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I need 3 response to these discussion Board question. 100 words min each with references. 1. ADRIAN ARCE- After the scoring, I identify most with an elephant. Elephants are interested in the goal and...

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I need 3 response to these discussion Board question. 100 words min each with references.

1. ADRIAN ARCE- After the scoring, I identify most with an elephant. Elephants are interested in the goal and the relationship. “A decision is sought that ensures both you and the other parties fully achieve your goals and resolve any tensions and negative feelings among you (Johnson & Johnson, 2013).” One of things that hindered early on my career were that I was avoiding confrontations or controversies because I did not want to hurt team members feelings. After a while you learn that the goal is more important and that controversies are personal attacks but rather seeking the best idea or understanding for the goal ahead. Once you and your teammates overcome that, you are able to have more productive discussions, feelings are not hurt, and relationships are kept in good standing.

I would say that in the personal world I am more of a golden retriever; the reason for this is that I do have too much time for controversies between my friends and because I endured enough of it at home. I just “go with the flow” of things and do not care too much for decisions being made by my friends. “When other parties care much more about the decision, golden retrievers tend to just agree with the other parties (Johnson & Johnson, 2013).”

Works Cited

Johnson, D., & Johnson, F XXXXXXXXXXJoining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills. Pearson.

2. Jose Gallardo-Prior to taking the “Controversy/Decision-Making Procedures” questionnaire I honestly felt that I was more like the bear when interacting with my peers. My first assumption was due mainly because I personally feel that relationships with members of the group are of little importance when I am trying to find a solution to an issue. I tend to focus all of my efforts into finding the solution that makes the most sense regardless of how feel about it.

According to the questionnaire I fall under the elephant category because of the fact that I tend to focus on the goal of the group and somehow also value the relationship of the members. I guess I can relate with the results of the questionnaire, I do find myself frequently trying to integrate different alternatives to the initially proposed solutions in order to create constructive controversy that could potentially achieve the overall goal.

At home, however it is a completely different story, I lean more towards being the golden retriever because the main effort at home is keeping a happy and stable family. Most of the decision that have to be made at home are about where we are going on vacation next or what we are going to have dinner. The goal of the group discussion in these situations do not outweigh the relationship between my family and me. I frequently agree to decisions that are made by the vote of the majority if it makes my family happy.

3. Teretha Mintz- Controversy & Decision Making- It was interesting how the exercise was designed and shed light on how controversies are handled. In my professional/career and personal world, I’m an Elephant. As stated in the text, the goals and the relationships are very important (Johnson & Johnson, p XXXXXXXXXXProfessionally, we operate in a system that is heavily interdependent, so seeking synthesis and integration of alternative courses of action is crucial to safety and group accomplishments. Using the tragic Challenger flight of 1986 as an example, the controversy or lack thereof was mishandled, the disagreement was stifled, and a fatal decision was made to continue with the launch.

It only makes since that this strategy (Synthesizing, Integrating) requires high trust and embracing the rationales of others in the group when there’s a difference of opinion. Inquiry-based advocacy is healthy and productive. This is when two or more parties present opposing positions to investigate an issue and reach a reasoned judgment on a desired course of action (Johnson & Johnson, p XXXXXXXXXXAccording to Covey, transformative leaders synergize with others to create win-win solutions and outcomes. They seek to understand others and endeavor to create opportunities that yield extraordinary results and fulfillment for all stakeholders (Covey, 2013).


Johnson, D. H.; Johnson, & F. P XXXXXXXXXXJoining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills (12 ed., The Merrill Counseling Series). New York, NY. Pearson

Covey, S. R XXXXXXXXXXThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful lessons in personal change. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Answered Same Day Apr 25, 2020


Ritika answered on Apr 27 2020
152 Votes
Response 1
Hello Adrian,
The way you have presented your points in the discussion is not only interesting but is also worth commendable. You have identified yourself as golden retriever and the way you have related this animal’s instinct into human nature and friendship is great. I would agree with you on the fact that a lot can be learned about friendship from the animal kingdom. We all knew since childhood that dogs are indeed a man’s best friend but when it comes to other animals too, their friendship stands equally loyal and normal. It is good to not involve one’s self into any kind of controversy but to make sure that one favors only the co
ect decision making ("Golden Retriever - Temperament & Personality", 2015).
Response 2
Hello Jose,
Decisions made by people and...

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