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I need 2 response to each student discussion board posts. 100 words min with text quote and references. Joanne Ruf Discuss the condition necessary for dialog. A facilitator who holds the content, give...

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I need 2 response to each student discussion board posts. 100 words min with text quote and references.

Joanne Ruf

Discuss the condition necessary for dialog. A facilitator who holds the content, give examples.

Merriam-Webster online, describes dialog as “a similar exchange between persons, an exchange of ideas and opinions” and discussion as “consideration of a question in open and usually informal debate.” Senge states “In the absence of a skilled facilitator, our habits of thought continually pull us toward discussion and away from dialogue.” (Senge, page 229) Through many facilitations of teams, I have had to learn to be a facilitator, to drive the dialog through and not have members of the team lose their identity but also be heard. Making sure that everyone has their say and moving the conversation forward sometimes is not an easy task. During the early stages of process mapping, it was our job as project managers to facilitate teams through their processes. I came to realize that everyone was an expert in their field in one way or another, some had total expertise in the area some had a particular expertise in one part. However, they all complimented each other in what they did within the team.

“The facilitator always walks a careful line bet6ween being knowledgeable and helpful in the process at hand, yet not taking on the “expert” or “doctor” mantle that would shift attention away from the members of the team, and their own ideas and responsibility” (Senge, page 229) As I knew the company well and had worked within the various departments throughout my career, I was not an expert, but I knew their department function. I would start out by asking a lot of questions, some that they hadn't even thought of, it’s almost like teaching someone a skill but learning it yourself. For example, the cable installers, we all know what they do, right? Or do we? What do they do first thing in the morning to get ready to roll out? What materials and equipment do they need and use throughout the day? Who do they report to while they are out on the job? What happens when they run into cut cable or missing peds (cable ground box)? Asking questions makes the team really think about their day and the process. More questions would come such as, where do they get the cable, job orders, equipment, trucks. Who maintains the trucks, how does the customer know you are coming and so on. There is a lot to consider when you are working with a team on process mapping, it’s all about the inbound, use and outbound processes. This was, as you can imagine, a large process but we broke the overarching process down to smaller processes that provided us with insight into process and cost efficiencies.

“As teams develop experience and skill in dialogs, the role of the facilitator becomes less crucial and he or she can gradually become just one of the participants.” (Senge, page 230) I found this to be true when, after a while the team started dialogging without any help. There were always one or more team members that would grab a marker for the white board and start to facilitate a process or two. I was happy just to manage the mapping and facilitate whatever else they may need.


Senge, Peter M., XXXXXXXXXXThe Fifth Discipline, The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization, pages XXXXXXXXXX

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary retrieved 5/22/18 from: & discussion

Travis Kelson

XXXXXXXXXXSuspend Assumptions

Suspending Assumptions – To “suspend” one’s assumptions means to hold them, ‘as it were, hanging in front of you,’ accessible to questioning and observation.” Senge also mention that it does not mean throwing out our assumptions, suppressing them, or avoiding their expression. David Bohm also argues that once a person set their mind and decides this is the way it is, the flow of dialogue is blocked (pg. 226).

Early in my career when I entered the Department of Treasury in the procurement office. A few seasoned employees pulled me to the side to give me the lay of the land. They proceeded tell me to stay away from a certain manager because she doesn’t like new interns. They shared previous experiences they encountered and how that has become the norm within the department. Being the new guy, I didn’t want to seem rude; however, I had to stop the story telling. I informed everyone that I appreciate the gestures but I would like to draw my own conclusions. I decided to take a different approach with my manager. I reached out to her via email to setup a pre-welcome meeting. I mentioned I heard a lot of what I interpreted to be negative stories about her. She just smiled. I said, I don’t know what happen before my arrival but I would like to get to know you for myself. When I said that the conversation opened up and allowed a two-way dialoged. If I allowed what was shared with me to be final that conversation would have when different. We now have an outstanding work relationship.


Answered Same Day May 23, 2020


Azra S answered on May 25 2020
139 Votes
Discuss the condition necessary for dialog. A facilitator who holds the content, give examples
Response 1
"The facilitator maintains the conditions necessary for dialogue. For instance, the facilitator prevents any individual from diverting the dialogue to a discussion before discussion is actually needed" (Fawcett & Waller, 2013)
A group dialogue needs a conductor, just like a bus needs one. A facilitator performs the role of a conductor and gives direction and meaning to a dialogue. He provides the necessary direction for a meaningful and healthy conversation. Not only can a facilitator cutoff i
elevant parts of a dialogue he can also introduce certain ideas that are conducive to the conversation and fuel it in the right direction.
Response 2
"In dialogue, the facilitator does something more. His understanding of dialogue allows him to influence the flow of development simply through participating". (Senge, 1990, p. 246-247)
When people talk and a dialogue is created, it has the potential of either running randomly or running in the right direction. The presence of a facilitator ensures that the dialogue runs in the right direction. In the early part of any...

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