Assessment item 3
Length: 2000 words (without questions and reference)
Reference Style: APA reference (Each question need references. It should be type under the paragraph
Task please mainly use text book ( I have already attached it) and article with others for references
1. What is the advantage of cross cultural communication (CCC) for business?
In paragraph form (no dot points) and followed the PEA structure:
Point-the topic sentence; tells the reader the point of the paragraph (can include detail)
Evidence - supports the point and explains, elaborates, exemplifies; gives examples from your research
Analysis - interprets or evaluates the evidence and ties the paragraph together - can also link to the next point
Reference - Each question need reference. It should be type under the paragraph
2. According to the author, what are some of the measures to overcome the ba
iers to cross cultural communication?
In paragraph form (no dot points) and followed the PEA structure:
Point-the topic sentence; tells the reader the point of the paragraph (can include detail)
Evidence - supports the point and explains, elaborates, exemplifies; gives examples from your research
Analysis - interprets or evaluates the evidence and ties the paragraph together - can also link to the next point
Reference - Each question need reference. It should be type under the paragraph
3. What does the author mean by ‘low context’ and ‘high context’ cultures? Is Australia low or high context?
In paragraph form (no dot points) and followed the PEA structure:
Point-the topic sentence; tells the reader the point of the paragraph (can include detail)
Evidence - supports the point and explains, elaborates, exemplifies; gives examples from your research
Analysis - interprets or evaluates the evidence and ties the paragraph together - can also link to the next point
Reference - Each question need reference. It should be type under the paragraph
4. What does the author mean by ‘Stereotyping is an extension of ethnocentrism’? (p23)
In paragraph form (no dot points) and followed the PEA structure:
Point-the topic sentence; tells the reader the point of the paragraph (can include detail)
Evidence - supports the point and explains, elaborates, exemplifies; gives examples from your research
Analysis - interprets or evaluates the evidence and ties the paragraph together - can also link to the next point
Reference - Each question need reference. It should be type under the paragraph
5. The author argues that 'Focus should be placed on using individual differences'. Why do you think this approach might be more effective than ‘promoting cultural adaptation’?
In paragraph form (no dot points) and followed the PEA structure:
Point-the topic sentence; tells the reader the point of the paragraph (can include detail)
Evidence - supports the point and explains, elaborates, exemplifies; gives examples from your research
Analysis - interprets or evaluates the evidence and ties the paragraph together - can also link to the next point
Reference - Each question need reference. It should be type under the paragraph
6. How does the author define ‘culture’ and explain why is it difficult to separate from his/her professional career (p20)
In paragraph form (no dot points) and followed the PEA structure:
Point-the topic sentence; tells the reader the point of the paragraph (can include detail)
Evidence - supports the point and explains, elaborates, exemplifies; gives examples from your research
Analysis - interprets or evaluates the evidence and ties the paragraph together - can also link to the next point
Reference - Each question need reference. It should be type under the paragraph
7. Compare and contrast the communication styles of your home country and Australia. How do they differ? Are there similarities
(compare Home country –Sri Lanka and Australia)
In paragraph form (no dot points) and followed the PEA structure:
Point-the topic sentence; tells the reader the point of the paragraph (can include detail)
Evidence - supports the point and explains, elaborates, exemplifies; gives examples from your research
Analysis - interprets or evaluates the evidence and ties the paragraph together - can also link to the next point
Reference - Each question need reference. It should be type under the paragraph
8. Explain what is means by “ individual member of a group embodies all of his or her group’s characteristics”?
In paragraph form (no dot points) and followed the PEA structure:
Point-the topic sentence; tells the reader the point of the paragraph (can include detail)
Evidence - supports the point and explains, elaborates, exemplifies; gives examples from your research
Analysis - interprets or evaluates the evidence and ties the paragraph together - can also link to the next point
Reference - Each question need reference. It should be type under the paragraph
9. Give examples of how Australians stereotype people from your country, and how people from your country stereotype Australians. Do you think these stereotypes are accurate? (use Home country –Sri Lanka)
In paragraph form (no dot points) and followed the PEA structure:
Point-the topic sentence; tells the reader the point of the paragraph (can include detail)
Evidence - supports the point and explains, elaborates, exemplifies; gives examples from your research
Analysis - interprets or evaluates the evidence and ties the paragraph together - can also link to the next point
Reference - Each question need reference. It should be type under the paragraph
10. Give an example of how cultural difference might lead to misunderstanding. How could this have a negative effect on business?
In paragraph form (no dot points) and followed the PEA structure:
Point-the topic sentence; tells the reader the point of the paragraph (can include detail)
Evidence - supports the point and explains, elaborates, exemplifies; gives examples from your research
Analysis - interprets or evaluates the evidence and ties the paragraph together - can also link to the next point
Reference - Each question need reference. It should be type under the paragraph
The task addresses the following learning outcomes:
· be able to resolve a range of real life ethical dilemmas; and
· be able to critically reflect on their role as business professionals and how their future actions as business professionals can affect society in positive and negative ways.
Marking criteria
Academic skills (10)
Use of academic writing that is formal, and cautiously phrased. Work contains distinct, articulate statements with no e
ors. References used in-text and in the reference list comply with APA standards. All work has been acknowledged appropriately. All tasks have been addressed, and each response is labelled clearly.
Use of academic writing that is formal and cautiously phrased. Work contains distinct, articulate statements that have very few e
ors. References used in-text and in the reference list comply with APA standards, and all work has been acknowledged appropriately. All tasks have been addressed, and each response is labelled clearly.
Appropriate academic/professional writing is used. There may be minor spelling, grammatical and/or punctuation e
ors in the work, but the work shows evidence of proofreading. References in-text and in reference list mostly comply with APA standards. All tasks have been addressed, and each response is labelled.
Appropriate academic/professional writing. Some spelling, grammatical and/or punctuation e
ors found, but the work is readable. Others' work has been acknowledged, although referencing does not always comply with APA standards. All tasks have been addressed, and each response is labelled.
Writing is not of academic standard in that it contains spelling, grammatical and/or punctuation e
ors. It may not use properly-constructed sentences and/or paragraphs. The work of others is not acknowledged appropriately. Not all,tasks have been attempted.
Reflective skills (10)
The student has reflected critically, and has discussed what he/she has learnt (rather than merely reiterating the material). There is evidence of deep understanding and thoughtful consideration. The student's responses to the questions show clear links to MGT211 subject materials.
The student has reflected , and has discussed what he/she has learnt (rather than merely reiterating the material). There is evidence of a good understanding and thoughtful consideration. The student's responses to the questions shows links to MGT211 subject materials.
The student has made a good attempt to reflect, and has discussed what he/she has learnt (rather than merely reiterating the material). There is evidence of some understanding and consideration. The student's responses to the questions show some links to MGT211 subject materials.
The student has made a good attempt to reflect, and has discussed what he/she has learnt (rather than merely reiterating the material). There is evidence of a basic understanding and consideration. The student's responses to the questions do not show show a logical link to MGT211 subject materials.
Work is mainly copied or paraphrsed from original article and/or other sources. There is no evidence of reflection. and/or understanding. The students has not addressed the criterion adequately.
Responses to questions
(10 marks per question).
The student has demonstrated a clear and comprehensive understanding of the issues/concepts raised in the question
The student has demonstrated a good understanding of the issues/concepts raised in the question.
The student has demonstrated some understanding of the issues/concepts raised in the question.
The student has demonstrated a basic understanding of the issues/concepts raised in the question.
The student has not addressed the task to an adequate level.
Quest Journals
Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science
Volume 4 ~ Issue XXXXXXXXXXpp:20-26
esponding Author: Dr. Prasanta Kumar Padhi XXXXXXXXXX20 | Page
Dept. of English, Orissa Engineering College, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Research Paper
The Rising Importance of Cross Cultural Communication in
Global Business Scenario
Dr. Prasanta Kumar Padhi
Dept. of English, Orissa Engineering College, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Received 28 December, 2015; Accepted 30 January, 2016 © The author(s XXXXXXXXXXPublished with open
access at
ABSTRACT:- Language and cultural misinterpretations can be avoided by increasing our understanding of
other people and their cultures. The study of cross-cultural communication