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Answered Same Day Jul 24, 2020 MKT00128 Southern Cross University


Soumi answered on Jul 25 2020
133 Votes
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Table of Contents
a) Selected Advertisement    3
) Relevant Information about the Ad    3
c) Main Target Market    3
Holiday Purpose visits    3
Visiting Friends and Relatives    3
Business Purpose visits    4
Education Purpose visits    4
d) Critical Analysis of Advertisement using 3 Marketing Theories    4
AIDA Model    4
Colour Theory    4
Advertising Appeal and Execution Style    5
References    7
Appendix    8
a) Selected Advertisement
“There’s nothing like Australia” (Refer to the Appendix for the advertisement)
) Relevant Information about the Ad
Marketing Communication is the way through which marketers or firms attempt to make consumer aware, generate interests, need and persuade potential customer to buy their product/services (Heath, 2018). The promotional advertisements printed in the newspapers/magazines are one such form of communication, which act as a face and voice of the company, and through which firms reach out to the customers and build relationships with consumers.
The print advertisement taken for the assignment is promoting Australia as a tourist destination, along with airlines offering cheap air-ticket prices due to multiple promotional offers for the South-Asian countries market.
c) Main Target Market
Tourism Australia
Advertisement Promotion Region: South Australia
Market Region: South Asian countries
Presently, South Australia contributes $6.8 Billion to Australian tourism business. There are 4 key types of Visitors from South Asia: Holiday, Business, education, visiting relatives and friends and Education (International visitor survey, 2016).
Holiday Purpose visits
    % of inbound to South Australia (SA)
    SA Market share
    Avg. Length of stay in Australia
    Avg. Stopovers in Australia
    16 nights
Table 1: Statistics for Holiday Purpose visits
(Source: International Visitor Survey, 2016)
Visiting Friends and Relatives
    % of inbound to South Australia (SA)
    SA Market share
    Avg. Length of stay in Australia
    Avg. Stopovers in Australia
    55 nights
Table 2: Statistics for Visiting Friends and Relatives
(Source: International Visitor Survey, 2016)
Business Purpose visits
    % of inbound to South Australia (SA)
    SA Market share
    Avg. Length of stay in Australia
    Avg. Stopovers in Australia
    28 nights
Table 3: Statistics for Business Purpose visits
(Source: International Visitor Survey, 2016)
Education Purpose visits
    % of inbound to South Australia (SA)
    SA Market share
    Avg. Length of...

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