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The Assignment Write a 750-word to 1000-word self-reflective journal presenting your own challenges in recognising personal/professional weakness and how it may have hampered your personal and or...

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The Assignment
Write a 750-word to 1000-word self-reflective journal presenting your own challenges in recognising personal/professional weakness and how it may have hampered your personal and or professional development. You should identify at least 2 weaknesses, and develop a co
esponding SMART (Specific, Measureable, Achievement, Realistic and Time-bound) action plan to address these weaknesses.
In presenting this journal, you must include the following theories:
1. traits in the introduction of yourself.
2. SWOT model in identifying your strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats
3. The SMART model as applied to solve your weaknesses
Answered Same Day Jun 03, 2020


Preeti answered on Jun 05 2020
146 Votes
Self-Reflective Journal
Self-reflective Journal
This self-reflective journal aims at presenting challenges or ba
iers encountered in the path of personal and professional development. The journey of professional development acquaints me with different sets of learning opportunities and instances in varied contexts. On the basis of these ba
iers and limitations, I have developed personal career objectives in the form of SMART through analysing personal strengths and weakness outlined in SWOT Model.
In the professional career journey, I have handled various projects based on different management areas and perspectives. I completed my Diploma in Management Studies two years back, and, thereafter joined as marketing consultant in a growing business firm. The process of professional growth and development in the field is facilitated by handling different marketing nature projects and assignments, which allowed me with the chance of understanding and applying marketing management concepts in practical contexts. The implementation of marketing concepts requires understanding case peculiarity, accordingly applying marketing theories and concepts (Cottrell, 2015).
In the professional journey, it is being experienced by me that I always require well-managed environment for handling cases and assignments. The term well-a
anged environment refers to structured setting and placement of desired tools, methodologies and personnel required for ca
ying out assigned tasks. I have noticed a smooth conducive climate is an essential prerequisite for triggering marketing problems and providing optimum solution. Furthermore, I also require good level interaction with senior team members and other experts, which sometimes incur good amount time and energy (Smith, 2012).
Initially, it proved quite difficult to manage time and handling pressure of completing and submitting projects on time, but, later on, I worked upon adaptive capability and successfully managed time and other factors. The detail discussion and conversation with team members also contributed in improving existing level knowledge and information regarding marketing concepts. Even though, study cu
iculum provide a strong theoretical knowledge back-up of marketing concepts and subject areas, yet there is always need of adding practical orientation in it. The professional career fulfilled this gap through providing perfect...

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