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ASSESSMENT BRIEF___________________________________________________ Page 1 of 2 Subject Title Strategic Management in Tourism and Hospitality Subject Code HOS801 Lecturer / Tutor Dr Mirrin Locke Dr...

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ASSESSMENT BRIEF___________________________________________________
Page 1 of 2
Subject Title Strategic Management in Tourism and Hospitality
Subject Code HOS801
Lecturer / Tutor Dr Mi
in Locke
Dr Chengeto Chaderopa
Semester Fe
uary 2020

Assessment Title Assessment Three – Individual Report
Learning Outcome/s (found in the
Subject Outline)
1, 2, 3, 4
Assessment type (group or
Weighting % 45%
Word count 2500

Due day & date Week 14 by 23:59 Sunday
Submission type Paper copy ☐ XXXXXXXXXXTurnitin ☒

Format / Layout of Assessment

ICMS Cover Page
Table of Contents
Synopsis / Executive Summary
Reference List

Assessment instructions

For a Tourism and Hospitality organisation of your
choice, research and analyse the existing strategy of
that business.

You have recently been appointed as the CEO of your
chosen organisation, apply your critical thinking skills
to develop strategic recommendations for the
development of the business over the next 12 months.
To submit a definitive and complete Report for the
organisation chosen, you will need to consider at least
the following –
 A
ief history of the organisation and its
strategic development.
 The internal and external environments of the
 The development of strategy at a business,
functional and corporate level.
 Competitive advantage and sustainability.
 The impacts of mergers and acquisitions,
international strategy and alliances.
ASSESSMENT BRIEF___________________________________________________
Page 2 of 2
 Strategic implementation and the importance of
leadership and entrepreneurship.
 Organisational structure, controls and corporate

The Report may address other relevant considerations
and must include evidence of research to substantiate
your conclusions and recommendations.


Individual students are to submit their written Report of
no more than 2,500 words to the Turnitin drop box on
Moodle no later than 23:59 on Sunday Week 14.

Important Instructions
This Assessment is individual and contributes 45% to
the final mark for the course.
The word count limit is 2,500 words (plus or minus
10%), excluding Appendices, References and
Times New Roman 12 point font and 1.5 line spacing.
APA referencing as per 2018 ICMS Style Guide.
Header to contain student names and identifier
numbers only.
Footer to contain page number only.
Plagiarism Declaration attached as first page inside the
cover page.
Last page of the Originality Report attached as second
page inside the cover page.

Refer to and comply with, all the relevant requirements
for a Business Report as listed in the ICMS Style
Guide and note particularly the penalties that apply to
non-compliance with the word count limit and late

Grading Criteria / Ru
ic A Grading Ru
ic is posted in the subject Assessment
lock on Moodle. This Assessment represents 45% of
the final grade for the course.

Microsoft Word - HOS801-ASSESSMENT 3 ANSWER GUIDE.doc
HOS801 Assessment 3 Answer Guide
Dr CC 2020
Question: For a Tourism and Hospitality organisation of your choice, research and analyse the existing
strategy of that business.
You have recently been appointed as the CEO of your chosen organisation, apply your critical thinking skills to develop
strategic recommendations for the development of the business over the next 12 months.
To submit a definitive and complete Report for the organisation chosen, you will need to consider at least the following
ief history of the organisation and its strategic development.
Ø The internal and external environments of the organisation.
Ø The development of strategy at a business, functional and corporate level.
Ø Competitive advantage and sustainability.
Ø The impacts of mergers and acquisitions, international strategy and alliances.
Ø Strategic implementation and the importance of leadership and entrepreneurship.
Ø Organisational structure, controls and corporate governance.
The Report may address other relevant considerations and must include evidence of research to
substantiate your conclusions and recommendations.

Suggested Structure: Please note that this is just one of the many different ways you can take to
answer the question. The important thing to remember is that the analysis of the company is
conducted in order to enable you as the new CEO to understand what the company is doing well and
what they are not doing well. Every stage of the analysis must be followed by a
ief identification of
what the company is doing well and not doing well. Your plans for the next 12 months must therefore
e based on what you find in your analysis. Don’t fix what is not
1.Executive Summary
ief history of the specific organisation and its strategic development (Strategic purpose details/
ent Organisational structure
ent strategy and goals : Corporate/Business/Functional
Ø Analyse the sustainability practices of the organisation: e.g. CSR or TBL
Ø What have been the impacts of mergers and acquisitions, and alliances.
(assuming the company has done any of these)
6.Analysis of the cu
ent strategy in relation to the external environmental factors of the
(Choose the models that you consider appropriate in your external analysis, eg PESTLE,
Porter Five Forces Analysis)
After conducting the external analysis answer these questions:
6.1. Is the company’s cu
ent strategy suited to the characteristics of the external
i.e. Does the company’s cu
ent strategy match the PESTLE environment?
Does the company’s cu
ent strategy match the competitive landscape?
Are the sustainability practices of the organisation comprehensive and giving the company
a competitive edge over the other competitors?
7. Analysis of the cu
ent strategy in relation to the internal environmental factors of the
What does the company do best cu
What are the company’s resources – assets, intellectual property, people/
What are our company capabilities/competences?
After conducting the internal environmental analysis answer these questions:
XXXXXXXXXXIs the company’s cu
ent strategy suited to the characteristics of the internal environment
XXXXXXXXXXi.e., Does the company’s cu
ent strategy match the internal strengths and weaknesses of the
XXXXXXXXXXDoes the company’s cu
ent strategy match the internal capabilities of the company?
(Here, you may raise as many relevant issues as you like)
8.Based on the analyses above, what are the major issues that need to be addressed
8.1: Low occupancies in the hotel: Explain
iefly refe
ing to the analysis conducted already
8.2: High unresolved cases of customer complaints or too many customer complaints: Explain
iefly refe
ing to the analysis conducted already
8.3: Limited revenue generation streams: Explain
iefly refe
ing to the analysis conducted
(In your case, you may identify any number of issues. You can identify 20 issues if you like as
long as they are based on the analyses done already).
HOS801 Assessment 3 Answer Guide
Dr CC 2020

9.Strategic recommendations for the development of the business over the next 12 months: Choose from
the above and create new SMART strategic goals for the next 12 months. You can’t co
ect everything that you
identified in your analysis. Somethings will be co
ected after the first 12 months.
*In my case here I would choose only 3 issues from 8.1 to 8.6 that I think need to be urgently addressed
within the next 12 months. You can choose any number of issues that you think is reasonable and can
e addressed within the 12 months. The issues that you choose must be urgent and if not addressed
they will affect the company’s survival or competitiveness*.
Ø Create and launch new product(s)
Ø Increase customer conversion
Ø Become market leader
Ø Sales: Company’s sales growth/Market sales Growth -> must be >1
Ø Customer satisfaction:
Ø Gain new market position/ re
and the company
Ø Explore new customer segments
Ø Increase shareholders dividend
Ø Diversified revenue streams
Ø Increase number of products in portfolio (BCG matrix)
Ø Open new locations
Ø Market development/ Going international
Ø Create and implement training program
Ø Decrease employee turnover
Ø Improve employee satisfaction (Employee Engagement) Improve customer satisfaction
Ø Decrease the number of product returns
Ø Response time to complaints
Ø Number of followers/like on social media
Ø Improve service approach for new and existing customers.
Ø Strategic partnerships
Ø Customer Delivery time
Ø Increase occupancy rates
Ø Increase web traffic
Ø Restructure organization
Ø Grow through acquisition/mergers
Ø Decrease defects
Ø Improve supplier relationships
Ø Increase team size
Ø Increasing shareholder value by the next quarter
Answered Same Day May 28, 2021 HOS801 ICMS (International College of Management Sydney)


Arunavo answered on Jun 01 2021
165 Votes
Executive Summary
In this paper, the detailed discussion will be made with respect to the hospitality sector of Australia. As Australia is one of the growing markets with respect to the hospitality industry, the focus on the operation of hotel is given. Further, the discussion will be made with respect to the analysis of internal and external environment of the hotel as to ascertain the competitive advantage and the areas of improvements.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary    2
Introduction    4
History and Strategic Development of Ma
iott    4
Organisational Structure    5
ent Corporate Strategy of Ma
iott    6
External Environment of Ma
iott    7
Internal Environment of Ma
iott    8
Major Issues of Ma
iott that need to be analysed    9
Strategic Recommendations    9
Conclusion    9
References    11
Hospitality is known as the friendly gesture that is provided on those who visit in any particular destination. It is the way, in which the person visiting any place is provided with the feeling that they are having the similar experience as they have in their home. Australia is known particularly for the friendly gesture that it showers over the guests visiting their country. Hospitality sector has significantly able to contribute in the economic development of the country. It is estimated that around AUD 100billion is contributed to the GDP of Australia through hospitality industry.
In this assignment, the detailed discussion will be made with respect to one of the major contributor of the hospitality sector that is the hotels of Australia. The discussion will be made with respect to the strategic development of the hotel, which has contributed to have a competitive advantage in the industry. Further, the discussion will be made with respect to the internal and external analysis of the hotel and the recommendation to overcome any challenges will further be suggested.
History and Strategic Development of Ma
iott International is an American multinational chain of hotels, which is spread all over the world. The hotel started their operation from 1927 from Washington DC and with years of providing excellent services to the customers, it has now become world’s third largest hotel chain. The hotel chain has nearly 30
ands under their belt and presently they have around 7003 properties in over 131 countries and te
itories with around 1,332,826 rooms available for the guests (Ma
iott, 2020).
For any organisation, it is very essential to have a strategy for development as that will ensure the sustainability of the organisation is ensured. Zhou and Yang (2018) have discussed that forming strategies will help to identify the room for development and growth for the organisation. The strategic formulation will further ensure the importance of imparting training for the employees as to enhance their performance level and meet the target that has been fixed by the organisation.
iott has a strategic development plan that they have targeted to achieve in coming years. Ma
iott has a target of opening around thousand new hotels in the Asia Pacific region by the end of 2020. A growth line strategy is of nearly 40 percent within 18 months of period. Ma
iott has made a commitment of providing the seamless experience for the guests in their on-
and properties.
The guests will be provided with authentic, personalised and transformative experience they expect while being staying at the property. Further, with respect to the particular region in Australia and New Zealand together the hotel is expected to reach 50 properties by the end of 2020. With a market for growth and the portfolio that Australia provides for Australia, help the hotel to develop their growth strategy (Ma
iott News, 2016).
Organisational Structure
Organisational structure is the structure, which shows the hierarchy of an organisation. Mallen, Chiva, Alegre and Guinot (2016) have discussed that organisation structure helps in providing guidance to the employees as that will help in laying the reporting relationship that governs the entire workflow of the organisation. This provides a formal outline of the organisation’s structure and is very much easier to add new positions in the company that will help in providing flexibility for the growth.
Based on the organisational structure of Ma
iott the room division director of the room division department is the one responsible for controlling the goals, setting job allocations for the manager and further reinforce the customer relationship. Therefore, the departmental strategy implementation along with the customer royalty establishment is the sole responsibility of the department director execution, which will enable in maximising the revenue.
With respect to the organisational structure, the room division department are further decentralised into housekeeping, front desk, concierge and the Guest Service Manager Department. The three parts of the Room Division Department Management includes the front desk manager along with supervisor, golden key concierge manger and the guest service manager.
The next department is the responsibility centre that looks after the occupancy system of the hotel and they provide front office services to the guests. Further, with the front office department the other departments that provide services are the housekeeping department, which looks after the cleanliness of the entire hotel. This includes the cleaning of the rooms, lo
y and all the space of the hotel. One of the most important departments...

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