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X ~~ @ [1 (Nh
13 of 27
Type of Collabora- | Individual
Due: Week 9, Monday 16th of September 2024 at 11:59m (23:59hrs).
Submissi Refer to the instructions below
Format: Case Study
Length: 1200 words
Use of Artificial Intel- | In this assessment task, you will not be able to meet the learning outcomes related to
ligence: this assessment by using generative artificial intelligence (Al) tools. Working with anothe
person or technology in order to gain an unfair advantage in assessment or improperly
obtaining answers from a third party including generative Al to questions in an examination
or other form of assessment may lead to sanctions under the Student Misconduct Rule.
Use of generative Al tools may be detected. More information is available on the Li
Word count /duration: There is a word limit of 1200 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used
in your assignment. However, do not include the questions on your template, and reference ist at the end of you
assignment in the word count. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the
word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 1200 words plus 10%
Aim of assessment: The aim of this assessment is to increase students’ understanding of how microorganisms can
cause health
eakdown and the role of relevant pharmacological interventions in the recovery process. This assess-
‘ment focuses on the management of the Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), modes of transmission, relevant characteristics
of pathogens, the importance of
eaking the chain of infection, and common antibiotic used to treat UTI and thei
modes of action. Skills being developed include researching, writing, referencing and presenting information in a
clear and concise written format.

Important notes
Before starting the assessment, make sure you have read through the marking ru
ic to guide your answers
~ Each question should be answered separately and NOT as an essay. Therefore, you do not need to provide
introductions or conclusions to answers.
~ DO NOT copy and paste any parts of your answers directly from any resource. You are expected to paraphrase
all answers
~ You MUST use the template provided in the Assessment 2 Tab to answer the questions.
= You MUST only use resources listed in the Assessment 2 tab (under Assessment Zone) to answer the assessment
questions. No other resources may be cited.
~ A minimum of four of the stipulated references listed as resources must be used and cited in this case study.
~ Internet sources (eg Wikipedia, blogs) and journal articles are NOT to be used in the assessment
~ Academic presentations and tutorial notes cannot be used as references in the assessment.
~ No diagrams are to be included in the assessment.
~ Answers are to be written in a formal academic tone, without the use of a
eviations, colloquial or slang
~ Answers are to be written in the third person (he/she/it or they/them)/their). Do not use I/my/ou
~ Answers are to be written clearly and concisely using co
ect spelling and grammar and written in complete
sentences and paragraphs.
~ Bullet points are NOT acceptable.
~ All answers MUST include in-text references and a reference list MUST be included at the end of the assessment.

Marking Criteria:

Q1 Cefazolin Accurate and Accurate reasoning | Mostly co
ect Basic reasoning for | Poor or inco
thorough reasoning | for the use of a reasoning for the | the use of a reasoning for the
for the use of a prophylactic use of a prophylactic use of a
prophylactic antibiotic relevant | prophylactic antibiotic with prophylactic
antibiotic relevant | to the scenario. antibiotic relevant | some relevance to | antibiotic
to scenario Accurate to the scenario the scenario. description of the
Accurate and description of the | Demonstrates 3 Basic description | mechanism of
thorough mechanism of good level of for the mechanism | action of Cefazolin
description of the | action of Cefazolin | knowledge on the | of action of and reason why
mechanism of including specific | mechanism of Cefazolin with some | Cefazolin does not
action of Cefazolin | cellular structures | action of Cefazolin | mention of the affect human cells.
including specific | that are targeted | with some mention | cellular structures:
cellular structures. | and the changes | of the specific that are targeted | OR
that are targeted | that occur to cellular structures | and some mention | An acceptable
and the changes | bacterial survival. | that are targeted | of the changes that | answer is provided:
that occur to Provides a corect | and the changes | occur to bacterial | however, responses
acterial survival. | reason for why that occur to survival, are not
Provides a comect | Cefazolin does not | bacterial survival. | Provides a basic | appropriately
eason for why affect human cells. | Provides a co
ect | reason for why supported by at
Cefazolin does not | Minor details reason for why Cefazolin does not | least one relevant
affect human cells. | missing on either | Cefazolin does not | affect human cells. | stipulated academic
Responses are the reason for use | affect human cells reference to each
appropriately of prophylactic More detail is However more part and sub-part of
supported by treatment, needed in your detail is needed in | every question.
elevant stipulated | mechanism of answer on either | your answer on
academic references | action of Cefazolin | the reason for use | either the reason for | IMPORTANT-
to each part of or reason why. of prophylactic use of prophylactic | complete absence
every question. Cefazolin does not | treatment, treatment, of stipulated intext
affect human cells. | mechanism of mechanism of references to
Responses are action of Cefazolin | action of Cefazolin | support you
appropriately or reason why or reason why answer to part a o
supported by Cefazolin does not | Cefazolin does not | b, will result in zero.
elevant stipulated | affect human cells. | affect human cells. | being awarded to
academic references | Responses are that part
to each part of appropriately Responses are
every question. supported by ‘appropriately
elevant stipulated | supported by
academic references | relevant stipulated
to each part of academic references
every question. to each part of
every question
XXXXXXXXXX 10125 <95

3:51 all 46 @
16 of 27
— Assessments listed as individual assessments must be completed independently.
— Students are advised to refer to their notes, textbooks, or appropriate academic, peer-reviewed resources utilised
during subject delivery to help develop an understanding of the assessment. There are a number of textbooks
and resources available through the Western Sydney University li
ary that may assist you in this process.
Please refer to the subject's VUWS site for specific subject resources.
3:51 [1 (fh
| High Distinction _
Q2. UTI and
Provides three (3) | Provides at least | Provides at least | Provides at least | Inco
ect scientific
Standard scientific reasons | two (2) scientific | one (1) scientific | one (1) scientific
precautions and accurate and | reasons and reason and mostly | reason and a basic
thorough accurate description | co
ect description | description of how | having an IDC
description of how | of how having an | of how having an | having an IDC increases isk of
having an IDC. IDC increases risk | increases risk of | UTI
increases isk of of UTI uri
um. Inco
ectly identifies
Accurately identifies | Accurately identifies | Accurately identifies | appropriate
Accurately identifies | two (2) appropriate | at least one (1) | at least one (1) | standard
two (2) appropriate. | standard appropriate appropriate precautions relevant
standard precautions relevant | standard precaution | standard precaution | to emptying an
precautions relevant. | to emptying an relevant to relevant to indweling cathete
to emptying an indwelling catheter. | emptying an emptying an
indwelling catheter. indwelling catheter. | indwelling catheter. | Poor or inco
Accurately explains description of how
Accurately and how these two (2) | Accurately explains | Basic explanation | precaution can
thoroughly explains | precautions can | how at least one | of how at least one | protect Peter or the
how these two (2) | protect Peter or the | (1) precaution can | (1) precaution can | nurse from
precautions can | nurse from protect Peter or the | protect Peter or the | transmission of
protect Peter or the | transmission of nurse from nurse from infection
nurse from infection transmission of
transmission of infection. o
infection. Minor detail missed An acceptable
on how these However, there are | However, there are | answer is provided:
Responses are precautions can | some missing some missing however, responses.
appropriately protect Peter or the | details on how this | details on how this | are not
supported by nurse from precaution can precaution can appropriately
elevant stipulated | transmission of protect Peter or the | protect Peter or the | supported by at
academic references | infection nurse from nurse from least one relevant
to cach part of transmission of transmission of stipulated academic
every question Responses are infection infection reference to cach
appropriately part of every
supported by Responses are Responses are question
elevant stipulated | appropriately appropriately
academic references | supported by supported by IMPORTANT-
to each part of relevant stipulated | relevant stipulated | complete absence
every question. academic references | academic references | of stipulated intext
to each part of to each part of references to
every question every quest support you
answer to part 3 o
, wil result in zero.
eing awarded to
that part
ns XXXXXXXXXX7595 <7

not affect human
not affect human
Provides an Provides an Provides mostly Provides a basic | Poor or inco
eaction & accurate and accurate co
ect scientific | scientific answer on | description of how
Loratadine thorough scientific | answer on how an | answer on how an | how an allergic an allergic reaction
answer on how an | allergic reaction | allergic reaction reaction develops, | develops and
allergic reaction develops, with develops, with some | with some mention | mechanism of
develops, with specific mention of | mention of immune | of immune cells and | action of
specific mention of | immune cells and | cells and chemical | chemical mediators | Loratadine.
immune cells and | chemical mediators | mediators released. | released.
chemical mediators | released o
eleased. Mostly co
ect Basic description of | An acceptable
Accurate description of the | the mechanism of | answer is provided;
Accurate and description of the | mechanism of action of however, responses
thorough mechanism of action of Loratadine. are not
description of the | action of Loratadine, ‘appropriately
mechanism of Loratadine, including target However, there are | supported by at
action of including specific | structures. some details least one relevant
Loratadine, target structures. missing on either | stipulated academic
including specific However, there are | the description of | reference to each
target structures. | Minor detail some details an allergic reaction | part of every
missing on either | missing on either | or mechanism of | question.
Responses are the description of | the description of | action of
appropriately an allergic reaction | an allergic reaction | Loratadine. IMPORTANT-
supported by or mechanism of | or mechanism of complete absence
elevant stipulated | action of action of Responses are of intext references
academic references | Loratadine. Loratadine appropriately to support you
to each part of supported by answer to eithe
every question. Responses are Responses are relevant stipulated | part a or b of the
appropriately appropriately academic references | question, will result
supported by supported by to each part of in zero being
elevant stipulated | relevant stipulated | every questi awarded to that
academic references | academic references part.
to each part of to each part of
every question. every question.
71s XXXXXXXXXX7595 <1
Qs. Trimethoprim | Accurate and Accurate Demonstrates a Basic description of | Poo
thorough description of the | good level of the mechanism of
description of the | mechanism of knowledge on the | action of mechanism of
mechanism of action of mechanism of Trimethoprim with | action of
action of Trimethoprim action of some mention of | Trimethoprim o
Trimethoprim including specific | Trimethoprim with | the cellular reason why it does
including specific | celllar structures | some mention of | structures that are | not affect human
cellular structures | that are targeted | the cellular targeted and some | cells.
that are targeted | and the changes | structures that are | mention of the
and the changes | that occur to targeted and the | changes that occur | OR
that occur to bacterial survival. | changes that occur | to bacterial An acceptable
terial survival, to bacterial survival. answer is provided;
Provides a co
ect | survival. Provides a basic | however, responses.
Provides a co
ect | reason for why Provides a co
ect | reason for why are not
eason for why Trimethoprim does | reason for why. Trimethoprim does | appropriately
Trimethoprim does | not affect human | Trimethoprim does | not affect human | supported by at
least one relevant
stipulated academic
Minor details are Minor details are | reference to each
Responses are missing on the inor details are | missing on the part of every
appropriately mechanism of missing on the. mechanism of question
supported by action. mechanism of action or reason
elevant stipulated action or reason | why Trimethoprim | IMPORTANT-
academic references | Responses are why Trimethoprim | does not affect complete absence
appropriately does not affect human cells. of stipulated intext
supported by human
Answered 1 days After Sep 15, 2024


Shubham answered on Sep 15 2024
9 Votes
2024 NURS1024 Bioscience 2 - Assessment 2 answer template
All answers MUST include appropriate intext references throughout all parts, unless otherwise stated.
As a rough guide, write approximately 15-17 words per mark.
Student name (LAST NAME first name):
Student ID number:
1. Cefazolin (Total 20 marks)
Answer (approximately 75 words for part a, and 225 words for part b):
a. Prophylaxis therapy includes developing the treatment for preventing infection and disease before occu
ence of symptoms. Peter started taking prophylactic antibiotics after the surgery for reducing risk of infection. It is because surgery includes primary lines of defence for body like the skin. The nature of surgery includes placement of urinary catheter. It has increased susceptibility for infections like UTIs (Barton, 2023). Prophylactic antibiotics has helped in preventing bacterial infections and ensure body recovers and immune defences becomes weak.
. Cefazolin is from the class of antibiotics called cephalosporins. It is the part of larger group of β-lactam antibiotics. The antibiotics be used for targeting bacterial cell walls. This includes synthesis of peptidoglycan and it is important component of bacterial cell wall. Peptidoglycan provides structural integrity to bacterial cells. In the absence of cell becomes weak and this can cause lysis because of osmotic pressure. Cefazolin can help in binding inactivates penicillin binding proteins. It includes enzymes that are involved in final stages of assembling bacterial cell wall. It is responsible for halting process of peptidoglycan cross linking.
The antibiotic is effective against bacteria and this do not affect human cells. It is because human cells do not have cell walls. Human cells are su
ounded by flexible plasma mem
ane and this do not have rigid peptidoglycan structure. β-lactam antibiotics is important to target enzymes and the complete processes involved in cell wall synthesis. This does not impact normal function of human cells. The selective targeting of bacterial cells while sparing human cells. It makes cephalosporins like Cefazolin that is effective in treating bacterial infections that do not harm host cells (Bullock & Manias, 2022). The antibiotic can impact the bacterial growth and reproduction. It can help in making this the key treatment option for infections that is because of bacteria sensitive to the action.
2. UTI and standard precautions (Total 15 marks)
Answer (approximately 135 words for part a, and 90 words for part b):
a. In having an Indwelling Catheter increased risk for Peter in developing UTI because of multiple reasons:
Direct Pathway for Bacteria: The IDC provides direct route for bacteria like Escherichia coli for entering the bladder from external environment. It is required for bypassing natural defences of body like urethra.
Biofilm Formation: Bacteria can follow to catheter surface...

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