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I need a paper on Theory and your family the paper must be 6 pages and is based on my text book chapter 10 the book is Dimensions of Human Behavior person and environment fifth edition by Elizabeth D....

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I need a paper on Theory and your family the paper must be 6 pages and is based on my text book chapter 10 the book is Dimensions of Human Behavior person and environment fifth edition by Elizabeth D. Hutchison

After reviewing the theoretical lenses used to consider the family of Bobby Sharpe in chapter 10 of the Hutchison text, consider your family of origin using the following questions as a guide:

▪What value was placed on connectedness, and what value was placed on the differentiated self?▪What were the external boundaries? Who was in and who was out of the family? What were the commonly held beliefs? What roles did family members play? What were the patterns of communication?▪Were there any transition points that were particularly difficult for your family? If so, what made those transitions difficult?▪How traditional were the gender roles in your family? How was power distributed?▪Can you recall any periods of stress pile up? If so, how did your family cope during those periods?▪How did your family use belief systems, organizational patterns, and communication in the face of adversity?

Additionally, select one of the theoretical lensesin chapter 10. Identify and briefly discuss 2 articles that address how practice with families is informed by the particular theoretical approach. The two articles used for this assignmentshould be properly cited using APA reference style in both in text citations and a reference list at the end of your paper.

Answered Same Day Dec 20, 2019


David answered on Dec 24 2019
146 Votes
What value was placed on connectedness, and what value was placed on the differentiated self?
Connectedness means the interdependence of different family members on each other and differentiated self refers to the property of an individual that distinguishes him from rest of the family. Connectedness was very important in nuclear families as well as joint extended families where the support from grandparents in caring for the children at home helped the parents to go to work without any tension. In terms of accident or inability to go to work, the connected members extended financial support to cope with the critical condition. Members of an extended family may not be living together at one place but they were involved with each other in emotional and economic activities. They used to stay connected. Money was shared between the families and there was continuous ongoing communication with new technology. The connections were sources of support in times of crisis. For example in Sharpe family, Vivian and Bo
y extended care for their niece when her mother was deployed in a war area. Vivian expected that her extended help towards her niece will inculcate good values in her own daughter as she watches all this.
Differentiated self means every member of the family had a specific important role to play. The males used to go for work and families used to be at home to cook, and care for the home and other family members. Elder children used to help the parents in household chores. When children grew up, mother also joined the work and grandparents fully started handling household care. The values imparted by differentiated self do not prove good to make a child caring and socially helpful in future. For example when a child watches his parents legally separated or divorced, he does not feel good about it. Such activities deprive a child from emotional support and closeness from the warm relationship of both his parents (Hutchinson 2015).
What were the external boundaries?
External boundaries comprised of the people outside the family like friends, neighbors, vendors, shopkeepers, milkman, watchman, domestic help and other outside people who had no blood relations with us. We were told to be careful while talking or behaving with them and to inform all the activities that we went through at school or college.
Who was in and who was out of the family?
All the members who used to have blood relations with us were in the family though we could trust the most our parents and grandparents only. Uncles, aunts and relatives were secondary. People who did not have any blood relations with us were out of the family like neighbors and other people whom we used to meet on daily basis for any purpose.
What were the commonly held beliefs?
Commonly held beliefs were men will do outside work and women will work for home care and children. Girl child is thought to study only till an average level may be intermediate standard and after that she should focus on learning household activities. Boy child were allowed to study more and more to join a successful job and earn handsome perk for his family. Girls were ma

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