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BBB4M FST Rubric - PPT Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Knowledge and Understanding • Demonstrates limited knowledge of content. Demonstrates limited understanding of concepts. • Incorrect or...

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ic - PPT
Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Knowledge and
• Demonstrates limited knowledge of
content. Demonstrates limited
understanding of concepts.
• Inco
ect or lacking use of business
concepts or terms
• Demonstrates some knowledge of
content. Demonstrates some
understanding of concepts.
• Attempting to use business
concepts and terms co
• Demonstrates considerable knowledge
of content. Demonstrates considerable
understanding of concepts.
• Co
ect use of a variety of business
concepts and terms.

• Demonstrates thorough knowledge
of content. Demonstrates thorough
understanding of concepts.

• Demonstrates superior grasp of
usiness concepts, terms, and

• Applies knowledge and skills in
familiar contexts with limited
• Makes connections within and
etween various contexts with limited
• Your discussion omits 2 or more of the
marketing 2 C’s and 4P’s.
• Applies knowledge and skills in
familiar contexts with some
• Makes connections within and
etween various contexts with some

• Your discussion omits one of the
marketing 2 C’s and 4P’s, however;
your marketing plan is overall
• Applies knowledge and skills in familiar
contexts with considerable
• Makes connections within and between
various contexts with considerable

• Thorough understanding of marketing
y detailed and co
ect use of 2 C’s and
• Applies knowledge and skills in
familiar contexts with a high
degree of effectiveness.
• Makes connections within and
etween various contexts with a
high degree of effectiveness.

• Thorough understanding of
marketing by detailed and co
use of 2C’s and 4P’s.


• Little or no evidence of research

• Inappropriate or unrealistic

• Basic research has been ca
ied out
and appropriately discussed
• Overall recommendations can be

• You demonstrate thorough research has
een ca
ied out and good analysis is
• Development of a realistic business
• You demonstrate exceptional
esearch and effort has been
ied out. Your ideas are
factually co
ect, realistic, and
• You demonstrate critical thinking
ability and original thought. You
manage to introduce new ideas or
point of views that are insightful.


• Expresses and organizes ideas and
understandings with limited
• Uses vocabulary, and terminology of
the discipline with limited

• PPT is too short as evidenced by
inadequate treatment of your topic.
Poor layout.

• 4 or more significant grammar and
spelling mistakes. Poor structure.
Difficult for reader to follow your ideas.

• Expresses and organizes ideas and
understandings with some
• Uses vocabulary, and terminology of
the discipline with some

• PPT is too short as evidenced by
inadequate treatment of your topic.
Improvements required.

• Less than 4 significant grammar
and/or spelling mistakes. Evidence
of structure, intro, body, conclusion

• Expresses and organizes ideas and
understandings with considerable
• Uses vocabulary, and terminology of the
discipline with considerable

• PPT is attractive and is properly section
using titles, headers, and graphics, etc.
Appropriate length.

• Good writing skills – less than 2
significant grammar and/or spelling
mistakes. Good structure, intro, body,
and conclusion.

• Expresses and organizes ideas
and understandings with a high
degree of effectiveness.
• Uses vocabulary, and terminology
of the discipline with a high degree
of effectiveness.

• PPT looks attractive and
professional with use of headers,
sections, and graphics, etc.
Appropriate length. Excellent
layout and balance.

• Excellent writing skills – grammar
and spelling, structure, transitions.
No e

Marketing Campaign Ru
Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
 More clarity needed for the
marketing campaign.
 More creativity and use of
marketing tools.
 More support and
information needed.
 Not very well thought
 Some clarity is presented
for the marketing
 Some creativity and use of
marketing tools.
 Some support and
information demonstrated.
 Somewhat well thought
 Great clarity presented for
the marketing campaign.
 Great creativity and use of
marketing tools.
 Good support and
information demonstrated
 Well thought through.
 Amazing clarity presented
for the marketing
 Amazing creativity and use
of marketing tools.
 Excellent information
 Very well thought through.
 Uses planning and
processing skills with limited
 Uses critical/ creative
thinking processes with
limited effectiveness.
 The format of the marketing
campaign is difficult to
follow and does not follow a
logical format.
 Very little planning is
evident as well as includes
very little aspects of a launch
 Many parts do not make
sense and many parts are
 Uses planning and
processing skills with some
 Uses critical/ creative
thinking processes with
some effectiveness.
 The format of the
marketing campaign is
somewhat effective and
there is some flow to the
 Some planning is evident
as well as includes some
aspects of a launch plan.
 Parts and topics mostly
make sense and seem
 Uses planning and
processing skills with
considerable effectiveness.
 Uses critical/ creative
thinking processes with
considerable effectiveness.
 The format of the marketing
campaign is clear and
accurate and the flow to the
format is appropriate.
 There is a considerable
amount of planning evident
as well as includes most
aspects of a launch plan.
 Almost all topics covered are
accurate and realistic.
 Uses planning and
processing skills with a high
degree of effectiveness.
 Uses critical/ creative
thinking processes with a
high degree of
 The format of the
marketing campaign is
exceptional and exceeds
expectations the flow to
the format is amazing.
 There is a high degree of
planning evident as well as
includes all aspects of a
detailed launch plan.
 All topics covered are
accurate and realistic.

BBB4M FST Overview
BBB4M Final Summative Task
Overall Expectations:
• To design and ca
y out a culminating task that requires the integration and application of the
knowledge and skills related to the expectations of this course.
• To explore and communicate the factors that influence success in international markets. •
To highlight the techniques and strategies associated with marketing, distribution, and
managing international business effectively.
Key components:
Component Value
1. Research and classwork skills 10 Yes,
2. Project Proposal 5 No
3. Project PPT 50 Yes,
4. Marketing Campaign 35 Yes,
Completion Date: All parts must be completed no later than Friday, May 14th (before Grade 12
classes are complete)
Project Overview
A Canadian company wishes to expand its business internationally. They do not have the expertise o
esources to develop a business plan for their expansion aspirations. You are an international business
consultant, and the company has hired you to help them expand internationally. You will ca
y out a
thorough analysis for your client and develop a targeted marketing campaign for their product.
Part #1: Proposal
Choose a domestic Canadian business that cu
ently does not have a significant international presence.
Determine which country you are proposing for your client’s international expansion (USA is excluded).
Part #2: PPT
You will prepare a PPT of your business analysis. Make sure that you use appropriate heading sections
for your PPT.
Your PPT will have, but not necessarily be limited to, the following sections:
• A title page→ with title, name, and date
• An introduction and explanation of your product.
o Describe the product. Provide
and names, logos etc. for it.
A country’s economic and political structure tells potential investors much about a country. Potential
investors must carefully study these questions and their answers before choosing to invest in a foreign
For your country, provide the following economic information:
• Type of economic system (e.g., market, mixed, command)
• How strong is their economy?
• Name of domestic cu
ency and the exchange rate relative to the Canadian $ •
What is the cu
ent minimum wage?
Potential investors must study the culture of a foreign country in order to gain insight into that nation,
its citizens, and how business is conducted so as to enhance the likelihood of future success.
For your country, provide the following cultural information:
• An analysis of the country and culture in which you are expanding your product. • Common
forms of workplace and informal greetings and goodbyes (e.g., handshakes, kissing, use of titles)
• Cultural norms regarding general use of hand gestures, head nodding, physical contact,
personal space and eye contact
• Prefe
ed decision-making and leadership styles in the workplace (e.g., autocratic, laissez-faire,
• Appropriate attire in the workplace
• Importance of punctuality in the workplace
• Traditional role of men and women in the workplace
• Traditional foods and drinks served at business gatherings
Marketing strategy, insightful coverage of the 4 P’s and 2 C’s of marketing, including descriptive
The four P’s:
1) Product: considerations including selection of specific confections to be offered, local
and name
considerations, appropriate logos and slogans, local flavour and ingredient preferences (if applicable),
packaging and labelling design preferences including local language issues, and customer value
proposition (unique product benefits offered to customers, e.g., value, comfort, popularity
Answered 8 days After Apr 06, 2021


Parul answered on Apr 14 2021
171 Votes
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