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Delete this page before submission Delete this page before submission MATH XXXXXXXXXXQuantitative Methods for Business Assignment 2 (SP5 2017) DUE: Monday 23rd October by 10:00 AM (Morning)This...

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MATH XXXXXXXXXXQuantitative Methods for Business
Assignment 2 (SP5 2017)
DUE: Monday 23rd October by 10:00 AM (Morning)This assignment must be completed using this template.
You may add extra sections to this template, change the visual style including font, colour, you can add a company logo, extra figures, tables, etc., as you see fit, however the questions must be answered in either the Report Body or Appendix, as indicated in this template, otherwise the answer will not be marked.
Please do not rea
ange the order of the template or condense the appendices into the report. There needs to be two distinct sections (Report + Appendices) to replicate a business report.
Submission Instructions
· Assignment submission is via Gradebook. Before submitting, save your file as follows:
QMB SP5 2017 Assignment 2 FirstName Surname.docx
Replacing FirstName and Surname with your first name and surname. If you have problems submitting, keep proof of your submission attempt and email me at XXXXXXXXXX
· Once submitted, do not edit any electronic files of your work.
Assignment Instructions
· This assignment covers Weeks 4-7 and counts for 15% of your overall grade:
    Assignment component
    Business report
· Assignments submitted late, without an extension being granted, will attract a penalty of 10 marks per each working day or any part thereof beyond the due date and time. Please refer to the Course Outline for the course policy regarding extensions.
· An inco
ectly or partially filled cover sheet will result in lost marks and delays in the marking and return of your assignment.
· Not deleting the pages/text as requested will result in a loss of presentation marks.
· Your assignment submission should be typed and observe the page limits. Hand-written answers will be disregarded.
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Plagiarism is a specific form of academic misconduct. We encourage and support working in groups and seeking help, however your final submission must always represent your individual work, opinions and recommendations.
If plagiarism is found, all parties involved will be penalised. You need to retain all your assignment computer files (Excel, Word etc.), which must remain unchanged after submission, for the purposes of checking, if required.
Plagiarism covers, but is not limited to, the following actions:
· Direct copying of the work of other persons, from one or more source, without clearly indicating the origin;
· Sending your files to another student for any reason whatsoever, even for the purposes of checking or comparing work;
· Submitting another student’s work in whole or in part;
· Submitting work that has been written by someone else on the student’s behalf;
· Copying computer files without clearly indicating their origin;
· Submitting work that has been derived, in whole or in part, from another student’s work by a process of mechanical transformation (e.g. changing variable names in computer files, paraphrasing);
· A group-based effort to produce one assignment shared between individuals. Working together is encouraged, however each written assignment submitted by each student must be written in its entirety by the individual student, including running analyses, producing Excel spread sheets other than the templates provided on the Course website and report writing. Working together where one individual types the collective thoughts of a group/produces analyses and/or spread sheets and then shares these files will be investigated for plagiarism.
All parties found to be involved in academic misconduct will incur, if appropriate, a penalty and a record in the University's Academic Integrity Database (UniSA Assessment and Procedures Manual 2017, Section 9, Clause 9.2.3 i.).
If you are unsure about what constitutes Academic Integrity,
you are always welcome to ask us for more information before submitting.
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Based on your previous analytical report to the CLO (who didn’t have to go on Weight Watchers from all the cupcakes!), Q! – Casa has decided to expand into Europe. Well done! You deserve a box of cupcakes
Setting up a new business requires a lot of planning and the company wants you to conduct another analysis to help them start off on the right foot. The CLO has decided to task you with investigating the prices per stay of Q! – Casa’s competitors, and determine what is the most typical price per stay. This will help inform how the company prices each stay and how low and high the prices should be set. The last thing CLO wants is to be greedy and overcharge travellers but also he doesn’t want the company to go under if he undercharges either. Don’t wo
y, the CLO has collected the data for you and has given it to you to get your hands dirty. This is just the start of your analysis though to get you on the right track and to help you understand the data collected. Next you are put in charge of a few initiatives for the European arm of the company.
One of the initiatives you have been tasked with is to develop a model to determine the maximum revenue Q! – Casa stands to earn from selling rooms to travellers. However, the CLO has a list of constraints for the business which needs to be meet. The next initiative is to liaise with the marketing team to understand and provide insights on the cost of advertising given the price of a listing. The CLO wants you to determine if there is a relationship between the costs of advertising and the price of a listing, and if so then build a model to predict the advertising costs given the price of a stay per day which the marketing team can use to set their daily advertising budgets.
Finally, the big question which the CLO is debating the most ideal location to set up in Eastern Europe by analysing the sale counts of stays over various locations. He wants the location to be close to where all the sales are happening to keep a
east of hosts and travellers. However, his gut is wanting somewhere warm and luxurious because he wants to relax on the beach regularly when he makes visits to the office. Your task here will determine the fate of the company and your CLO’s happiness. Let’s hope it’s nice, warm and luxurious there!
You need to prepare a report for the CLO once again summarising your analyses. The cupcake loving-boss has promised you a promotion and an all-expenses paid trip to the Amalfi Coast. You need to assess whether Q! - Casa will continue to be a massive success in the future and how the European arm will function. So a luxury escape here you come….
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Assignment Cover Sheet – Internal
An Assignment cover sheet needs to be included with each assignment. Please complete all details clearly.
When submitting the assignment online, please ensure this cover sheet is included at the start of your document. (Not as a separate attachment.)
Please check your Course Information Booklet or contact your School Office for assignment submission locations.
    Student ID
    Course code and title: MATH 1053 – Quantitative Methods for Business
    School: Info. Tech. & Mathematical Sciences
    Program Code:
    Course Coordinator: Dr Nick Fewster-Young
    Day, Time, Location of Tutorial:
    Assignment number: 2
    Due date: by 10 am, Monday 23rd October, 2017
    Assignment topic as stated in Course Outline: Case Study Report
Further Information: (e.g. state if extension was granted and attach evidence of approval, Revised Submission Date)
I declare that the work contained in this assignment is my own, except where acknowledgement of sources is made.
I authorise the University to test any work submitted by me, using text comparison software, for instances of plagiarism. I understand this will involve the University or its contractor copying my work and storing it on a database to be used in future to test work submitted by others.
I understand that I can obtain further information on this matter at http:
Note: The attachment of this statement on any electronically submitted assignments will be deemed to have the same authority as a signed statement.
    Date received from student
    Assessed by:
    Dispatched (if applicable):
[Enter the date of submission]
prepared by
[Enter your name]
The report length needs to be as follows:
Introduction: At most 3 paragraphs or 1 page, whichever is the shortest. You should discuss the analyses that will be presented, for all four of the report body questions.
Report Body: A maximum of 2 pages of writing, excluding figures and tables. If you include figures and/or tables, we will look at the equivalent of 2 pages of writing (i.e. we will take into account you have provided figures and tables!).
We will not mark more than 2 pages of writing (excluding figures and tables), so ensure you stay within these limits.
Conclusion & Recommendations: At most 3 paragraphs or 1 page, whichever is the shortest. You should discuss the analyses that will be presented, for all four report body questions.
Font Type: up to you, but keep in mind it should be easy to read – make it easy for us to give you marks!
Font Size: minimum 11pt (it shouldn’t look smaller than this!)
Any text or font size smaller than this sentence will incur 0 marks.
(this is too small! Don’t make your text this small!!! )
Suggested Assignment Work Timeline:
If you’re not sure how to start the assignment, a suggested work
eakdown schedule is below. Feel free to use it (or ignore it) as you like
Also, some people like to complete each appendix and then write it up in the report, others prefer to complete all appendices and then write up the report in one go. Do whichever suits you!
The weeks below indicate which week the lecture covers the material. The report can be written at any time (we don’t cover this in lectures ).
· Week 6: Appendix 1. Easie
· Week 4: Appendix 2. Harde
· Week 7: Appendix 3 Medium.
· Week 5: Appendix 4 Medium.
· Report body write-up and SUBMIT! Yay! Harder.
(3 marks)
Provide a qualitative description of report contents/problems addressed in the report (covering Appendices 1-4) and what insights the analyses will provide.
Write this introduction after you have a clear understanding of the content of your report.
Ensure you have given specific details as to what the report will contain. Follow the length guideline (given on the previous page).
Highlight and delete this message before submission
Do Not Start
Answered Same Day Oct 22, 2019 MATH1053


David answered on Dec 27 2019
148 Votes
Appendix 1
    Classic    Designer    Luxury
    151.40    194.50    215.30
    168.20    147.90    224.50        Classic        Designer        Luxury
    117.70    190.60    226.00
    113.60    154.20    226.70        Mean    138.5    Mean    150.7    Mean    223.4
    150.60    146.20    179.20        Standard E
or    1.8    Standard E
or    1.3    Standard E
or    2.7
    151.20    150.40    257.50        Median    138.3    Median    150.6    Median    221.8
    144.10    130.20    227.20        Mode    133.8    Mode    161.3    Mode    226.7
    147.80    131.90    263.80        Standard Deviation    25.0    Standard Deviation    19.8    Standard Deviation    37.3
    140.20    140.50    257.40        Sample Variance    626.1    Sample Variance    392.4    Sample Variance    1389.9
    125.00    153.80    219.80        Kurtosis    0.2    Kurtosis    0.0    Kurtosis    0.2
    195.30    136.80    239.70        Skewness    0.2    Skewness    0.1    Skewness    -0.2
    120.90    134.20    200.00        Range    146.4    Range    108.1    Range    201.9
    99.10    145.80    202.10        Minimum    76.2    Minimum    101.5    Minimum    111.6
    166.10    161.70    212.80        Maximum    222.6    Maximum    209.6    Maximum    313.5
    112.30    171.00    208.70        Sum    27703.9    Sum    33918.6    Sum    43572.3
    133.60    171.80    174.10        Count    200.0    Count    225.0    Count    195.0
    133.80    134.40    203.90        Q1    121.6    Q1    138.1    Q1    201.4
    157.90    159.00    198.30        Q3    154.2    Q3    163.0    Q3    247.5
    111.40    169.00    227.10        IQR    32.7    IQR    24.9    IQR    46.1
    119.80    180.20    247.30
    101.20    141.50    214.90
    119.80    161.30    244.90            Classic    Designer    Luxury
    144.90    125.90    239.70        Q1-1.5*IQR =      =121.6-1.5*32.7     =138.1-1.5*24.9     =201.4-1.5*46.1
    150.30    150.20    228.90        Q3+1.5*IQR =      =154.2+1.5*32.7     =163+1.5*24.9     =247.5+1.5*46.1
    106.20    160.50    209.20
    163.60    125.90    261.80            Classic    Designer    Luxury
    155.60    145.30    199.20        Q1-1.5*IQR =     72.6    100.8    132.3
    152.90    136.50    218.40        Q3+1.5*IQR =     203.3    200.4    316.7
    114.20    165.60    307.40
    124.90    142.20    245.60        # observations    less than Q1-1.5*IQR    More than Q3+1.5*IQR
    171.00    101.50    220.80        Classic    0    2
    161.70    173.90    272.00        Designer    0    2
    163.30    107.10    262.80        Luxury    2    0
    130.50    126.60    253.20
    156.10    164.90    256.70
    128.30    174.60    215.50
    180.70    136.50    259.40
    153.10    167.10    222.00
    116.20    143.90    193.00
    184.10    179.40    195.70
    96.50    170.40    218.30
    161.80    194.30    220.40
    153.00    172.30    199.20
    216.30    128.10    195.20
    150.30    156.80    236.50
    138.00    130.70    287.20
    146.10    162.00    213.00
    122.90    138.70    244.00
    145.20    123.60    179.00
    88.50    148.40    302.20
    148.80    155.20    172.50
    166.00    184.20    162.40
    123.30    117.00    223.10
    155.10    130.20    170.50
    171.70    139.70    140.90
    141.80    186.30    267.10
    165.30    187.80    188.20
    150.20    143.80    285.40
    139.00    129.40    211.50
    123.40    166.90    244.50
    173.50    160.70    179.10
    145.70    112.40    147.50
    133.80    138.40    230.20
    150.00    153.20    215.70
    158.80    174.10    219.60
    129.50    147.20    213.40
    83.80    204.30    226.70
    115.20    172.00    264.10
    115.40    137.70    216.90
    131.00    173.10    223.50
    116.90    145.20    248.80
    165.30    146.50    268.80
    171.50    156.50    243.60
    160.60    150.20    166.70
    113.60    159.80    214.50
    143.00    152.20    187.80
    97.90    164.80    239.50
    121.70    168.70    197.00
    164.40    148.30    175.90
    151.70    142.10    168.20
    164.90    137.30    157.50
    134.30    161.40    177.40
    142.40    161.30    225.20
    121.60    140.60    213.40
    133.40    161.20    269.30
    135.40    181.30    268.70
    97.50    114.50    216.90
    125.40    169.10    272.10
    155.60    121.50    249.60
    152.30    169.40    264.60
    169.00    142.90    258.00
    182.40    182.50    208.80
    172.50    160.30    221.70
    125.80    137.20    270.50
    164.30    150.60    231.50
    122.70    173.00    211.50
    141.60    150.40    222.00
    126.70    174.40    220.80
    192.10    127.90    313.50
    129.50    151.70    221.80
    133.20    140.00    271.60
    119.70    159.60    190.10
    131.60    141.40    217.90
    124.70    156.50    273.10
    174.30    162.90    167.60
    159.00    128.20    143.50
    155.60    166.50    158.10
    121.40    123.60    202.90
    222.60    163.70    218.50
    90.30    129.00    237.60
    180.40    157.20    228.90
    143.00    133.50    221.40
    143.90    164.10    226.60
    114.60    161.10    286.10
    134.20    135.30    261.30
    134.50    169.60    178.90
    122.90    182.90    203.70
    153.90    156.80    152.00
    114.30    153.00    211.10
    149.30    128.60    209.60
    152.80    158.80    296.80
    167.00    148.20    227.80
    117.40    160.40    273.80
    136.70    148.00    230.60
    138.30    152.40    159.20
    152.80    150.80    111.60
    114.70    153.10    175.20
    143.90    152.70    208.10
    183.00    174.70    193.70
    96.90    158.20    217.00
    167.70    160.70    115.50
    144.60    137.70    275.70
    104.00    182.30    237.70
    129.00    135.00    190.80
    165.30    139.30    197.80
    118.40    109.60    154.70
    140.90    151.30    275.20
    124.20    125.40    312.90
    153.90    141.40    251.00
    144.10    144.70    252.60
    115.90    142.50    196.50
    97.90    165.60    221.40
    143.40    128.10    261.00
    150.50    144.60    210.60
    120.20    133.50    190.30
    158.10    152.90    245.70
    125.00    197.50    200.70
    152.10    154.90    272.60
    184.00    117.70    221.80
    100.10    161.30    213.50
    146.20    158.00    273.30
    131.10    191.60    243.60
    152.70    141.70    187.80
    117.60    110.00    191.20
    139.60    115.50    252.60
    95.80    147.70    235.50
    145.40    170.60    214.30
    143.70    164.30    206.50
    121.90    170.20    174.10
    100.60    171.70    236.50
    186.80    163.40    181.60
    126.30    143.80    247.10
    101.90    168.80    224.70
    134.20    133.20    214.30
    114.40    154.00    242.60
    171.40    153.00    234.90
    119.30    133.40    211.00
    97.90    165.20    249.90
    146.10    141.60    244.70
    100.50    144.60    251.00
    143.20    144.90    263.70
    125.80    135.00    215.10
    177.50    146.00    224.60
    133.00    140.60    284.30
    137.00    155.70    233.50
    97.30    190.20    173.60
    85.20    169.60    232.70
    148.00    115.70    254.70
    133.80    152.90    175.40
    100.70    116.50    141.80
    132.00    140.50    276.30
    131.00    153.40    227.30
    131.40    133.30    296.60
    123.50    115.50    239.20
    109.10    175.20    247.60
    157.70    151.10    209.50
    130.70    147.80    242.20
    165.20    137.20    215.00
    148.10    115.10    183.60
    138.20    143.10    219.40
    76.20    143.30    234.10
    139.60    149.30    237.80
    136.40    111.90    237.40
    121.40    113.90    283.20
    134.00    123.50    218.30
    125.50    177.40
    158.10    156.90
    158.10    119.50
    109.90    144.80
    162.20    138.10
Answer Report 1
    Microsoft Excel 15.0 Answer Report
    Worksheet: [25837.xlsx]Appendix 2
    Report Created: 10/24/2017 6:28:52 PM
    Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
    Solver Engine
        Engine: Simplex LP
        Solution Time: 0.047 Seconds.
        Iterations: 8 Subproblems: 0
    Solver Options
        Max Time 100 sec, Iterations 100, Precision 0.000001
        Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 5%, Solve Without Integer Constraints, Assume NonNegative
    Objective Cell (Max)
        Cell    Name    Original Value    Final Value
        $B$15    Max Revenue C    30000    30000
    Variable Cells
        Cell    Name    Original Value    Final Value    Intege
        $B$6    C    0    0    Contin
        $C$6    D    1000    1000    Contin
        $D$6    L    0    0    Contin
        Cell    Name    Cell Value    Formula    Status    Slack
        $B$18    Constraint #1 LHS    30000    $B$18<=$D$18    Binding    0
        $B$19    Constraint #2 LHS    1000    $B$19>=$D$19    Not Binding    580
        $B$20    Constraint #3 LHS    0    $B$20<=$D$20    Not Binding    250
        $B$21    Constraint #4 LHS    1000    $B$21<=$D$21    Binding    0
        $B$22    Constraint #5 LHS    1000    $B$22>=$D$22    Not Binding    1000
        $B$23    LHS    1000    $B$23>=$D$23    Not Binding    501
        $B$24    Non-neg. C LHS    0    $B$24>=$D$24    Binding    0
        $B$25    Non-neg. D LHS    1000    $B$25>=$D$25    Not Binding    1000
        $B$26    Non-neg. L LHS    0    $B$26>=$D$26    Binding    0
Sensitivity Report 1
    Microsoft Excel 15.0 Sensitivity Report
    Worksheet: [25837.xlsx]Appendix 2
    Report Created: 10/24/2017 6:28:52 PM
    Variable Cells
                Final    Reduced    Objective    Allowable    Allowable
        Cell    Name    Value    Cost    Coefficient    Increase    Decrease
        $B$6    C    0    0    10    20    1E+30
        $C$6    D    1000    0    30    1E+30    12
        $D$6    L    0    0    30    20    1E+30
                Final    Shadow    Constraint    Allowable    Allowable
        Cell    Name    Value    Price    R.H. Side    Increase    Decrease
        $B$18    Constraint #1 LHS    30000    1    30000    0    15030
        $B$19    Constraint #2 LHS    1000    0    420    580    1E+30
        $B$20    Constraint #3 LHS    0    0    250    1E+30    250
        $B$21    Constraint #4 LHS    1000    0    1000    1E+30    0
        $B$22    Constraint #5 LHS    1000    0    0    1000    1E+30
        $B$23    LHS    1000    0    0    501    1E+30
        $B$24    Non-neg. C LHS    0    -20    0    250    0
        $B$25    Non-neg. D LHS    1000    0    0    1000    1E+30
        $B$26    Non-neg. L LHS    0    -20    0    272.7272727273    0
Limits Report 1
    Microsoft Excel 15.0 Limits Report
    Worksheet: [25837.xlsx]Appendix 2
    Report Created: 10/24/2017 6:28:52 PM
        Cell    Name    Value
        $B$15    Max Revenue C    30000
            Variable            Lower    Objective        Upper    Objective
        Cell    Name    Value        Limit    Result        Limit    Result
        $B$6    C    0        0    30000        0    30000
        $C$6    D    1000        499    14970        1000    30000
        $D$6    L    0        0    30000        0    30000
Appendix 2
    LP Solver template (case of three decision variables)
    STEP 1 - Set up spreadsheet    Follow instructions shown below
    Variables    C    D    L
        0    1000    0    Solver will place optimum values of decision variables here, once a solution is found
    Parameters    C    D    L
    Objective funtion    40    60    80    Enter all relevant parameter values into pink cells in this section
    Constraint #1    30    30    50
    Constraint #2    1    1    1
    Add or delete rows and information for constrained resources as needed
    Objective function
    Max Revenue    30000    Solver will place the optimum value of the objective function here, once a solution is found
    Constraints    LHS        RHS
    Constraint #1    30000    <=    30000    Enter total amounts available for constrained resources into pink cells in this section
    Constraint #2    1000    >=    420
    Constraint #3    0    <=    250
    Constraint #4    1000    <=    1000
    Constraint #5    1000    >=    0
        1000    >=    499
    Non-neg. C    0    >=    0
    Non-neg. D    1000    >=    0
    Non-neg. L    0    >=    0
            These are for reference only; change >= to <= as relevant to the problem at hand
        These cells contain formulas based on constraints for the problem at hand
    Add more rows and formulas for other constraints as needed for the problem at hand
    STEP 2 - Set up and run Solver    Follow instructions in Topic 5 of the Green Excel booklet
Appendix 3
    Price per Listing ($)    Cost of Advertising ($)        Price per Listing ($)
    225.26    55.74        187.163090358
    155.35    42.53         =AVERAGE(A2:A301)
    239.54    68.69
    173.77    46.88
    141.45    37.26
    166.44    42.24
    213.04    61.43
    216.68    56.38
    189.81    48.35
    193.62    55.49
    203.99    62.43
    141.23    35.06
    167.55    42.67
    130.10    34.76
    171.53    50.07
    213.48    62.53
    206.52    57.66
    253.63    68.56
    190.00    54.00        co
    120.31    29.85        0.9172181193
    235.68    70.94        CORREL(A2:A301,B2:B301)
    223.47    56.28
    167.52    45.19
    191.68    57.10
    208.38    55.23
    196.54    51.09
    205.89    52.75
    181.62    47.87
    183.84    48.86
    187.64    51.35
    161.31    39.27
    227.69    63.41
    185.19    47.69
    205.59    54.87
    159.35    38.85
    152.74    39.00
    182.27    63.15
    177.42    61.03        SUMMARY OUTPUT
    220.84    65.49
    203.18    58.66        Regression Statistics
    201.22    49.96        Multiple R    0.9172181193
    141.65    34.42        R Square    0.8412890783
    155.97    38.67        Adjusted R Square    0.8407564913
    191.06    53.96        Standard E
or    3.9299291781
    174.56    48.69        Observations    300
    223.70    62.29
    225.23    61.00        ANOVA
    167.58    41.03            df    SS    MS    F    Significance F
    211.25    58.07        Regression    1    24396.3103293967    24396.3103293967    1579.6275558522    3.90964693697148E-121
    226.86    67.30        Residual    298    4602.4143167331    15.4443433447
    194.63    54.63        Total    299    28998.7246461298
    233.70    65.64
    216.87    62.35            Coefficients    Standard E
or    t Stat    P-value    Lower 95%    Upper 95%    Lower 95.0%    Upper 95.0%
    191.42    54.26        Intercept    -6.4172959598    1.4535859794    -4.4148031493    0.0000141551    -9.2778899458    -3.5567019738    -9.2778899458    -3.5567019738
    211.30    51.73        Price per Listing...

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