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i need help with my child development portfolio assignment

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i need help with my child development portfolio assignment
Answered Same Day Apr 29, 2020


Anju Lata answered on May 02 2020
150 Votes
During the preschool age, it is essential to help the students to understand that learning is an interesting and enjoyable process (UNICEF). Children may get engaged in various preschool activities at their learning centers like number matching, painting, a
anging blocks, and playing with sand dough and many more. All these playful activities encourage children to learn new skills in a playful manner. Interesting playful activities can be related to any learning area like science, art, sand n water, blocks, music and many others. Such activities develop innovative ideas in children, improve their creativity and let them feel the things with their own little hands.
The paper presents four learning activities from four different learning centers, for non gender bias learning of preschool students. The four learning centers taken in this study are Sand-and- Water, Blocks, Arts, and Science.
Age Group:3-5 years
Learning Goals/ Objectives: To involve the children in
ick making activity using sand/mud and water; to develop sensory and motor skills as it engages all of their senses.
Material Needed: Sand/mud, water, a table, colored sand, sand toys like a scoop, shovel, bucket, beach toy, funnel toy, trucks, boats, sand castle, plastic containers, etc.
Let the child measure the right quantity of sand/ mud with help of measuring cup and assist him in putting the mud into the bowl. Then help him to take the right amount of water in the measuring cup and pour the water into the mud mixing it properly. He can also add the color to the mixture if he want to give the
ick a certain color(Daniel). Help him to do so. Using the fingers ask him to mix the solution and help him to put the mud equally in the ice cube tray compartments and press the filling on the surface to clearly let it fill in the shape of compartment. Let him put the tray in sun to dry a little. After sometime let him empty the contents of the tray on the ground. He will be very happy to see the colorful a
ay of rectangular shapes made by him. Alternatively, the children can also use active sand and fill it in these structures to make the
icks which can be demolished later on. Such activities develop fun in children towards learning and they prefer to indulge in learning activities for a longer time instead of running away from the class. The teacher must use effective, warm and cordial language while communicating with the children and must not be aggressive at any point in time. It may lose the interest of child in the concerned activity and can harness his natural learning interest.
Many other activities can be a
anged using sand and water like filling the plastic containers with sand, Sinking and floating the objects in water, and finding the hidden objects from inside the sand and water etc.
For sand and water activities, the teachers need to prepare the sand/mud and water table for starting the activity. We can use any normal table and put a
oad rectangular bin on it filled with sand. We can spray a little water all over the sand to avoid its spread in the classroom. The area of play will become noisy so it must be away from the computer lab or li
ary and near to other activity centers. We can use water separately to demonstrate the concept like sink or float. For sand and water game, place all the required toys on the table and let the kids explore. We can depict the presence of animals in the sand by hiding plastic dinosaurs, turtles, and crocodiles in the sand.
Children generally engage with the things present around them by involving all their senses. Different shapes and colors attract them. They learn many things by doing daily activities at home. Thus, expanding the opportunities of hands-on activities opens up new exciting ways for the children to learn and perceive them. Sand and water are smooth and comfortable in touch. Children generally like to play in the sand near beaches for many hours. They also love to play with water. Offering the children a safe and rich environment will develop their cognitive skills considerably.
The learning must not be just limited to certain activities. We can explore all the possibilities of playing and learning with the available resources. As a teacher to initiate their cognitive skills we may ask them open-ended questions like I think.. or I wonder. I wonder how many scoops will fill this container. I wonder shall this thing sink or float in water? How did you make those tracks on the sand? Etc.
The teacher can show the children to use the shovel to dig the sand and take out some sand in the shovel and fill the dump truck by repeatedly taking the sand and putting that scoop into the truck. After the truck fills up, we can take the truck driving away and dump the sand fill at some point on the table. By demonstrating the property of sand to take the shape of its container, we can fill the toys with sand and press it, later on inverting the shape to make it (Rymanovicz). We can use many shapes like sea animals, vehicles or any other. We can make the castle with the collaboration of all the students and can place many toys in the nea
y area to make it look more like a beach. The sand can also be mixed with colors to make it colorful or alternatively we can take colorful sand to design colorful shapes from it. We can demonstrate the use of sand toy whose wheel revolves on pouring the sand from the upper side. With water, we can do demonstrate the activities like sink or float to involve the children in understanding the concept practically. We can ask them Do you think this watermelon will sink in the water bucket or float? Then we can show them the demonstration. We can do this repeatedly by putting different things in water. We can show them how the water can be mixed with soap and can be used to make bu
les. It would be an interesting activity for the children. We can ask them the names of some water animals and can put the plastic water animals in water.
What makes the activity non gender biased: The activity mainly depends upon water and sand. It can be used by both the boys and girls along with physically disabled children. By using the sand and water table, the children will learn creativity when they will practice different activities on their own with sand and water. While creating and manipulating the shapes children will develop coordination and motor control. They will identify the sinking and floating tendency of different objects. It will improve their cognitive skills. Their problem-solving skills will develop as they experiment with different things in sand and water. The learning through this activity will relate them to many other areas like science, and arts. Through sand dough...

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