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I need help with this assignment please, the time is Australian time. Thank you very much

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Task title
    Draft due date
    Final due date
    Is it hot in here?
    5pm Wednesday 2nd August
    5pm Friday 11th August
    Problem solving and modelling task
    Written: up to 10 pages, max 1000 words (excl. Appendices)
    Text type
    Formal mathematical report
    3 weeks
    Task purpose
    Apply the problem-solving and modelling approach (formulate, solve, evaluate and communicate) to investigate and model a situation to formulate a conclusion. Construct, describe and interpret bivariate data displays where the independent variable is time (using appropriate digital technologies). Evaluate statistical reports by linking claims to displays, statistics and representative data.
    Australia’s weather and climate are changing in response to a warming global climate. Australia has warmed on average by 1.44 ± 0.24 °C since national records began in 1910, with most warming occu
ing since 1950 and every decade since then being warmer than the ones before.
Australia’s warmest year on record was 2019, and the seven years from 2013 to 2019 all rank in the nine warmest years.
This long-term warming trend means that most years are now warmer than almost any observed during the 20th century. When relatively cooler years do occur, it is because natural drivers that typically cool Australia’s climate, such as La Niña, act to partially offset the background warming trend.
Bureau of meteorology. (2020). State of the climate 2020: Australia’s official weather forecasts & weather radar – Bureau of Meteorology. Retrieved from https:
Task details
    Your task is to use statistics to investigate whether Australia is getting hotter.
You need to write a formal mathematical report that includes the following:
· Design your plan to investigate whether Australia is getting hotter by considering temperatures.
· Collect and display Australian temperature data for at least 2 locations from http: (you will need to use spreadsheet technology).
· Describe and interpret the temperature data displays you have constructed.
· Evaluate the validity of your results, refining if necessary, to determine whether Australia is getting hotter.
    · You are required to use the problem-solving and modelling approach – see the “Student Guide” provided in Blackboard for further information.
· You need to collect data for at least two (2) locations in Australia.
· It is recommended you choose ACORN-SAT stations. These have long-term temperature data. http:
· Your solution needs to be communicated using a report genre (introduction, body and conclusion) which can be read independently of this task sheet – see the “Report Template” provided in Blackboard.
    Some recommended resources:
· Climate Data Online http:
· Long-term temperature record http:
    · 5pm Wednesday 26th July: Students submit their progress to Checkpoint 1 via OneNote or as directed by your teacher.
· 5pm Wednesday 2nd August: Students submit their draft to Draft via QLearn dropbox.
· 5pm Friday 11th August (Due date): Students submit their final to Final via QLearn dropbox.

10 Standard Mathematics
SA3: Problem-solving and modelling task
    First name plus surname initial e.g. Beth S.
    Wednesday 19/07/2023
    Draft due
    Wednesday 02/08/2023
    Due date
    Uploaded to QLearn by 5PM 11/08/2023
    Total word count 
    Excluded word count 
    Included word count 
Table of Contents

1.    Introduction    3
2.    Considerations    3
2.1.    Variables    3
2.2.    Observations    3
2.3.    Assumptions    3
2.4.    Mathematical concepts    3
2.5.    Use of technology    3
3.    Mathematical Procedures    3
3.1.    Location    3
3.2.    Location    3
3.3.    Summary    3
4.    Evaluation    3
4.1.    Reasonableness of the solution    3
4.2.    Strengths and Limitations    4
4.2.1    Strengths    4
4.2.2    Limitations    4
5.    Conclusion    4
References    5
Appendix 1 INSERT TITLE HERE    6
Appendix 2 INSERT TITLE HERE    7
1. Introduction
2. Considerations
2.1. Variables
2.2. Observations
2.3. Assumptions
2.4. Mathematical concepts
2.5. Use of technology
3. Mathematical Procedures
3.1. Location
3.2. Location
3.3. Summary
4. Evaluation
4.1. Reasonableness of the solution
4.2. Strengths and Limitations
4.2.1 Strengths

4.2.2 Limitations
5. Conclusion
        Page 8 of 8

Guide: How to use the Problem Solving and Modelling approach
Describe how you plan to solve the problem and document any appropriate assumptions, observations, and variables. You will need to:
· Research your locations and identify the variables you will be using (give reasons for your choices)
· Collect your data from the Bureau of Meteorology website
· 2 relevant observations about the context, variables or data
· 2 appropriate assumptions about the context, variables or data
· Outline the steps you plan to take to solve this problem
· Identify and explain the mathematical concepts and techniques you will use to solve this problem.
· Identify the technology you are going to use and what you are going to use it fo
Apply the concepts, techniques and steps you discussed to solve the problem. It is important for you to show the highest level of mathematical technique you can achieve. All graphs must be digitally produced.
· Construct a spreadsheet to appropriately display and work with your data
· Use the spreadsheet to create appropriate graphs to display changes in temperature (with the equation of the line)
· Describe the graph (s)
· Interpret the graph (s)
    Evaluate and Justify
Is your solution reasonable and valid? Make a judgement about your response. Have you shown all the necessary calculations and verified all of your solutions and conclusions? Consider any issues that may be relevant.
· Discuss whether your results are reasonable. Consider the choices you made, process you followed, your observations, assumptions and results.
· Did your data provide enough information to evaluate whether Australia is getting hotter?
· Did you have enough temperature data points?
· Did you record data over a sufficiently long period of time?
· Justify your decisions and conclusions
· Explain where you may have made some adjustments to your data or model
· Discuss the strengths and limitations of your investigation. Discuss location choices, choice of data, graphing technique etc.
· Ensure you show all working including relevant formulas
· Round all answers to 2 decimal points
· Include appropriate units of measure
· Ensure your report has an Introduction, Body and Conclusion
· Ensure your report can be read independently of the task sheet
· Check you have answered the original problem posed

Guide: How to use the Problem Solving and Modelling approach
Describe how you plan to solve the problem and document any appropriate assumptions, observations, and variables. You will need to:
· Research your locations and identify the variables you will be using (give reasons for your choices)
· Collect your data from the Bureau of Meteorology website
· 2 relevant observations about the context, variables or data
· 2 appropriate assumptions about the context, variables or data
· Outline the steps you plan to take to solve this problem
· Identify and explain the mathematical concepts and techniques you will use to solve this problem.
· Identify the technology you are going to use and what you are going to use it fo
Apply the concepts, techniques and steps you discussed to solve the problem. It is important for you to show the highest level of mathematical technique you can achieve. All graphs must be digitally produced.
· Construct a spreadsheet to appropriately display and work with your data
· Use the spreadsheet to create appropriate graphs to display changes in temperature (with the equation of the line)
· Describe the graph (s)
· Interpret the graph (s)
    Evaluate and Justify
Is your solution reasonable and valid? Make a judgement about your response. Have you shown all the necessary calculations and verified all of your solutions and conclusions? Consider any issues that may be relevant.
· Discuss whether your results are reasonable. Consider the choices you made, process you followed, your observations, assumptions and results.
· Did your data provide enough information to evaluate whether Australia is getting hotter?
· Did you have enough temperature data points?
· Did you record data over a sufficiently long period of time?
· Justify your decisions and conclusions
· Explain where you may have made some adjustments to your data or model
· Discuss the strengths and limitations of your investigation. Discuss location choices, choice of data, graphing technique etc.
· Ensure you show all working including relevant formulas
· Round all answers to 2 decimal points
· Include appropriate units of measure
· Ensure your report has an Introduction, Body and Conclusion
· Ensure your report can be read independently of the task sheet
· Check you have answered the original problem posed
Answered 1 days After Jul 26, 2023


Dr Shweta answered on Jul 27 2023
42 Votes

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