fail, the student must pay the co
esponding fee to be evaluated again.
When writing your final project please use Microsoft Office, Adobe or Apache's Open Office Writer tools (DOC, DOCX, ODT, PDF, etc.). Please consult your tutor when using a different format. Additional information about the software will be needed.
Please use the following format:
11052018_Strategic Management_ElsaMoore.pdf
The project should not exceed more than 18 pages, excluding the cover page, bibliography and the appendix.
Evaluation Guidelines
The final work will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Acquired knowledge (25%): the knowledge acquired throughout the course of the subject will be evaluated through the analysis of the theoretical data shown in the project presented by the student.
Development of the Subject (25 %): the interpretation of the thesis subject by the student and its development will be evaluated in a coherent and analytical manner.
Final result (25%): the final evaluation is based on coherent solutions applied to solve objectives set out in the paper. The presentation must be conclusive and formatting must meet established parameters.
Additional information and bibliography (25%): additional information regarding the research and subject matter will be evaluated and taken into consideration as a bonus. This consist of: bibliography, visual graphics, charts, independent studies ca
ied out by the student, external academic sources, articles of opinion, etc. All sources, both printed and online, must be referenced according to the APA regulations.
BACHI Barcelona (http: is a company that sells medium-high range handbags and accessories for men and women. This project has been created by two friends, Meritxell and Nuria, passionate about fashion and fully orientated to the satisfaction of their customers through their products, and it has been in the market for one year.
These two enterprising women have a common idea: to create comfortable accessories but without sacrificing innovative designs. Therefore, their products seek differentiation through originality, because their patterns are visible both inside and outside of the bags, thereby creating a different product.
BACHI Barcelona stands out for online sales through a website that tries to be intuitive and with a high navigability whilst, of course, gaining visibility for their bags and accessories. In addition, it has the following services:
Complete catalogue of their accessories for online sale.
Filtering by categories and price system, to customize searches.
Offers and temporary discounts on some products.
Form for potential customers to request information.
Delivery service of 24-48 hours. Cost: € 5 (other costs assumed by BACHI Barcelona). However, they offer several promotions with free deliveries.
National and international shipments (European Union), although they are still not very clear how to penetrate international markets.
"Stories by Bachi" blog, where they report announcements and related news.
Newsletter service (previous subscription with welcome gift).
Access to their social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.
In relation to other information of interest:
Human capital is composed only of them: Meritxell and Nuria. They both have extensive knowledge of the fashion industry and new trends. Also, they have earned a degree in Law, so they have great knowledge in legal matters.
High involvement, enthusiasm, desire to grow and meet the needs of customers in the fashion and accessories sector.
They have external consultants in different areas such as Marketing, Community Manager, Web Positioning, Accounting, Photography, Web Programming or Modelling.
Clear awareness of the importance of the presence of BACHI Barcelona in social media to obtain a good position in the market.
Low bargaining power of the price of the deliveries until they start getting a higher number of orders.
Very close relationship with their suppliers. Cu
ently they are working with 20 suppliers because of the many details that their accessories have. These are local Eco Friendly suppliers, thus contributing to the sustainability and development of local commerce, even though this may translate into less competitive prices than if they worked with suppliers from countries with different labor rights cultures.
All their designs are unique and handcrafted in Barcelona.
The stock policy is very clear: refuse to work on request. They prefer to have surplus for all their star and classic products. They will only work on request for cost or limited edition designs.
At a financial level, they work with a Business Expansion Account for SMEs with advantageous conditions in terms of fees and bank charges, but they do not have financing.
They often base their strategy on participating in fairs and events to
ing their product and
and closer to the public, at strategic points such as Barcelona, Tarifa and different Italian cities, avant-garde in the latest fashion.
ently BACHI Barcelona faces stiff competition. Their main competitors are:
Zubi (http:
Afortunadas (https:
Meritxell and Nuria have some priorities related to gaining presence in social networks and increasing their competitive advantages over their main competitors. They consider it very important to increase the number of subscribers on the web, get more followers to increase visibility, try new ways of online communication (guest posting, banners, collaboration with bloggers and other national and international friendly companies) and increase sales from the promotions they make.
Although they are very aware of these facts, they have never stopped to elaborate a strategic plan that helps them achieve their main goals for BACHI Barcelona. For this reason they’re contacting you to help them in this task.
Create the mission, vision and values of BACHI Barcelona
With the information provided, we need to ca
y out an internal analysis based on the evaluation of both the website and any internal elements mentioned.
Describe and explore the competitive advantages and disadvantages of BACHI regarding its competitors.
Identify the tangible resources (physical and financial), the intangible resources and the capacities that we have.
Prepares a VRIO analysis of the resources of BACHI Barcelona
Conclude the exercise with a small matrix that reflects the resulting Strengths and Weaknesses.
Perform an external analysis (macroenvironment and microenvironment) of the cu
ent situation.
PEST analysis.
4 elements of the economic structure.
2 elements of the technological structure.
2 elements of the political structure.
2 elements of the social structure.
Analysis of the 5 Porter Forces
Bargaining power with suppliers.
Power of negotiation of the consumers.
Threat on income of substitute products.
Threat of new competitors.
Rivalry among competitors.
End the exercise with a small matrix that reflects the resulting Opportunities and Threats.
In accordance with the Weaknesses, Strengths (internal analysis), Opportunities and Threats (external analysis), propose the following:
Defensive strategy.
Offensive strategy.
Survival strategy.
Reorientation Strategy.
Develop a BSC in the form of a matrix.
Based on the contribution of Michael Porter, you must propose and justify the following (one of each):
Strategy in Cost Leadership.
Differentiation Strategy.
Focus Strategy.
Training program:
MBS: Master of Business Administration
Strategic Management
Last Name/Surname: Kluvia Obamwonyi
Name: Ruth
ID/Passport: AM170894
Address: 42 Rathangan Manor, Bracknagh Road
Region: Rathangan, County Kildare
Country: Ireland
Date: 16/02/21
ENEB Business School
Answered 18 days After Apr 09, 2021


Arunavo answered on Apr 28 2021
157 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Mission, Vision and Values    3
Internal Analysis    3
External Analysis    5
SWOT Strategies    9
BCG Matrix    10
Justification of Porters Strategy    11
Conclusion    11
References    12
For the operation of a company there are various parameters that are required to be considered while working. These considerations include the analysis of company’s competitive advantages and disadvantages, along with the identification of their tangible and intangible resources. These analysis will help the company where they stand in the market, and that too against their competitors. In this report a detailed discussion is done with respect to the competitive analysis of BACHI Barcelona along with the different external analysis for the proper strategic management of the company to ensure successful operation of the company.
Mission, Vision and Values
Mission, vision and values are considered as the backbone of any company, which describes the guiding principles of the company. The mission, vision and values of BACHI Barcelona (2021)[footnoteRef:1] is as follows: [1: https:]
Mission Statement: To cater the needs of the clients by offering the best of class products.
Vision Statement: To create a legacy in the fashion industry, where the people will feel more complete by using these products.
Values Statement: To provide customers with utmost satisfaction, and also value the employees who are contributing towards the success of the organization.
Internal Analysis
Each and every company conducts their strategic management plan for which many parameters need to be covered. Among all the parameters the important parameter is performing the internal analysis. As discussed by Ariyani and Daryanto (2018) [footnoteRef:2] performing the internal analysis allows in identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. This analysis will help in identification of a company regarding their advantages, their disadvantages, their available resources and their capacities. [2: Ariyani, W., & Daryanto, A. (2018). Operationalization of Internal Analysis Using the VRIO Framework: Development of Scale for Resource and Capabilities Organization (Case Study: XYZ Company Animal Feed Business Unit). Asian Business Research Journal, 3, 9-14.]
Competitive advantages: They have a well-prepared website, where all the details of the products are given along with the price. The company offers timely discounts over the products. The company delivers the ordered product to the customers within 24 to 48 hours. They have a good collaboration with the national and international shipments (European Union). They have a close relationship with the suppliers, which is presently 20 in number, which assures that the company never runs out of stock of the products.
Competitive Disadvantages: The company does not have the international penetration, even after they have connections with the international shipments. The company is not regular with their discount offers, which Zubi and Afortunadas do offer in order to attract more potential customers. More product category needs to be included in the product portfolio.
Tangible Resources: The company has a good supply of raw materials because of their close relationship with their suppliers, which ensures that the company never runs out of stock. The company do have a sound knowledge of the fashion industry through the human capital they have in the disposal. The company is also having a good financial position to work in the market. The company has a good contacts of models available to them.
Intangible Resources: The company has a good social media presence, which makes it popular and accessible to the customers. The company has different consultants contacts, such as community manager, web positioning associate, accounting, photography, web programming, which are the asset for the company.
VRIO Analysis: VRIO analysis is a framework that lets the companies to assess their competitive advantage. As discussed by Fathurahman and Huseini (2018) [footnoteRef:3] in VRIO analysis there are four aspects which needs to be considered, such as Value, Rarity, Imitability and Organization. The company needs to analyse at first that how much valuable their products will be compared to the competitors, such as Zubi and Afortunadas. [3: Fathurahman, H., & Huseini, M. (2018). Mapping of regional economic potential based on creative economy to support creation of regional competitiveness. KnE Social Sciences, 310-332.]
The next thing that needs to be analysed in the VRIO analysis is the rarity of the product. This means that how common the products are available in the market. Is the mater already saturated for the products or still there is lot of potential available for the company in the market.
The third aspect that need to be considered is that whether the product can be imitated or not. How much difficulties will the competitors have to ca
y while copying the product is another factor that needs to be considered.
The fourth aspect that needs to be considered is the organizations economic condition regarding the products and services. This needs to be considered by BACHI Barcelona while making their strategic planning.
Strengths and Weaknesses: It is important to have a list of company’s strengths and weaknesses, which will help them to analyse their position and also it will help in forming their strategic plan. The strengths and weaknesses are as follows:
    Â· The company has a good financial position
· The company has good relationship with the suppliers for the raw materials
· The company has good product range
· Company provides discounts occasionally
· The company has strong market presence
    Â· The company does not have penetration in internal market
· The company does not offer regular discounts compared with the competitors
· The company does not have the product range compared to competitors
External Analysis
External analysis of a company is the examining the external environment or the industry related on which the company is operating. Yusman (2020)[footnoteRef:4] has discussed that there are certain factors that needs to be analysed in the external analysis of the environment, such as competitive structure, competitive position, dynamics and the history. The primary purpose of the external analysis is to determine the opportunities and threats in the industry or any segment that will drive the profitability, growth and the volatility. The external analysis, which is the macroenvironment and microenvironment analysis is done on certain aspects, among which the first aspect is PEST analysis. [4: Yusman, D. A. (2020). An Analysis Of...

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