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Resources for you!! Part 1 The topic I choose was Business, we need to talk about business culture This is the article an article that I decided to use but feel free to find one that allows you to...

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Resources for you!!
Part 1
The topic I choose was Business, we need to talk about business culture
This is the article an article that I decided to use but feel free to find one that allows you to work easier. Please just make it is scholarly.
Jordan, A., T XXXXXXXXXXIntroduction to Business Anthropology. Oxford Research Encyclopedias. Retrieved from https: XXXXXXXXXX0001/acrefore XXXXXXXXXXe-4
Thesis statement. Again, feel free to change it.
In this paper, I will explore an aspect of my own culture through an etic view with the end result of gaining a perspective of an outsider, I will also, view different culture through an insider point of view to understand their motive behind their practice. In particular, I will examine Anthropology through business in America and other developed countries. I will be examining the value of Anthropology in business and to other organizations, as well as the Anthropology of Marketing and consumer behaviors. In both cases, I will provide an understanding of culture workflow and consumers expending that is often not questioned
Part 2
The topic it is business
This is the article I was assigned.
ary-wiley-com.proxy-li XXXXXXXXXX
This is an example of how the paper need to be set up.
https: XXXXXXXXXX/download?wrap=1
The Nacirema Article. Please use some of this information to help reader better understand.
Book we are using in class. Please use some this information. From chapter 1 – 9
ooks/AUANT XXXXXXXXXX/sections/ch09
If you have any question please contact me at
ANT101 Week Five Final Paper Checklist
Write an introductory paragraph that:
Sets up your topic, previews and summarizes the analysis you will present in the body of
the paper. Everything covered in your paper should relate back to the introduction and
thesis statement.
Ends with a thesis statement that clearly states what the main point of your paper will be.
Draw from what you learned while identifying thesis statements in the Week Two
Locating Scholarly Resources assignment to help you craft your own thesis
Review your instructor’s feedback on your thesis statement from your Week
Three Summarize Your Sources for the Final Research Paper assignment.
Part I
Write two- to two-and-a-half pages that:
Describes an aspect of your own culture from an etic perspective. You chose this aspect of
culture on the Week 3 Worksheet assignment. You can describe American culture in
general or you can describe an American subculture, such as a specific geographical
group (e.g., New Yorkers), a particular ethnicity (e.g., African Americans), or an age-
elated category of Americans (e.g., millennials).
Uses the article by Miner to guide your own description. How would an anthropologist
describe the topic you have chosen?
Uses the textbook.
Uses at least one reliable source to support your analysis. Review the ANT101: Evaluating
Sources tutorial from the Ashford Li
ary for help choosing a reliable source.
Uses in-text citations every time you include information you learned from one of your
sources. Review the In-Text Citation Guide for help with this.
Demonstrates a culturally relativistic perspective. Do not use opinionated or judgmental
Kiyana Inczedi
ANT101 Week Five Final Paper Ch ecklist

Write an introductory paragraph that:
Sets up your topic, previews and summarizes the analysis you will present in the body of
the paper. Everything covered in your paper should relate back to the introduction and
thesis statement.
Ends with a thesis statement that clearly states what the main point of your paper will be.
Draw from what you learned while identifying thesis statements in the Week Two
Locating Scholarly Resources assignment to help you craft your own thesis
Review your instructor’s feedback on your thesis statement from your Week
Three Summarize Your Sources for the Final Research Paper assignment.
Part I
Write two- to two-and-a-half pages that:
Describes an aspect of your own culture from an etic perspective. You chose this aspect of
culture on the Week 3 Worksheet assignment. You can describe American culture in
general or you can describe an American subculture, such as a specific geographical
group (e.g., New Yorkers), a particular ethnicity (e.g., African Americans), or an age-
elated category of Americans (e.g., millennials).
Uses the article by Miner to guide your own description. How would an anthropologist
describe the topic you have chosen?
Uses the textbook.
Uses at least one reliable source to support your analysis. Review the ANT101: Evaluating
Sources tutorial from the Ashford Li
ary for help choosing a reliable source.
Uses in-text citations every time you include information you learned from one of your
sources. Review the In-Text Citation Guide for help with this.
Demonstrates a culturally relativistic perspective. Do not use opinionated or judgmental

Part II
Write two- to two-and-a-half pages that:
Describes an aspect of another culture from an emic perspective. You chose this
aspect of culture on the Week 3 Worksheet assignment and you were assigned a
particular article based on the List of Topics.
Uses the assigned article to guide your description.
Uses in-text citations every time you include information you learned from one of your
sources. Review the In-Text Citation Guide for help with this.
Demonstrates a culturally relativistic perspective. Do not use opinionated or
judgmental language.
Write a concluding paragraph that:
Reinforces your thesis.
Summarizes and ties together your main points for the reader.
Incorporates some of your self-reflexive analysis from the Journal entry you created in Week
iculum/file/58554f XXXXXXXXXX43c9-b873-025d5bf08ce9/1/ANT101_List%20_of_Topics.pdf
Kiyana Inczedi
Part II
Write two- to two-and-a-half pages that:
Describes an aspect of another culture from an emic perspective. You chose this
aspect of culture on the Week 3 Worksheet assignment and you were assigned a
particular article based on the List of Topics.
Uses the assigned article to guide your description.
Uses in-text citations every time you include information you learned from one of your
sources. Review the In-Text Citation Guide for help with this.
Demonstrates a culturally relativistic perspective. Do not use opinionated or
judgmental language.
Write a concluding paragraph that:
Reinforces your thesis.
Summarizes and ties together your main points for the reader.
Incorporates some of your self-reflexive analysis from the Journal entry you created in Week
Answered 3 days After Jan 17, 2021


Swati answered on Jan 20 2021
156 Votes
Business Culture in Perspective
Edson Student
Instructor Smith
Business anthropology works on using the anthropological theory, constructs as well as methods for studying 3 subfields within it which are marketing and consumer behavior, organizations and design. This is basically a fast evolving field wherein social sciences like psychology, sociology and anthropology have specific constructs and theories to study the human behavior. Each of these gives clear insight to understand business. Organizational anthropology is all about studying complex organizations from the lens to understand and solve organizational issue whereas marketing and consumer behavior anthropology allows getting close to while understanding consumer’s need and role of human consumption in world. With this paper, I intend to explore my own culture from the etic perspective so as to gain the perspective of an outsider towards business culture of America. Also, I would view varying culture through the insider perspective this is emic view so as to understand what motivates them to practice this culture specifically. Particularly, I would examine Business anthropology in America and that in white collar-Chinese. I will be examining the value of Business Anthropology and to other organizations, as well as the Anthropology of Marketing and consumer behaviors. In both cases, I will provide an understanding of culture workflow and consumers expending that are often not questioned.
Part I
This section of paper will be targeted towards examining the Anthropology in business by considering anthropology in organizations as well as anthropology of marketing and consumer behavior through business in America from an etic perspective. As described by Brown et al (2020), “Etic perspectives refer to explanations for behavior made by an outside observer in ways that are meaningful to the observer. The etic approach acknowledges that members of a culture are unlikely to view the things they do as noteworthy or unusual. They cannot easily stand back and view their own behavior objectively or from another perspective” (p. 48). Miner (1956) described in his article titled ‘Body Rituals among the Nacirema’ several aspects of the culture of Nacirema from the etic perspectives which allows reader to realize slowly that these Nacirema are no other than Americans. This article helps towards examination of the American culture from the perspective of Etic so as to step outside our own experience as society’s en-cultured members. From this perspective, practices by Americans appear to be unusual and strange to outsiders because other cultural practices may come to use before even we understand the cultural context that exists behind them.
Examining business anthropology from the etic perspective is instructive. It is difficult to define business anthropology field due to it being misnomer. The field is not limited to profit organizations only but expands to non-profit organizations, supranational regulatory bodies as well as government organizations (Jordan, 2019). Anthropologists see overall organization as culture and organizational components such as structure, behavior rules, reward system and goals as culture parts. Also an organization is interacting cultures web that can be nested internally, overlap and cross cut where organization is subculture within the bigger cultural units (Hamada Connolly, 2015, p. 125). While it appeared on surface that this Business anthropology in relation to culture was resulted because of American response to Japanese business success (1980), Anthropologists were working in international business consulting field (Terpstra & David, 1985) and intercultural training (Ojile, 1986) while conducted research on Japanese and American...

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