Project 4 – file usage
Course INFO-1156 Object-Oriented Programming in C++
Professor Janice Manning
Assigned Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Due Sunday, August 14, 2022 by 11:59 pm
Weight 10%
Student Name
Project Description
Create a C++ 17 Windows console application that lists file usage. Files will be counted, and their sizes totaled.
Files will be grouped by file extension.
Program Interfaces
The program should have the following command-line interface:
fileusage [-switches] [--help] [folder]
• switches
o h (display help)
o r (reverse order of listing)
o s (sort by size)
o x (regex)
• --help (display help)
• folder is root directory
The files should be listed in alphabetical order of the extension.
• h: shows the help usage for running the program
• r: list the files in reverse order.
• s: sort the files by ascending file size (not extension name) – or descending if the r switch is also
• x: limit the search to only the files that match the extensions specified by a regex expression
(i.e.: -x "\.(docx|xlsx)")
• help: shows the help usage for running the program
If there are no switches or folder specified, the program will run recursively, in the cu
ent directory
showing files with all file types listed in alphabetical order by extension without the directory listing.
Grading Criteria
Functional Requirements Max Actual
Passes: fileusage --help 10% 10%
Passes: fileusage -h 10% 10%
Passes: fileusage folder 10% 10%
Passes: fileusage -r 10% 10%
Passes: fileusage -r folder 10% 10%
Passes: fileusage -s 10% 10%
Passes: fileusage -s folder 10% 10%
Passes: fileusage -sr 10% 10%
Passes: fileusage -sr folder 5% 5%
Survives: fileusage c:\ 5% 5%
Passes: fileusage -x regex 7% 7%
Passes: fileusage -x regex folder 2% 2%
Passes: fileusage -srx regex folder 1% 1%
Non-functional requirements
Sizes not comma separated numbers -5% -0%
Listing is not presented in right aligned columns -10% -0%
Executable program is not named ‘fileusage.exe’ -10% -0%
Multi-file organization not implemented -5% -0%
Penalties from C & C++ Grading Guide v2.2.0
A guide to code/comment style can be found at C++ Style
Late submission
• One to five days late
• More than five days late
Total 100% 100%
Submission Requirements
1. Submit entire Visual Studio project directory to Fanshawe Online
a. Delete all debug and release directories.i
. Submit in a .ZIP, .7z archive file.
i Alternatively, you can ‘clean’ your project for submission by downloading ‘vsclean’ a Visual Studio Solution Cleaner from .