Length: 2000 words (excluding references)
Reference style : APA reference style ( you should Mainly use text book for references)
Sometimes global business can present significant ethical challenges. Please review 'Blood, Sweat & T-shirts', the documentary that you watched in week one, and prepare a report that evaluates the ethical challenges presented in the program.
Please prepare a report that evaluates the ethical responsibilities of the retailers who buy goods from the Indian factories.
In your report you should discuss whether the retailers are cu
ently taking a na
ow or
oad view of CSR and explain your reasoning. You will need to consider the arguments for both the na
ow and
oad view and explain why the
oad view is ethical. You should also consider the ethical obligations of the retailers and professionals involved in the process and apply an ethical theory to support your analysis and reasoning.
This task is designed to measure the following learning outcomes where students should be able to:
· be able to outline ethical theories in western moral philosophy and apply them in organisational contexts;
· describe the issues and debates associated with corporate social responsibility; and
· be able to critically reflect on their role as business professionals and how their future actions as business professionals can affect society in positive and negative ways.
Marking criteria
Assessment Item 2 - Marking Criteria
Criterion 1
Written expression, structure, referencing, and editing (10 marks)
Use of academic writing that is formal, and cautiously phrased. Work contains distinct, articulate statement with no e
ors. References used in-text and in the reference list comply with APA standards. All work has been acknowledged appropriately. All tasks have been addressed, and each response is labelled clearly.
Use of academic writing that is formal and cautiously phrased. Work contains distinct, articulate statements that have very few e
ors. References used in-text and in the reference list comply with APA standards, and all work has been acknowledged appropriately. All tasks have been addressed, and each response is labelled clearly.
Appropriate academic/professional writing is used. There may be minor spelling, grammatical and/or punctuation e
ors in the work, but the work shows evidence of proofreading. References in-text and in reference list mostly comply with APA standards. All tasks have been addressed, and each response is labelled.
Appropriate academic/professional writing. Some spelling, grammatical and/or punctuation e
ors found, but the work is readable. Others' work has been acknowledged, although referencing does not always comply with APA standards. All tasks have been addressed, and each response is labelled.
Writing is not of academic standard in that it contains spelling, grammatical and/or punctuation e
ors. It may not use properly-constructed sentences and/or paragraphs. The work of others is not acknowledged appropriately.
Criterion 2
Responses assessment question (50 marks )
The student has demonstrated a clear and comprehensive understanding of the issues/concepts raised in the question. The student's explanations are eloquent, and show clear evidence of deep critical reflection.
The student has demonstrated a good understanding of the issues/concepts raised in the question. The student's explanations are sufficient to allow the reader a clear understanding of the concepts discussed, and they show evidence of critical reflection.
The student has demonstrated some understanding of the issues/concepts raised in the question. The student's explanations are sufficient to allow the reader to gain an understanding. There is evidence of some reflection.
The student has demonstrated a basic understanding of the issues/concepts raised in the question. The student's explanations may not be sufficient to allow the reader to gain a clear understanding. There is little evidence of serious reflection, but a reasonable attempt has been made to do so..
The student has not addressed the task to an adequate level.
Criterion 3
Application of theory (40 marks)
Ethical theory has been applied extensively and accurately to support the student's position The method shown in MGT211 has been used effectively so that the application of the theory was comprehensive. The student has provided relevant and coherent arguments, and has used appropriate ethical principles to support them. Reasoning is based on facts rather than on unfounded opinions. Arguments have been discussed, and opposing arguments have been rebutted convincingly. The student has provided a compelling argument, and has used theory effectively to support his/her position. There is evidence of objective reflection and critical thinking.
Ethical theory has been applied well to support the student's position, and there are no inconsistencies. The method shown in MGT211 has been used effectively so that the application of the theory was comprehensive. The student has provided relevant and coherent arguments, and has used appropriate ethical principles to support them. Reasoning is based on facts rather than on unfounded opinions. All arguments have been discussed, and opposing arguments have been rebutted convincingly. The student has provided a clear argument, and has used theory effectively to support his/her position
Ethical theory has been applied well to support the student's position, but there may be inconsistencies. The student has provided relevant and coherent arguments, and has used appropriate ethical principles to support them. The method shown in MGT211 has been used effectively so that the application of the theory was well done. Reasoning is based on facts rather than on unfounded opinions. All arguments have been discussed, and opposing arguments have been rebutted. The student has provided a clear argument, and has used theory effectively to support his/her position.
An attempt has been made to apply the theory and the student has used the method demonstrated in MGT211. The application may have some minor flaws. The student may have provided relevant and coherent arguments, but he/she may have failed to support them adequately. There may be some reliance on unfounded opinions or assumptions.
The student has not applied theory or has applied it poorly. The method shown in MGT211 has not been used effectively and/or the application of the theory was superficial. Not all parts of the task have been addressed adequately.
Please note the following:
To attain a mark at a higher level, all criteria at the lower level must be met (e.g. to achieve a credit, students must fulfil all the requirements listed in the passcolumn for the relevant criterion and, in addition, must perform at the level indicated in the credit column.
Addressing a criterion at a particular level does not guarantee you the maximum marks for that level. There will be some difference among students in regard to how well they have satisfied each requirement. Where there is some leeway for the allocation of marks, these will be awarded at your marker's discretion (taking into account how well you have satisfied the requirement).
1. Use a standard 12pt font such as Times New Roman, Cali
i or Arial
2. Do not convert your work into pdf
3. Use at least 1.5 spacing between lines of text
4. Left- justify body text.
5. Number your pages (except the cover page).
6. Include your name and student number in a footer on every page.
step one: Understand the task
· Prepare a report that evaluates the ethical responsibilities of the retailers who buy goods from the Indian factories.
In your report you should discuss whether the retailers are cu
ently taking a na
ow or
oad view of CSR and explain your reasoning.
· You will need to consider the arguments for both the na
ow and
oad view and explain why the
oad view is ethical.
· You should also consider the ethical obligations of the retailers and professionals involved in the process and apply an ethical theory to support your analysis and reasoning.
step two: Break it down
· 1. Discuss whether the retailers in Blood Sweat and T-shirts are cu
ently taking a na
ow or
oad view of CSR and explain your reasoning. You will need to consider the arguments for both the na
ow and
oad view and explain why the
oad view is ethical.
To address this, we need to ask ourselves:
· - What is power dynamic between the retailer and manufacture?
· - What is the relationship between the retailers and the factory workers?
· 2. You should also consider the ethical obligations of the retailers and professionals involved in the process
· Questions we should ask:
· - What responsibility (if any) should the retailers take for the factory workers?
· - What role do the consumers play?
Think about issues such as demand, purchasing choices, consumers’ power to drive change etc.
· 3. Apply an ethical theory to support your analysis and reasoning.
· Kant's theory.
· Universal law
· How can you express what is happening as a rule?
· Would rational beings accept this as a universal law?
· Why/why not?
· Means to an end
· What is the moral agent’s end?
· Is anyone being used?
· Why/why not?
· Good will
· To whom is a duty owed?
· What is that duty?
Is that duty being done?
Report Writing
The following components must be included:
Title page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Executive Summary – should be the length of 10% of the word count e.
An Executive Summary provides a
ief summary of the entire study, which addresses the following five:
· Include the following:
· Background/Context
· Background information (for example a
ief history or description, set context of topic or problem)
· Problem/Purpose
· What is the problem that your report is responding to and what is the rationale for discussing it?
· Scope
· A report should include specific information that is relevant to the purpose. Na
owing your report is known as establishing the scope (or focus).
· Organise your material logically, in the order stated in your introduction
· Use headings and sub-headings
· Present evidence using appropriate in-text references
· Consider different perspectives (arguments for and against)
· Base your concluding sentence on analysis and evaluation of the evidence you have provided
· A paragraph must have both unity and cohesion. It is “a group of related sentences that develops one main idea.”
In the conclusion you should show the overall significance of what has been covered and what you found out. You should remind the reader of the most important points that have been made and highlight the most central issues. However, no new material should be introduced in the conclusion, simply restate the basic facts and key argument.
· Use past tense, for example: This report investigated…. It presented evidence that suggests…
Use a heading for this section
· Suggests possible action in the future
· Provides you with the opportunity to think of creative solutions, based on the findings and conclusions in the report
· Must not include any new information