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ACC03043 Assessment Session 2 2018 Overview of Assessment Assessment in this unit comprises four tasks:  Assessment Task 1 5% · Assessment Task 2 25% · Assessment Task XXXXXXXXXX%  Examination 40%...

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ACC03043 Assessment Session 2 2018
Overview of Assessment
Assessment in this unit comprises four tasks:

Assessment Task 1
· Assessment Task 2
· Assessment Task XXXXXXXXXX%
     Examination
Assessment to Meet National Accounting Learning Standard
The Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) has issued Learning Standards for Business, Management and Economics to meet the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework Act 2011. The Learning Standards Statement for Accounting was issued in June 2016 (replacing the first edition of the Accounting Learning Standard issued in Fe
uary XXXXXXXXXXThe 2016 version can be accessed from the following web link.
The unit ACC03043 Corporate Governance is covered by the Accounting Learning Standard This unit is offered at the Master Degree standard and is equivalent to the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) Level 9 award requirements.
In this unit you will focus on meeting the requirements relating to four primary learning outcomes.
· Knowledge
· Critical analysis and problem solving skills
· Judgement
· Communication
These learning outcomes will be assessed in the assessment tasks. The four learning outcomes for ACC03043 have been adapted from the national standard for the Accounting Discipline to apply to Corporate Governance.
The foundation learning outcome is KNOWLEDGE. In this unit you will need to demonstrate knowledge of a significant amount of information relating to corporate governance and related areas of management theory and practice. The Master graduate needs to meet the following national standard for Knowledge:
Integrate advanced theoretical and technical corporate governance knowledge (which includes a selection of accounting, auditing and assurance, finance, economics, quantitative methods, information systems, commercial law, corporation law and taxation law) in a business context.
The secondary learning outcome is the development of CRITICAL ANALYSIS AND PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS. In this unit you will be required to demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge about corporate governance in a range of corporate governance settings. The Master graduate needs to meet the following national standard of Critical analysis and problem solving skills:
Critically apply advanced theoretical and technical corporate governance knowledge and skills to provide possible solutions to emerging and or advanced corporate governance problems.
The tertiary learning outcome is the development and exercise of professional JUDGEMENT. In this unit you will be required to demonstrate the ability to make professional judgements about corporate governance matters in a range of professional, business and corporate settings. The Master graduate needs to meet the following national standard for Judgement:
Exercise judgement under minimal supervision to provide possible solutions to emerging and/or advanced corporate governance problems in complex contexts using where appropriate social, ethical, economic, regulatory, sustainability, governance and / or global perspectives.
The final learning outcome assessed in this unit is the development of skills in COMMUNICATION. In this unit you will be required to demonstrate the ability to prepare written reports that communicate complex corporate governance issues and advice to both professionals and non-professionals in the corporate governance field. The Master graduate needs to meet the following national standard for Communication.
Justify and communicate corporate governance advice and ideas in complex collaborative contexts to influence specialists and non-specialists in the corporate governance field.
As you work on your assessment tasks make sure you consider and seek to demonstrate that you can meet the standard for each of the above national learning outcomes for Master graduates.
Assessment Task 3
2,400 words total (+/- 10%) Reference list and cover sheet details are not included in this word-limit total.
30% of total unit marks
Assessment Criteria:
· Demonstration of knowledge of the issues and evidence of wide reading to support your analysis
· Demonstration of your ability to apply the knowledge to identify keys issues leading to your recommendations
· Evidence of sound reasoning and the exercise of professional judgement to support your recommendations
· Development and statement of concise recommendations for presentation to the Chairman
· Overall structure and professional presentation of your report to the Chairman
· High quality written communication of concepts and terms as the Chairman can be assumed to be professionally competent in corporate governance
Case Study
‘Countering cyber risk presents a significant strategic challenge to leaders across industries and sectors but one that they must surmount in order to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the vast technological advances in networked technology that are cu
ently in their early stages. Over the past decade, we have significantly expanded our understanding of how to build secure and resilient digital networks and connected devices. However, board-level capabilities for strategic thinking and governance in this area have failed to keep pace with both the technological risks and the solutions that new innovations provide.
Boards have a vital governance function, determining overall company behaviour and setting a company’s risk appetite. For boards, action means effectively exercising oversight by asking managers the right questions to ensure that the boards’ strategic objectives are met. This function is no different in the area of cyber resilience. By offering the following principles and tools, the Forum hopes to facilitate useful dialogue between boards and the managers they entrust with the operation of the companies to which they owe their fiduciary obligations.’
Source: World Economic Forum (2017), Advancing Cyber Resilience: Principles and
Tools for Boards,
Assume you have been employed as a corporate governance consultant by a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange and ranked within the ASX 200. The Chairman of the company has decided to address the issue of cyber security at the company board level.
As an initial step in the process of improving the cyber resilience of the company the Chairman has employed you to prepare a report that critically analyses how the company can best integrate its cyber security and resilience protocols to ensure continued corporate survival and improved business performance. The Chairman has requested that you submit a report providing examples of best practice and a clear set of recommendations on how the company should initiate a cyber resilience policy at the corporate board level. Your report will be tabled at the next board meeting for board members to review and evaluate your recommendations.
(End of assessment details)

ACC03043: Assessment 3 Marking Ru
    Less than 50
    50 - 64
    65- 74
    75 -84
    85 -100
    Demonstrates poor, limited or confused knowledge of the topic and issues. Provides little to no pertinent examples.
    Demonstrates sound knowledge of the topic and issues. Provides adequate pertinent examples.
    Demonstrates competent knowledge of the topic and issues. Provides appropriate pertinent examples.
    Demonstrates very good knowledge of the topic and issues. Provides frequent pertinent examples.
    Demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of the topic and issues. Provides numerous pertinent examples.
    Inability to apply knowledge or synthesise issues. Examples are limited and do not clearly relate to task.
    Sound ability to apply knowledge and synthesise issues. Examples are useful and mostly relate to task.
    Competent ability to apply knowledge and synthesise issues. Examples are suitable and relate to task.
    Very good ability to apply knowledge and synthesise issues. Examples are sound and clearly relate to task.
    Excellent application of knowledge to the issue demonstrating original thinking skills, insight and creativity. Examples are insightful and clearly relate to task.
    Inability to demonstrate capacity to analyse key issues, evaluate evidence and provide sound and viable recommendations.
    Sound demonstration of capacity to analyse key issues, evaluate evidence and provide sound and viable recommendations under minimal supervision.
    Competent demonstration of capacity to analyse key issues, evaluate evidence and provide sound and viable recommendations under minimal supervision.
    Very good demonstration of capacity to analyse key issues, evaluate evidence and provide sound and viable recommendations under minimal supervision.
    Excellent demonstration of capacity to analyse key issues, evaluate evidence and provide sound and viable recommendations.
    Communication (20%)
    Poor writing skills demonstrating little clarity, coherence and cogency. Frequent grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting e
ors and poor report format and presentation.
    Sound writing skills demonstrating adequate clarity, coherence and cogency. Minor grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting e
ors and satisfactory report presentation.
    Competent writing skills demonstrating moderate clarity, coherence and cogency. Minimal grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting e
ors and quality report presentation.
    Very good writing skills demonstrating consistent clarity, coherence and cogency. Virtually no grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting e
ors and very good report presentation.
    Excellent writing skills demonstrating sustained clarity, coherence and cogency. No grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting e
ors. Professional report presentation.
    Inadequate sourcing of material and formatting in Harvard style. Less than 5 credible sources.
    Sound sourcing of material and formatting in Harvard style. At least 5 credible sources.
    Competent sourcing of material and formatting in Harvard style At least 7 credible sources.
    Very good sourcing of material and formatting in Harvard style. At least 9 credible sources.
    Excellent sourcing of material and formatting in Harvard style. More than 10 credible sources.
Answered Same Day Aug 22, 2020 ACC03043 Southern Cross University


Abr Writing answered on Aug 24 2020
155 Votes
Introduction    3
Case analysis    3
Main body    4
The need and significance of cybersecurity    4
Ways to integrate cybersecurity and resilience protocol    5
Examples of best practices    8
Recommendation on initiating cyber resilience policy in Woolworth    9
Conclusion    9
References    10
In the modern era, the up-gradation and advancements in the field of technology have provided businesses with enormous opportunities to ca
y out the smooth flow of their operations and activities. Nowadays, small, medium and large scale organizations are making use of various technologies to innovative new products and deliver satisfactory services to customers (Banner, 2018). However, it can be argued that along with the advancement in technology, the corporate world has also started facing challenges linked to cybersecurity.
Over the past few years, cyber threats have emerged as one of the most significant challenges for Australia organizations (Wirth, 2016). It can be expressed that businesses are now emphasizing on enhancing their resilience protocol and cybersecurity in the best and every possible manner.
The present study is based on Woolworths Group limited which is an Australian company, and it is considered one of the most successful and trusted
ands in the retail industry of Australia. The selected business was founded in the year 1924, and it is a listed company on the Australian Stock Exchange, and the
and is also listed within ASX 200. The cu
ent report outlines how Woolworths Group Limited can integrate policy linked with cybersecurity and resilience protocol.
Case analysis
From the provided case study, it has been analyzed that over the past few years, cyber risks have emerged as the biggest challenge or issue for organizations operating in different industries. However, to take the fullest and best possible advantage of technology, it is now required by companies to face the cyber risks. Organizations now are focusing on developing secure, and resilience digital network, connected devices and they have been successful in the same.
On the other hand, it has been analyzed that strategic thinking and lack of governance in cybersecurity are the significant factors because of which businesses have failed to deal with technological risks and provide innovative solutions (Advancing Cyber Resilience, 2017). The provided case study also outlines that a company’s Broad is mainly responsible for governance and meeting the strategic objectives of the company. It has been evaluated that it is also required by businesses to emphasize the area of cybersecurity and resilience to ca
y out the smooth flow of all operations and activities in the long run.
Main body
The need and significance of cybersecurity
In simpler terms cybersecurity is defined as the overall protection of systems which are connected through the internet. In the modern era, the internet has emerged as the foundation of many business activities, functions and therefore, it is the responsibility of organizations to protect the systems linked with internet in the best and every possible manner (Joinson and Steen, 2018). The concept of cybersecurity helps businesses in protecting the hardware, software along with information data stored in the computer systems.
The main and most important objective of cybersecurity is to protect an organization from different types of cyber attacks. In the present era, there are wide ranges of cybersecurity threats which are encountered by companies and therefore, the use of effective practices linked to cybersecurity has now become mandatory (Weinstein, 2016). Social engineering, Malware, and phishing are some examples of the cyber threats which are faced by businesses.
For a
and like Woolworths Group Limited, cybersecurity is very important because it can prevent the organization from different types of cybersecurity-related risks and threats. The concept of cybersecurity is significant because it can assist Woolworth in identifying thefts and at the same time, it can contribute to risk management of the company’s valuable data (Yildirim, 2016).
The selected business enterprise will be able to enhance the overall security of its cyberspace by using cybersecurity. In addition to this, enhancements in the degree of cyber defence and cyber speed are some other benefits which Woolworths will be able to obtain by improving its cybersecurity.
Woolworths is one of the biggest retailers in the Australia retail industry, and at present, it has formed a duopoly in the market with a
and such as Coles. It can be expressed that several transactions are ca
ied out by Woolworths on a daily basis over the internet, and therefore, enhancement in the cybersecurity is mandatory for the business.
and is required to understand the fact that critical data of business, customer, and employee has been stored in the systems and over the internet and the protection of these areas is essential (Gordon et al. 2018). It is also true to enhancement in cybersecurity is costly for businesses, but the management of Woolworth should emphasize on the benefits associated with cybersecurity instead of focusing upon the cost or expenses which will be incu
ed. The retail operations of Woolworths are also ca
ied out online, and therefore, security of operations over the internet is vital.
The concept of cybersecurity is also significant because it will provide employees of Woolworth with an opportunity to work safely. It can be expressed that ineffective cybersecurity systems are always considered as a threat for both businesses as well as its...

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