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Course Design Document The Seven Sacraments Course Design Document – LDT 670 November, 2022 Table of Content Course Description The children in Our Lady of Victory Parish who have made their...

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Course Design Document
The Seven Sacraments
Course Design Document – LDT 670
November, 2022
Table of Content
Course Description
The children in Our Lady of Victory Parish who have made their First Holy Communion and are enrolled in the Catechism class (preparatory course) to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation have not shown proficiency in knowledge of the Seven Sacraments, which they should have learned before receiving First Holy Communion. Could it be that the material was not well taught or the children did not commit it to memory? This course will serve to present material on the Seven Sacraments in a comprehensive yet age-appropriate way to give children preparing for reception of the Sacraments a good foundation in the Faith.
Course RationaleThere has been a steady decline in the practice of the Faith (Catholic) over the past decades.
Pew Research XXXXXXXXXXhas the number of Catholics in the U.S. at 51million which was a decline in 24% between the years 2007 to 2014. The same study found that the Catholic church experienced a greater net loss than any other religious tradition due to members leaving or switching to other traditions. The foundation no doubt for the decline starts from poor catechesis. This course is relevant in that it will provide a good foundation for learning the Faith. This is geared toward children in preparing to receive the Sacraments so that they do not only have a good understand of what they are entering into but also a solid faith foundation upon which they can continue to build for the rest of their lives.
Target Audience
The target audience is children of OLV parish, 7 years and above who are enrolled in preparatory classes for the reception of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist i.e., First Holy Communion. Also, the material could be used at home by families who are interested in teaching their children (all ages) about the Faith.
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)/Stakeholders
SME providing the resources for the development of this course includes the Parish Priest of OLV Parish, Coordinator of Faith Formation from the Diocese of Waterville, ME, Child/Early Education Expert, Parish Volunteer Catechists. Stakeholders interested in the successful implementation of the course includes the Diocese, Parents and the local community.
All learners (whether at home based or enrolled in Catechism class) must be of the age of reason, and able to understand and assimilate course material. For all children enrolled in the Catechism class, they must be registered at OLV parish and have received the Sacrament of Baptism.
Course Length
The course will take place over a period of 2 weeks. The course time shall be 1 hour during catechism classes on the Saturdays and 30 minutes Monday through Thursday so that participants do not feel overwhelmed yet get in touch with material frequently enough to stay engaged. Total time for the course will be 6 hours
Required Materials/Facilities
Formal Catechism class will take place on the weekends (Saturdays from 9am – 10am) at the Parish Hall class room. Each child will be required to have a New St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism Book No. 1, for reference.
Evaluation Strategy
The nature of the course (Catechesis, i.e., teaching of the Faith) usually proceeds in a Question/Answer format. The goal being not only to acquire the knowledge but to commit it to memory, the questions and answer are meant to be repetitive for memorization. As such the course will proceed with questions and answers throughout each of the lessons which are meant for both teaching and evaluation simultaneously. At the end of each lesson, a
ief Quiz will assess understanding of the lesson and some activity may be included for practice. A comprehensive assessment at the end of the course will include a selection of questions from all the lessons to evaluate over all understanding of the Seven Sacraments.
The comprehensive assessment at the end of the course will be sign-off by the Parish Priest of OLV who will certify the children ready (or not ready) to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
Reference List
The main resources used for the development of this course are:
The Catechism of the Catholic Church Second Edition
The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism
Holy Bible – St Joseph Family Edition
Course Structure/Content Outline
Module 1
In this Module, learners will learn what the Seven Sacraments are, what effects they have on the soul and the different categories of the Seven Sacraments.
· Introduction to the Seven Sacraments
· What is a Sacrament?
· What is Grace?
· What are the Seven Sacraments?
· Categories of the Seven Sacraments.?
A. Introductory Video: The Good Shepherd
Jesus teaches us in the Holy Bible “I myself will look after and tend my sheep. As a shepherd tends his flock when he finds himself among his scatted sheep, so will I tend My sheep. I will rescue them from every place where they were scattered when it was cloudy and dark...In good pastures will I pasture them and on the mountain heights of Israel shall be their grazing ground...I Myself will pasture My sheep; I myself will give them rest says the Lord God. The lost I will seek out, the strayed I will
ing back, the injured I will bind up, the sick I will heal [but the sleek and the strong I will destroy} shepherding them rightly.
Ezekiel 34: 11-16
(Ref: Baltimore Catechism Book I)
The Sacraments are signs of Jesus taking care of his sheep.
B. Introduction to the Seven Sacraments.
1. Question: What is a Sacrament?
Answer: A Sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.
2. Question: How many Sacraments are there?
Answer: There are Seven Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony.
(Animation of each of the Seven Sacraments)
3. Question: What do the Sacraments give?
Answer: The Sacraments give sanctifying grace
(Recall: Sanctifying grace is the Divine life of God
in our souls)
4. Question: Do the Sacraments give a special grace?
Answer: Each of the sacraments also gives a
special grace which is called sacramental grace.
C. Categories of the Sacraments
1. Sacraments of Initiation: By these sacraments, the faithful are born into the Christian life and receive grace to continue to grow and advance in it. They lay the foundation for the Christian life. The Sacraments of initation are Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.
(Ref: Catechism of the Catholic Church 1212)
2. Sacraments of Healing: Sin wounds our soul and can cause a loss of God’s life a grace. We also suffer from illnesses in the body and death. The sacraments of healing restores life and
ings healing to both body and soul. The Sacraments of healing are Penance (Reconciliation or Confession) and Anointing of the Sick.
(Ref: CCC 1420, 1421)
3. Sacraments of Service: By these sacraments, baptised and confirmed christians receive the grace to serve God by building up the Church. They are Sacrament of Holy Orders and Matrimony.
(Ref: CCC 1533, 1534, 1535)
D. Sacraments of the Living and the Dead
Question: Which sacraments are called sacraments of the dead and why?
Answer: Baptism and Penance are called Sacraments of the dead because the give life of grace to the soul that is dead through sin. (Original sin - Baptism and personal mortal sins for Penance)
Question: Which sacraments are called Sacraments of the living and why?
Answer: Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony are called sacraments of the living because they give more grace to souls that are already alive through the santifying grace (Divine life of God).
(Possibly an animation as part of the assessment with visuals to keep children engaged and to reinforce learning)
1. A Sacrament is an outward sign of ......................
2. The Sacraments give sanctifying XXXXXXXXXXand ..........................
3. The special grace given by each sacrament is called................................................
4. The Seven Sacraments are...................,.......................,.....................,...................,................,......................,...................
5. Baptism and Penance are called sacraments of the........................
Ask children to find out when and where they were baptised and who were their God parents.
Module 2
In this Module, learners will go in depth in each of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist) to learn:
· For Each of the Sacraments
· Who can receive it
· When and how often it can be received
· The effects of the sacrament on the soul
· The ceremony involved in each sacrament
· What is used (form and matter of the sacrament)
· Who can adminster the sacrament
Lesson 1
(Video or some visual animation of the Sacrament for Intro)
Remember the story of the Good Shepherd who looks after his sheep? (Module 1) Jesus teaches us in the Holy Bible: “Amen, amen, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep...If anyone enters by Me he shall be safe and shall go in and out and shall find pastures....I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly” (John 10: 7-10).
And again, “Unless a man be born again of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God” (John 3: 5). When we are born, are souls are dead because of original sin and are under the power of the devil. Baptism gives us the new life of sanctifying grace, frees us from the power of the devil and
ings us into God’s family, the Church. In baptism we promise to live our lives loving God and imitating Jesus Christ, and not loving ourselves and imitating the devil. Baptism is the door to the other sacraments. Only the baptized can receive any of the other sacraments. (Ref: Baltimore Catechism Book No.1)
1. Question: What is Baptisim?
Answer: Baptisim is the sacrament that gives new life of grace to the soul and makes of children of God.
2. Question: What sins does Baptism take away?
Answer: Baptism takes away original sin, and also actual sins if there are any and all the punishment due to them.
3. Question: Who can adminster Baptism?
Answer: The priest is the usual minister of Baptism, but if there is danger that someone will die without Baptism, then anyone else may and should baptize.
4. Question: Who can receive Baptism and how many times?
Answer: Anyone who is not yet baptized and only such a person is able to be baptized. Baptism can be received only once.
5. Question: How should the Sacrament of Baptism be given?
Answer: The Sacrament of Baptism is given by pouring ordinary water on the forehead of the person to be baptized, saying while pouring it: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Possibly an animation as part of the assessment with visuals to keep children engaged and to reinforce learning)
YES OR NO (Explain your answer)
1. Does Baptism take away all sins?
2. Can only a priest give Baptism?
3. Does Baptism give us a share is God’s life?
4. Does Baptism give us Santiying grace?
1. In Baptism, we become...... XXXXXXXXXXof God.
2. Baptism takes away .......... XXXXXXXXXXand ......... XXXXXXXXXXsin
3. Baptism is usually given by a ...............................
4. Baptism makes us members of the ......................
Answered 5 days After Dec 14, 2022


Banasree answered on Dec 20 2022
45 Votes
LDT 670
1. General Information:
Session – November, 2022
    Duration (Hrs) – 6hrs
    The Seven Sacraments
    LDT 670
    Learning Session = 2hrs
    QNA = 1 hrs
    Audio/Video Session = 2hrs
    Quiz = 1hrs
2. Pre -Requisites(S)/Pre – Requirements(S)
All learners (whether at home based or enrolled in Catechism class) must be of the age of reason, and able to understand and assimilate course material. For all children enrolled in the Catechism class, they must be registered at OLV parish and have received the Sacrament of Baptism.
To provide to all students a sound knowledge of Seven sacraments. At the end of the course will be sign-off by the Parish Priest of OLV who will certify the children ready (or not ready) to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
Through Contact Hours: What the Seven Sacraments are, Categories of the Sacraments, in depth in each of the Sacraments, Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony, contrition Holy Orders - Who is the minister of the Sacrament of Holy orders, what is Holy Communion, Confirmation - Who is the usual minister of Confirmation.
Through Self Learning - What ways can we show that we are not too afraid to live our faith by loving others, baptism promise of imitating Christ by...

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