Final pape
Company or Topic: SentinelOne,inc.(N.B this is the company you are writing about)
Business Communications Students
Final Report and Final Report Presentation Guidance
May 22, 2023
As I mentioned in the post in the Content section of the class Blackboard site, I am providing
you with some additional information and guidance concerning your final reports and final report
presentations. I hope that this information and guidance helps you as you move through the three
stages of the communications process in preparing your final papers and final presentations.
To begin, you are going to be playing the role of a financial analyst with respect to the company
that you have chosen.
You are part of an investment team at a hedge fund or investment bank, and you
are preparing a report on your company to profile and analyze generally the company that you
have chosen. You also will make a presentation concerning this company that summarizes you
For this presentation, you will prepare visual aids using a presentation program such as
PowerPoint, Google Slides, Prezi, or E-Maze.
Financial analysts play critical roles in investment entities. The analysts working for an
investment entity study the companies in which the investment entity commits funds invested in
it. Financial analysts perform several critical functions:
• They gather data;
• They organize information, including the data that they have gathered;
• They analyze results, looking for trends and comparing the company being studied to simila
: They make forecasts and develop recommendations; and
They prepare reports and make presentations.
In the scope of the anticipated 10-page final report, you will not perform the level of analysis that
a financial analyst working for a true hedge fund might undertake. You are not going to make the
extensive financial analysis that a professional analyst would perform or prepare forecasts o
ecommendations. You will be able, however, to summarize and organize the information that
you obtain from reputable sources.
You are going to profile your company and analyze its cu
ent condition (including its financial
and operational condition). Some of the items that you should consider in connection with you
company are the following (keeping in mind that these are suggested topics not all of which
might be applicable or important with respect to your company):
Its cu
ent stock price versus its historic stock price;
: Its cu
ent financial condition, including sany information about debt that mighe be coming.
• Its management (especially management continuity and any recent changes in senio
NB:you are to write a 10 page paper and make a 9 to 12 PowerPoint slides presentation as well.
Thank you
Please no plagiarism and no copy of work
Thank you