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The Wolf of Volkswagen Versus A Seasoned Feminist Warrior THE WOLF OF VOLKSWAGEN VERSUS A SEASONED FEMINIST WARRIOR Assignment 1 Subject: MPM732 Student: Andrew STAR Student ID: XXXXXXXXXX Word Count:...

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The Wolf of Volkswagen
A Seasoned Feminist Wa
Assignment 1
Subject: MPM732
Student: Andrew STAR

Word Count: 2143

1 | P a g e
Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX2
Powerful political figure takes on women’s rights in Beijing ........................................... XXXXXXXXXX3
Analysing a letter from the Wolf of Volkswagen to its cubs; 2014 .................................. XXXXXXXXXX4
Comparison ...................................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX5
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX6
References ....................................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX7

2 | P a g e

Critical discourse analysis (CDA) can be defined as a way of sceptically reviewing, analysing and
esearching the power inequalities and how they are enacted within a discourse (Van Dijk, 2001, p.
1). The analysis takes into account all forms of language and communication within the social and
political context. CDA centres around analysing power imbalances in a set of circumstances, as
legitimacy of power is achieved through effective discourse (Kendall 2007).

Grice’s suggests that in order for effective communication to take place, the speaker and audience
need to cooperate, he refers to these four principles as the Conversational Maxims (Grice XXXXXXXXXXThe
maxim of quantity ensures not too little or too much information is provided. The maxim of quality
for truthful information and facts. Relation for relevance, and manner which is how the content is

By applying specific tools such as Grice’s four maxims (Grice 1975) and Dilt’s neuro-logical levels
(Dilts, R 1990) to either ve
al or written communication pieces, we are able to critically review the
process of communication between speaker and audience. From this we are able to analyse whether
it has been successful, and whether appropriate power is evident.

The aim of this review is to analyse both the letter to shareholders by Martin Winterkorn
(Winterkorn, 2014) and Hillary Rodham Clinton’s speech (Eidenmuller, 2008) on women’s rights by
applying the critical analysis tools mentioned above and comparing the effectiveness of each. Did
each use language effectively in order to communicate their aim in an evocative way.

3 | P a g e
Powerful political figure takes on women’s rights in Beijing

Clinton’s speech discusses women’s rights around the world. Covering historical information,
present day issues and a vision for the future, her discourse attempts to define women’s rights as
human rights and to call to action for equal rights for all.

Gender inequalities and denigration against women can be found in most societies and religions,
seen from the beginning of time when the bible states Timothy (The Bible new International Version,
2013) ‘I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent’. Even
today, the physical abuse of women is often used as a powerful tool during war, with Isgandarova
stating ‘the rape of women in war is used as a deliberate strategy to undermine community bonds,
weaken resistance to aggression’ (Isgandarova, 2013).

For both power and effect, Clinton uses a range of Brookfield’s language tricks (Brookfield, 2013) to
engage with the audience. She gains trust by refe
ing to her own personal story, often repeating the
statement ‘I have met’ (Eidenmuller, 2008) to reinforce this. This statement is also an effective use
of repetition (Brookfield). She assumes the voice of the majority with the phrase ‘Speaking to you
today, I speak for them’ (Eidenmuller, 2008) to gain further advantage and does so successfully.

Given her position as First Lady of the United States of America when her speech was delivered,
Clinton advantageously uses her authoritarian political power, as well as the assuring reflexive
augmentative move to further strengthen her speech. Through this, she avoids the issue of sceptical
egress with the audience.

Perhaps the most powerful words spoken during her address are ‘women’s rights are human rights’,
as her ultimate message is to empower people to uphold the rights of women as they do the rest of
society. This is an extremely effective tactic to elicit emotion with her audience, along with the
strategic pauses throughout her address. She continues to engage with her audience and used
anaphora eight times stating ‘it is a violation of human rights when….’ before subsequent
emotionally charged, graphic statements which are generic enough to relate to a wide variety of
cultural and societal groups. These statements are an effective use of direct rather than euphemistic
language, with such a tactic being useful in this instance as it ensures she engages the audience on
an emotional level, as well as her address being relevant to all.

Clinton followed Grice’s four maxims with the content catering to the audience appropriately. The
use of more specific statistical evidence and facts would have indeed provided more substance,
however this was not pivotal to her success. The address ensured relevant content was covered,
without losing the audience’s attention resulting in disengagement. The quality of the content was
extremely relevant and the way she used examples, specifically her personal experiences,
heightened her credibility at providing accurate information. Standing behind the lectern was formal
and set a serious tone for her discourse.

4 | P a g e
Analysing a letter from the Wolf of Volkswagen to its cubs; 2014

When Winterkorn addresses the shareholders, the intent of the discourse is to instil confidence
whilst setting a positive tone regarding the financial situation of the Volkswagen group based on the
previous years’ financials. Using various communication and language tricks, the author attempts to
gain power and trust in order to influence the readers.

Winterkorn joined the Volkswagen group in 1993 and has held various senior leadership roles since.
The longevity of his tenure and his role as CEO positioned him as an authoritative figure. This
heightens his trust and credibility with his intended audience.

Highlighting early on that 2014 was a difficult year, Winterkorn sets a negative tone for the
discourse. This negativity is then played down and discounted in the same opening sentence by
ending with (Winterkorn, 2014) ‘ultimately good year for the Volkswagen group’. He continues
throughout the letter to build on this theme strengthening his position by providing examples of
success thus setting an overall positive tone for the discourse.

To engage an emotional response and connection with the audience, Winterkorn cleverly writes
‘your company’ in the opening paragraph.
Answered Same Day Apr 13, 2020 MPM 732


Preeti answered on Apr 15 2020
148 Votes
Critical analysis and discussion
Table of Contents
4Analysis of famous speech by Jawaharlal Nehru
5Analysis of statement by Emirates
7Structural comparison of speech and statement
Critical analysis is understood as a mechanism asking writer to express opinion through evaluating somebody’s work and text, which might be a book, speech, statement, movie or anything else. The critical analysis does not necessarily implies to discover loopholes or gap areas through the process of evaluation, rather it aims at
eaking or segregating information or study into parts and deriving necessary interpretations. In simple words, critical analysis is done for identifying author’s thesis or purpose, effectiveness of the material or information presented, its communication power, etc for determining whether reader or target audience persuaded for reading the text material and it justifies on grounds of logical reasoning and contrary evidences.
In the sphere of critical analysis and discourse, conversation principle laid down by H.P. Grice receives good amount attention as it is used widely for evaluating effectiveness of language, communication process, thesis statement and level of cooperation between speaker and audience. Grice has defined four maxims or principles followed by people while communicating certain texts or information. These four principles are based on quantity of information, its quality, relevance or reliability, and the way or manner in which information is communicated.
Likewise, Dilts’ logical levels also provide helpful structure in identifying what’s happening and evaluating scenario on grounds of six levels- environment, competence, beliefs, identity, behaviour and spirituality.
The above two identified critical analysis model or concepts are used for evaluating one speech made by Jawaharlal Nehru and statement by Emirates Chairman’s statement.
Analysis of famous speech by Jawaharlal Nehru
Jawaharlal Nehru’s speech is visionary in nature as it summarised pain or sufferings faced by India in the course of gaining Independence, along with a vision for the future based on creating or making India as a country fostering respectable and growing life to all i
espective to religion, caste and any other social structure ba
ier. The speech is delivered in the year 1947, the India’s independence year, focussed on struggles and ill fortune of the country, forced to remain as a slavery entity. Along with it, speech also states for call to action through taking pledge of dedication for serving country and assisting humanity in new and improved means. The freedom has always been an unending quest of any country, so as India, filled country with the grandeur of success. At the same time, dawn period of India’s history is also need to be remembered as it gives necessary strength for discovering new fortune and paving growth pathways (Jawaharlal Nehru: A Tryst with Destiny. 2007).
Jawaharlal Nehru’s speech statement seems as adherence to four maxims or principles of conversation principles defined by H.P. Grice. At the outset, speech has comprehensively discussed India’s ill fortune enabling audience to develop insight regarding struggles and setbacks faced by country in gaining independence, and, on the other hand, filling audience with encouraging spirit for creating and defining India’s new fortune. At some points, speech also provided historic references as what has happened and when, this factor is not sole criteria for measuring speech effectiveness, but worth mentioning (Katan, 2014).
The quantity of information can’t be said as lagging in any aspect as author has succinctly covered all major points of Independence, cele
ated or expressed his happiness and gratitude for the day, and deep so
ow for loved ones who were lost. The audiences do not appear as ove
urdened with the speech information as every sentence or paragraph established perfect linkage between past, present and future. All aspects, in terms of achievement, point or moment of cele
ation, responsibility, ambitions, need of social reforms, and gratitude are also covered by the speech. Second principle or maxim based on quality is also fulfilled as speech content never appeared as i
elevant in any manner, the statements, facts and encouraging words used by Jawaharlal Nehru is strong enough to imbibe someone with new energy and fuelling power to create new history. The personal experience, memories and gratitude showed by Jawaharlal Nehru to Mahatma Gandhi, father of nation, soldiers and volunteers heightened...

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