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I have uploaded the questions in the files please write them in Australian English School of Nursing and Midwifery Professional Communication Academic...

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PowerPoint Presentation
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Professional Communication
Academic Literacy (PCAL)
Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing
Spring 2024
Assessment 2:
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Assessment details, aims and instructions
What to include in your poste
Labelling images
Appropriate language for your poste
1. Assessment details
Topic: Consumer and carer partnership in recovery, care and treatment
Weight: 40%
Individual task
Due: Week 9 – Monday 16 September 2024 @2359hrs
Format: Poste
Length: 400 words (+/- 10% overall word count)
Submission: via Turnitin
Aileen / Spasija
Subject Learning Outcomes
The Subject Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for this assessment cover learning outcomes 5 & 6:
5. Plan evidence-based initiatives that promote mental health, prevent and intervene early in the illness, facilitate recovery, and promote wellbeing
6. Explain how to facilitate the recovery of mental health consumers by focussing on their strengths and wellbeing
Aileen / Spasija
Assessment Aims and Instructions
You will develop a mental health educational poster which:
Focuses on consumer and carer partnership in recovery, care and treatment;
Provides educational information to consumers, their carers and significant others;
Is easy to understand by non-health professionals, and is clear and concise;
Promotes mental health and recovery;
Provides information that could help with early intervention to prevent early ill-health or mental illness for the consumer, carers and significant others;
Uses non-jargonistic language and visual information (graphs, tables, diagrams and images), and
Uses evidence-based information (minimum of five relevant, cu
ent, peer-reviewed academic resources – remember this is an information poster based on research).
NOTE: The poster should capture the target audience by being engaging and easily understood.
(See NURS2041 vUWS site – Assessment 2 tab)
Aileen / Spasija
Marking Criteria
(From NURS2041 Subject Outline, pp. 13-14)
Criteria 1 & 2 relate to the way you address the key focus areas:
Significance of issue
Incidences in Australia
Facilitating recovery and wellbeing
Sustaining recovery and wellbeing
Criteria 3, 4 & 5 relate to the quality of your poster: its design and academic features such as appropriate language, referencing and choice of sources.
Aileen / Spasija
Choosing your topic
Use ‘Mike’s case scenario (in the Assessment 2 tab of the NURS2041 vUWS site) to stimulate thought and consideration of how you would create a poster that will help someone like Mike and his carers and family have a better understanding of Mike’s mental health.
Note: Do not refer to Mike in your poste
Select ONE of these topics for your poster:
Mental Health Recovery: Anxiety disorde
Mental State Examination: Self-harm and suicidal thoughts
Mental Health Act: Mood disorde
Trauma Informed Care: PTSD
Aileen / Spasija
2. What to include in your poste
At a minimum, students should include:
Student name and ID
A title that clearly indicates your topic
Significance of topic (e.g. you can start by explaining why your topic is important)
Statement about the incidences of the mental health issues in Australia
Explanation of how your topic can facilitate recovery and promote wellbeing
Future directions (consider what needs to be done to sustainably support recovery and wellbeing of mental health consumers)
In-text citations must be included (for text and visual materials [figures]) , and a full Reference List must be submitted on a separate page
NOTE: The poster must be on A4, and should be eye-catching, attractive and engaging. Avoid over-crowding. You may use PowerPoint, Word, Photoshop, Canva or others.
Aileen / Spasija
Subheading: Add Text
Subheading: Add Text
Subheading: Add Text

Subheading: Add Text
Subheading: Add Text

Picture, table, graph: Add Text
Add Text
Add Text
Add Text
Add Text
Add Text
Title: Add Text
Picture, table, graph: Add Text
Add Text
Add Text
Purpose of a poste
A poster tells a story/conveys a powerful message. Its purpose is to grab attention, inform, convince and provoke thought. Your poster must be designed and written to suit its intended audience.
An effective poster should contain:
A title & relevant subtitles
Visual material (graphs, tables, diagrams, appropriate images)
Title and subtitles
The title and subtitles of your poster should:
Succinctly capture your topic area
Spark interest
Be targeted towards your audience (i.e. patients and their carers)
Focus on partnership
Be recovery-oriented
In addition, your subtitles should be logically organised according to the key focus areas (see Slide 9).
Chat box activity #1: Consider the topic ‘Mental Health Recovery: Anxiety Disorder’. Can you think of a catchy, recovery-oriented title that incorporates the key element of carer partnership?
The text must be logically organised into sections (key focus areas). Subtitles will signpost each section. Your overall poster design could be based around these sections.
These might include:
Significance of issue
Incidences in Australia
Facilitating recovery and wellbeing
Sustaining recovery and wellbeing (future directions)
Chat box activity #2: Consider the key topic area ‘Significance of issue’. Can you think of a succinct, recovery-oriented and partnership-focused subtitle?
Follow the guidelines for succinct, ‘catchy’ subtitles. Remember, your focus is partnership and recovery, and your audience is patients and their carers.
Note: You may use point-form where appropriate, and when embedded within a paragraph.
Visual material
Your poster should be visually appealing and appropriate to the topic
Consider the use of layout, colour, font, font size, and headings in terms of design, but also appropriateness to the topic
Use relevant diagrams, graphs, tables, images etc to illustrate main ideas; remember to include co
ect in-text citations in APA 7 style for all visual material from sources
Visual material should be closely connected to the text; do not include items merely to fill a blank space
Your poster must include in-text citations in APA 7 style for text (paraphrases) and images.
You must also submit a full Reference List on a separate page.
For more information, please see the WSU Li
ary’s APA 7th Referencing and Citation Style Guide.
Graphs, diagrams, tables, charts
Mental disorders among 12-17 year-olds, XXXXXXXXXX
(Australian Institute of Health & Welfare, 2024)
Include a title/heading above the image (use same title as in original source, or create a title if there is none).
Acknowledge the source below the image in the (Author, year) format.
Note: The author may be an organisation or an individual/s.
Include full publication data in your Reference List (see slide 19).
Photos, cartoons, drawings, othe
DO NOT include a title/heading above the image.
Acknowledge the source below the image in the (Author, year) format.
Note: The author may be an organisation or an individual/s.
Include full publication data in your Reference List (see slide 20).
(Three Bears Prints, 2024)
AI-generated images
DO NOT include a title/heading above the image.
Acknowledge the source below the image with ‘Note: Image generated using xxxx in response to the prompt: [insert prompt used].
DO NOT include your Reference List (as the image is not able to be sourced from or replicated by AI tool).
Note: Image generated using ChatGPT in response to the prompt: ‘Create an image of young woman visibly experiencing anxiety’.
4. Language:
Non-discrimination and Accessibility
Language is powerful; it can empower or devastate a person (Srivastava, XXXXXXXXXXSometimes, we do not realise the affect our language may have on those around us (MHCC, 2022).
Therefore, the words you choose for your poster are extremely important.
Your language should be:
Clear and understandable (plain English / everyday English)
Free of jargon, confusing data, and speculation
ying a sense of commitment, hope and presenting the potential for opportunity
(MHCC, 2022)
NOTE: Consider how you might balance an appropriate level of formality, while also ensuring your language is appropriate and accessible to your audience.
Note: Use second-person language to create a personal and conversational tone. E.g. you / we / you and your loved ones / your recovery / your experience / your options / we can ...
Language: Using plain English
Using plain English means using language that is clear and easy to understand. Plain English is personal and positive, uses short sentences, everyday words (rather than jargon) and active voice, explains key terms.
(CEC, 2019)
If you often feel wo
y or dread for no particular reason, you might be experiencing anxiety.
Anxiety may be defined as apprehension, tension, or uneasiness that stems from the anticipation of danger, which may be internal or external. 
Chat box Activity #4: Consider the significance of anxiety. How could you explain it using plain English?
Language: Recovery-oriented
Ensure you use non-judgemental, recovery-oriented language that focuses on partnership, choice and empowerment.
One option is…
You must take…
If you are having a tough time…
If you refuse…
When you are experiencing depression,…
When you are suffering from depression, …
Chat box Activity #3: How might you use language that focuses on partnership?
(MHCC, 2022 p. 9)
Clinical Excellence Commission XXXXXXXXXXProducing plain English resources for consumers.
Mental Health Coordinating Council XXXXXXXXXXRecovery oriented language guide: Words matter.
Srivastava, S.B XXXXXXXXXXLanguage: A Powerful Tool in Promoting      Healthy Behaviors. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 13(4), XXXXXXXXXX.
Copyright Notice
This Professional Communication Academic Literacy (PCAL) Support resource was prepared by PCAL Support at the School of Nursing and Midwifery and includes collaboration or consultation with the Literacy Coordinator, Unit Coordinators, or a Literacy Strategies/IMPACT research academic.
The resource was developed by:
Jane Petersen – Campbelltown & Liverpool Campuses, 2022
This resource was updated by:
Jane Petersen – Hawkesbury campus, 2024
Answered Same Day Sep 14, 2024


Shubham answered on Sep 15 2024
9 Votes
    Significance of the Topic:
The importance of addressing mental health recovery, especially for anxiety disorders, includes prevalence and impact of conditions on individuals and society. Anxiety disorders is affecting millions globally that is disrupting daily lives, relationships and work productivity. It is important to understand recovery processes that ensures recovery of affected by anxiety to regain control and improve quality of life. This includes exploring recovery options contributes to reducing stigma and ensuring environments that support mental well-being (Iasiello et al. 2019). As mental health awareness grows, recovery-focused approaches can help integrate better treatment, care and support systems. It is important for both personal health and public health outcomes.
    Statement about the incidences:
Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health issues in Australia. It is affecting approximately 16% of the population or over 3 million people every year. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, anxiety-related conditions have...

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