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I have an online "integrated reporting" test that will be open for 24 hours. The exam will be a 3 question exam (answer 750 words +or- 10%) . their will be articles (now given) that I have attached...

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I have an online "integrated reporting" test that will be open for 24 hours. The exam will be a 3 question exam (answer 750 words +or- 10%) . their will be articles (now given) that I have attached below. 1 article for each of the 3 questions. Were you will pick the issues from and base your answers of. I want to know if its in your capability to answer them in a way of scoring a minimum 70%) p.s I will also attach few lectures that I believe are relevant to answer according to the university's curriculum. (no. referencing)
Answered Same Day May 29, 2021


Preeta answered on Jun 03 2021
136 Votes
1. Introduction:
Integrated reporting is the concise communication about value which help in the formulation of strategy, governance, performance and prospects. International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) is a body constituted of the investors, regulators, standard setters, accounting professionals, NGOs and companies. The long-term vision of the body is to implement integrated reporting in the public as well as private sectors as a part of corporate reporting and to use integrated reporting for the financial stability and sustainability by making capital allocation productive and efficient.
The article, ‘The International Integrated Reporting Council: A story of failure’ (Flower 2014) explores the history of IIRC from its origin and its role in the promotion of sustainable accounting. The role of the body in developing a framework which supports and enable sustainability accounting. The way adopted to do that are:
· Business Reporting Framework.
· Concept of capital.
2. Role of IIRC in developing a framework which supports and enable sustainability accounting:
IIRC implemented integrated reporting for the corporate organization which would replace all the existing reporting frameworks to establish sustainability reporting. IIRC also concentrated on the concept of capital to make the business organizations more sustainable.
2.1 Business Reporting Framework:
Four reporting documents were provided by the firms, which...

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