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i need 1 page of Matlab code and 1 page of report with all the answers to the questions given in the assignment. the sample code and Jacobi method code are also given.

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MACM 316 – Computing Assignment #4
Due Date: Friday November 6 at 11:00pm
Submission Instructions: You must upload one .pdf file to Crowdmark that consists of 2
pages ONLY: page 1 is your report which should fit all of your results, discussion, data and figures
into a single page; and page 2 is a listing of your code. The deadline is 11:00pm on the due date.
The actual due time is set to 11:05pm – if Crowdmark indicates that you submitted late then
you will be assigned a grade of 0 on this assignment. Your TA has emailed you a Crowdmark
link that you will use for the entire semester to upload your assignment solutions.
• Review the Guidelines for Computing Assignments carefully.
• Acknowledge any collaborations or assistance from colleagues/TAs/instructor.
• If you have questions about this assignment or Matlab programming, you can obtain help
y posting your questions to the “Computing Assignment” discussion board in Canvas.
This discussion board will be checked regularly, and also monitored continuously during
computational workshop hours.
Computing Assignment – Ill-conditioned linear systems
The n⇥ n Hilbert matrix H(n) is a matrix with entries defined by
hij =
Z 1
xi+j�2dx =
i+ j � 1 for 1  i, j  n.
As I discussed in class, the Hilbert matrix is a “classic” example of an ill-conditioned matrix.
The Matlab command hilb(n) generates such a Hilbert matrix with the dimension n passed as
an input parameter†. It is easy to show that H(n) is invertible for any n, and so the linear system
H(n)x = b is always guaranteed to be solvable for unknowns x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn)T . However, the
solution is not easy to compute accurately in floating point arithmetic. This is what you will
investigate in this computing assignment.
Your report must include the following:
(a) First, investigate how the norm and condition number of the Hilbert matrix grow with n.
For values of n = 2, 3, 4, . . . , 30:
• set up the Hilbert matrix H(n) using hil
• compute the 1-norm and 2-norm of H(n) using norm
• compute the condition number of H(n) in the same two norms using cond
On the same set of axes plot versus n your four results, kH(n)k1,2 and cond1,2(H(n)). Make
sure to use an appropriate axis scaling‡.

Use type hilb to see how Matlab sets up the Hilbert matrix in just 2 lines of code. This is a great example
of how Matlab’s “vectorized” operations can be used to write clean and simple code that is free of loops.

In other words, think about which plotting function to use: plot, semilogx, semilogy or loglog.
Monday, July XXXXXXXXXXat 11 pm
(b) It’s possible to show theoretically that the condition number of the Hilbert matrix grows
as O

(1 +
as n ! 1§ (don’t try to show this, just use it). Add this function to
your plot from part (a) and discuss whether or not this rate of growth seems consistent with
your results. Can you now explain why your choice of axis scaling (and plotting function)
from part (a) is the right one?
(c) Next, you’ll investigate the performance of three di↵erent methods for solving the linea
system H(n)x = b, again using values of n 2 [2, 30]:
• Generate the n⇥n Hilbert matrix H(n), initialize the exact solution x = (1, 1, . . . , 1)T ,
and compute the co
esponding right hand side vector b = H(n)x.
• Compute floating-point approximations x̂ to the linear system H(n)x̂ = b using three
methods: the PLU decomposition (followed by forward
ackward substitution), Mat-
lab’s backslash command, and the Jacobi iteration. For Jacobi, choose an initial guess
x(0) = rand(n, 1), which is an n-vector containing random real numbers chosen from
the interval [0, 1].
• Compute the absolute solution e
or Ex = kx � x̂k2 in the 2-norm for each of you
three approximations.
• Plot your three e
ors versus the problem dimension n 2 [2, 30].
What do you observe? Compare and contrast the performance and cost of methods.
(d) Finally, recall that in lectures the condition number of a square matrix A is defined in terms
of the matrix norm as condp(A) = kAkp · kA�1kp (for p = 1, 2,1). Investigate how the
inverse Hilbert matrix (H(n))�1 behaves for large n by doing the following.
Use Matlab’s inv function to determine the inverse of H(n) for the same n 2 [2, 30], and
then compute the matrix product M = H(n) · (H(n))�1. Of course, this M should be equal
to the n ⇥ n identity matrix I, but is it? To measure how close/far M actually is from I,
determine the maximum entry of M (in absolute value) and plot this number versus the
matrix size n. Discuss your results.
Partial code for this assignment can be obtained by downloading the file macm316ca4SampleCode.m
from Canvas. You may also use the code jacobi2.m discussed in class to perform your Jacobi
Final note: If you’re intrigued by the Hilbert matrix, you can learn more about it by reading the
ecent blog post by Nick Higham at
It’s interesting how he argues that “the Hilbert matrix is not a good test matrix, for several
easons.” Read the post to find out the reasons why . . .
See http:
Answered 2 days After Jul 10, 2023


Devendra answered on Jul 13 2023
36 Votes

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