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Chronic Illness Management Written Assignment Word Limit: 2000 words Weighting: 40% Due Date: Monday September 3rd, 2018 by 5pm AIM: The aim of this assignment is for students to demonstrate an...

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Chronic Illness Management
Written Assignment
Word Limit: 2000 words
Weighting: 40%
Due Date: Monday September 3rd, 2018 by 5pm

The aim of this assignment is for students to demonstrate an understanding of culturally safe
health promotion strategies, including education strategies that address the needs of clients
with chronic diseases that empowers them to self-manage their condition. The provision of
education to enable people to make decisions and to take actions in relation to their health is
part of the role of the Registered Nurse (Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia, 2016).
Additionally, culturally safe and respectful practice requires having knowledge of how a nurses
own culture, values, attitudes assumptions and beliefs influence their interaction with people
and families, the community and colleagues (Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia, Code of
Conduct 2018)
This assignment addresses the following course learning outcomes:
• Apply health promotion and illness prevention practices in a culturally safe manner to
support people diagnosed with chronic illness;
• Analyse primary health care and health promotion strategies that address the needs of
those with chronic diseases.
For this assignment, you are required to use the client scenario given below and write a 2000-
word structured essay in which you:
1. Provide an overview of one (1) of the chosen client’s chronic conditions/illnesses;
2. Describe one (1) actual and/or potential health concern for the client;
3. Identify two (2) appropriate topics for client education (for the identified health
4. Explain how each topic addresses the actual and/or potential health concern for the
client and how each topic will assist the client to self-manage their chronic condition
and optimise their health;
5. Describe two (2) specific, appropriate client education strategies that the Registered
Nurse would use to teach the chosen education topics (one strategy for each topic).
Include details of how the education will be structured and delivered (i.e., method/tool
used, setting for education, participants to be involved, etc.).
6. Using scholarly literature, justify your choice of education strategies for this particular
7. Reflect on how your own culture, values, attitudes assumptions and beliefs may
influence your interactions with the respective client (i.e., Mr Polaris) and their families,
the community and colleagues.
• Ensure you use a client /patient-centred and/or family-centred approach that optimises
individual self-management and promotes active participation of the individual and
family in illness management.
• You must support all sections of your essay with scholarly literature from the past 5
1. You must include an Assignment Title Page as per the university’s Health Writing &
Referencing Guide.
2. The use of headings is acceptable and appropriate for this essay.
3. The application of a recognised model of reflection (e.g., Gi
s Cycle of Reflective
Practice) is recommended for the final part of this task.
4. Present your essay, co
ectly formatted as per the University’s Health Writing and
Referencing formatting guidelines (e.g. spacing, page number, etc.), AND a co
formatted reference list according to APA 6th edition. You do not need to include the
marking criteria with your submission.
5. Assemble all pages into one document. Format file is to be MS Word only (.doc) or
6. Check that the file you have uploaded has been successfully submitted into the
Submission Inbox and retain a copy of the digital receipt for the final assignment
7. Submit online via the relevant campus specific Turnitin submission point on the course
site under the Assessment tab.
8. For more help with Turnitin Assignment submissions go to: Turnitin


Mr George Polaris, is a 62-year old Italian man who has presented to hospital with increased
shortness of
eath, fever and a productive cough. He has been admitted to your ward for
treatment of a chest infection. George has undergone a series of respiratory
examinations/tests and has been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD). George has a history of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). George has been
prescribed intravenous (IV) antibiotics, IV therapy and
onchodilators. It is 10:00 am and you
are the Registered Nurse undertaking George’s primary and secondary assessment. He explains
to you that he had several episodes of shortness of
eath and a cough on exertion over the last
year, but he thought he was just getting old and was not able to work hard any more. Prior to
George’s hospital admission, his shortness of
eath was a lot worse. He has also lost several
kilograms, and now weighs 75 kg with a height of 178cms. George tells you that he works as a
labourer in the construction industry and lives with his wife, who works at the local
supermarket. He is a smoker who has smoked 20 cigarettes/day since he was 14 years old.
George says he does not drink and has no known allergies.
ent vital signs:
Temperature 36.7°C, Blood Pressure 135/88 mmHg, Pulse 100 beats/min, and Respiratory Rate
Prescribed Medications:
• Salbutamol (Ventolin)100 micrograms MDI, 2 puffs when required up to 4 times daily
• Tiotropium (Spiriva) 18 mcg inhaled by mouth OD
ent Medications
• Esomeprazole magnesium (Nexium) 40 mg PO OD

2807 NRS
Chronic Illness Management
Essay Task Breakdown and Assessment Advice
What are the most common mistakes in essay writing?
Not understanding the question and not seeking help
Not meeting all components of the criteria
Writing descriptively when you are being asked to ‘critically analyse’
Poor Grammar or Referencing technique
Understanding the Task & Answering the Question
It is essential that you have a thorough understanding of the task and what it is you need to demonstrate in your writing.
See your Convenor EARLY during their consult hours and clarify you are on the right track
Take your Essay plan with you to see your conveno
An essay plan should be:
1 x A4 page in size
Broken down into sections that link to the criteria
Include your key points for each section
Visit the li
ary website at:

Don’t Give Away Easy Marks
Use the ‘Health Group Academic Writing & Referencing Guide’ incessantly! Failure to adhere to the guidelines for presentation costs you easy marks
Pay attention to detail in your referencing technique and presentation as this can cost you ‘easy’ marks
The referencing, presentation, structure & grammar are all marks that each student should be able to achieve by following a few easy steps.
How to write an Introduction & Conclusion
The Introduction
Acts as a ‘roadmap’ to your reade
Several distinct parts to an introduction
Introducing the topic/subject area- The main aim of the first part of any introduction is to introduce the topic or subject area, and the most important concept(s) relevant to answering the question
Aim or purpose - Indicate the aim or purpose of the assignment
Structure or overall plan - Signal how you will present information in the assignment. In what order will the key points appear?
The Conclusion
A conclusion is a summary of all the main points discussed in the assignment
Contains no new ideas or information
Lists your key points
Relates key points directly back to the question/argument.
Do not make sweeping philosophical statements in your conclusion! It’s not about you…
This Task
Word Limit: 2000 words
Weighting: 40%
Due Date: Monday September 3rd, 2018 by 5pm
The aim of this assignment is for students to demonstrate an understanding of culturally safe health promotion strategies, including education strategies that address the needs of clients with chronic diseases that empowers them to self-manage their condition. The provision of education to enable people to make decisions and to take actions in relation to their health is part of the role of the Registered Nurse (Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia, XXXXXXXXXXAdditionally, culturally safe and respectful practice requires having knowledge of how a nurses own culture, values, attitudes assumptions and beliefs influence their interaction with people and families, the community and colleagues (Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia, Code of Conduct 2018)
For this assignment, you are required to use the client scenario given below
Mr George Polaris
You are asked to:
Provide an overview of one (1) of the chosen client’s chronic conditions/illnesses;
Describe one (1) actual and/or potential health concern for the client;
Identify two (2) appropriate topics for client education (for the identified health concern).
Explain how each topic addresses the actual and/or potential health concern for the client and how each topic will assist the client to self-manage their chronic condition and optimise their health;
Describe two (2) specific, appropriate client education strategies that the Registered Nurse would use to teach the chosen education topics (one strategy for each topic). Include details of how the education will be structured and delivered (i.e., method/tool used, setting for education, participants to be involved, etc.).
Using scholarly literature, justify your choice of education strategies for this particular client.
Reflect on how your own culture, values, attitudes assumptions and beliefs may influence your interactions with the respective client (i.e. Mr Polaris) and their families, the community and colleagues.
In summary, there are 7 components that make up this task:
Step 1: Provide an overview of the client’s condition
Step 2: Clearly describe 1 actual &/or potential health concerns
Step 3: Select the education topics that are appropriate for pt education
Step 4: Explain how each topic will address the concern & assist pt to self manage
Step 5: Describe two (2) specific, appropriate client education strategies that the         Registered Nurse would use to teach the chosen education topics &         describe how this education would happen
Step 6: Justify your choice of education strategies i.e. explain how they have been shown to be beneficial and assist patients.
Step 7: Reflect
The Marking Criteria…Your recipe for Success!
    Assignment has as an introduction that contextualises the assignment and identifies the aim of the assignment
Answered Same Day Aug 17, 2020


Soumi answered on Aug 25 2020
125 Votes
Running Head: Chronic Illness And Relevant Education Strategies    1
Chronic Illness And Relevant Education Strategies    2
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Client health concerns    4
Topics for client education    4
Education Strategies    6
Reflection    7
Conclusion    8
References    9
According to Joachim and Acorn (2016), Chronic illness refers to the health disorders that tend to be persistent. They have a lasting impact on a patient’s health and hence, may require repeated or prolonged medication. Apart from providing therapies and administering medications, the nurses have an extended responsibility of educating the patients about the various aspects of their disease. This empowers them with the ability to evaluate, interpret their situation and make relevant choices that would help them to self- manage their situation. This essay attempts to understand the concepts of chronic illness, relevant education strategies as well as reflective practice in the fields of healthcare.
Overview of the client’s condition
The case study involves the condition of Mr. George Polaris, a 62 year old man. He had complaints of shortening of
eath, fever as well as increased cough. He had developed chest infection and upon medical examination, it was established that he was suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). COPD refers to a chronic illness emanating from hindrance to airflow from the lungs. The hindrance may be caused by conditions of chronic
onchitis as well as emphysema. It is an inflammatory condition which leads to shortness of
eath, bouts of cough, wheezing, increased mucus secretion accompanying cough, tightness in chest, weight loss as well as fever. A number of contributing factors have been recognized for COPD.
Smokers have been shown to be at greater risk of the disease. Occupational exposure to dust, fumes, persistent air pollutants as well as having other airway disorders may increase propensity towards developing COPD. This disease, though also thought to be genetically predetermined, is more prevalent among old people. The people having this disorder are more prone to developing serious complications as well. People with this condition have a greater tendency to developing serious respiratory illness, pneumonia, cardiac problems, lung cancer and depression. Hence, proper management of the condition is crucial.
Client health concerns
One of the actual health problems that the patient cu
ently faces simultaneously with the COPD is chest infection. Chest infection could develop in both, the air sacs of the lungs as well as the airways. As mentioned by Hewitt et al. (2016), chest infections could be bacterial or viral in origin and could worsen the severity of COPD. Infections could lead to an exace
ation of the symptoms involved in COPD resulting in increased mucus production, increased fever, more episodes of intense coughing as well as an increased wheezing. The patient may also experience immense chest pain and need immediate antibiotic medication. As noted by Kew and Seniukovich (2014), if not treated properly, the conditions could worsen leading to pneumonia.
As stated by Blakemore et al. (2014), a potential health problem that could arise in patients of COPD besides pneumonia may be depression .The physical changes of impaired
eathing, lack of energy, incapacitation to work, weight loss and other associated problems
ought in by the disease tends to cause mood swings, anxiety, depression, frequency and subsequent feelings of worthlessness among the patients. According to statistics, about 40% of individuals suffering from COPD have been diagnosed with depression (Health line, Overcoming Depression with COPD 2016). Anxiety may also affect the recovery of the patient and worsen the course of the disease, thus, delaying the patient’s recovery.
Topics for client education
To address the actual and potential problems of chest pain leading to probable onset of pneumonia as well as depression, the patient would have to be provided with a clear perception of the disease and the various contributing factors. Knowing the risk factors involved in
inging about the condition would help the patients take necessary steps to mitigate the disease as well as prevent it. In case of the incidences of chest infection and impending pneumonia, the clients should be educated about the probable things they did on a daily basis that could initiate the onset of the disease.
For instance, in case of Mr. Polaris, it was mentioned that he was a heavy...

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