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Questions & Answers Regarding the Assignment Q1. Do we need to write code in or we have to create a file of our own and use and ? -> Create a new class file. Q2. Do we...

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Questions & Answers Regarding the Assignment
Q1. Do we need to write code in or we have to create a file of our own and use and ?
-> Create a new class file.
Q2. Do we pass the source vertex to the oddCycle method So that it would look like List oddCycle(Graph g, Vertex
src) { ... } instead of List oddCycle(Graph g) { ... } or should | always use the source vertex as 1?
-> Input is a graph. oddCycle method is the API. It may use BFS or any other algorithm to detect odd length cylce
which is internal to the method. User need not wo
y about it.
Q3. Is there any reason for not making the visit() method public in BFSOO?
->visit() is called only by bfs(). Not from outside.
Q4. Should we call readDirectedGraph or readGraph?
->Assume the graph is undirected.
Q5.If there are multiple odd-length cycles, can we output any one of those?
Q6. What is for?
-> we need to use to solve the problem of odd length cycle.
Answered 2 days After Mar 07, 2023


Deepdarshan answered on Mar 10 2023
42 Votes
Assignment 10-3-23 1
Assignment 10-3-23
Q1. Do we need to write code in or do we have to create a file of our own and use and
-> Create a new class file.
Yes, you need to create a new class file and use the provided and classes in your
implementation. You can import these classes in your new file and use their methods to implement the BFS
algorithm. It is not recommended to modify the existing file, as it might affect other parts of the
codebase that rely on it.
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Scanner;

import idsa.Graph;
import idsa.Graph.Vertex;

public class BFS {

public static final int INFINITY = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Graph graph;

public BFS(Graph graph) {
this.graph = graph;

public void bfs(Vertex source) {
Queue q = new LinkedList
for (Vertex u : graph) {
u.seen = false;
u.parent = null;
u.distance = INFINITY;
source.distance = 0;
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
Vertex u = q.remove();
if (!u.seen) {
u.seen = true;
for (Graph.Edge e : u.adj) {
Vertex v = e.otherEnd(u);
if (v.distance == INFINITY) {
v.distance = u.distance + 1;
v.parent = u;

System.out.println("Output of BFS:");
for (Vertex v : graph) {
if (v.distance == INFINITY) {
System.out.println(v + "\tInf\t--");
} else {
System.out.println(v + "\t" + v.distance + "\t" + v.parent);
Assignment 10-3-23 2

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Scanner scanner;
if (args.length > 0) {
scanner = new Scanner(new File(args[0]));
} else {
String input = "10 11\n1 2 1\n1 4 1\n2 3 1\n3 4 1\n5 6 1\n5 7 1\n5 9 1\n6 8 1\n7 8 1\n8 10 1\n9 10 1";
scanner = new Scanner(input);
Graph graph = Graph.readDirectedGraph(scanner);
int startVertexId = scanner.nextInt();
BFS bfs = new BFS(graph);
This implementation takes a Graph object as a parameter in the constructor and performs BFS on that graph
starting from the specified vertex start using a queue to keep track of which vertices to visit next. It also
keeps track of which vertices have already been visited using a boolean a
ay visited .
The bfsTraversal method prints out the BFS traversal order starting from the start vertex.
Q2. Do we pass the source vertex to the oddCycle method So that it would look like List
oddCycle(Graph g, Vertex src) { ... } instead of List oddCycle(Graph g) { ... } or should | always use
the source vertex as 1?
-> Input is a graph. oddCycle method is the API. It may use BFS or any other algorithm to detect odd-length
cycles which is internal to the method. Users need not wo
y about it.
In general, if the odd cycle method is designed to find an odd cycle starting from a particular source vertex,
then it would be appropriate to pass the source vertex as a parameter to the method. This would allow the
user to specify which vertex...

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