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Engineering Circuit Analysis (EGR-211) Lab #1 Objective: To utilize MultiSim Live and simulate ▪ Single Loop - The Voltage Divider ▪ Single Node-Pair - The Current Divider Equipment PC with MultiSim...

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Engineering Circuit Analysis (EGR-211)
Lab #1

To utilize MultiSim Live and simulate
▪ Single Loop - The Voltage Divider
▪ Single Node-Pair - The Cu
ent Divider
PC with MultiSim live active on a web
owser .
Irwin Circuit Analysis Text
From the advent of electronics design through the early 1970's, circuit simulation was the province
of large corporations. These were the only places commercially that could afford to commit
esources to develop custom simulation capabilities for the development of their products. But
around that time, text-based simulation tools developed at universities and run on large computers
egan to be used by everyone in the industry to perform crude (by today's standards) simulations
of electrical and electronic designs.
Simulation, of course, is performed before a circuit is committed to hardware. Simulation is used
to analyze and prove that a design is working as intended so that time is saved in testing the
physical product.
With the development of smaller, powerful workstations in the 1980's and the eventual
improvement of PC performance from the 1980's through today, it is possible to have computer
performance at the desktop that far exceeds the large computer performance of the 1970's. This
has led to the development of simulation tools that we use today. These simulation tools allow
graphical capture of designs (via schematics) that can be simulated right at the desktop using the
same tool. Now anyone with a PC and the simulation tool can develop and simulate designs
without having to commit to hardware to prove and test the operation of the design.
Safety Precautions
There are no safety precautions for this experiment.

Experiment 1:
1. Load Multisim Live in a web
owser and sign in.
2. Create a new circuit.
3. Place the components and wire up the circuit shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Basic Voltage Divide

4. Set the voltage and resistors to the following,
?(?) = 9?, ?1 = 90?Ω, ?2 = 30?Ω.

5. Set the simulation mode to " Interactive " and run it for a few seconds.
6. Simulate the circuit and determine the values of the following variables.
??1 , ??2 , ?(?)
7. Change the resistor ?1 to 15?Ω, and recompute ??1 , ??2 , ?(?).
8. Save your work and export the schematic image of the circuit and grapher image that
shows ??1 , ??2 , ?(?) and save them for the report.
Experiment 2:
1. Create a new circuit.
2. Place the components and wire up the circuit shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Cu
ent Divider Circuit.

3. Set the cu
ent and resistors according to Figure 2.
4. Set the simulation mode to "Interactive" and run it for a few seconds.
5. Simulate the circuit and determine the values of the following variables.
?1, ?2, ?0
6. Save your work and export the schematic image of the circuit and grapher image that
shows ?1, ?2, ?0 and save them for the report.

Laboratory Report Format
In the laboratory report, each section should start on a new page. All figures (and tables if
applicable) should be numbered, and an appropriate title given. The format is as follows:
1. Title and Abstract – limited to 300 words – give a self-contained synopsis.
2. Objectives
3. Discussion and Results:
3.1 Single Loop - The Voltage Divider
3.2 Single Node-Pair - The Cu
ent Divider
4. Summary and Conclusions
Answered Same Day Feb 17, 2022


Rahul answered on Feb 18 2022
117 Votes
Title & Abstract:
Voltage Divider Circuit: Voltage divider is a passive linear circuit in which the output voltage is a fraction of the input voltage. Voltage division is according to the ration of the input resistors used.
ent Divider Circuit: Cu
ent Divider is a passive linear circuit in which cu
ent across the input components is a fraction of the input cu

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