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MMK295 Integrated Marketing Communications in the Digital Age Trimester 1, 2018 Summative Assessment Task 1: Assignment 1 - Part A (Individual) IMC Strategy DUE DATE AND TIME: April 17th, 3:00pm AEST...

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Integrated Marketing Communications in the Digital Age
Trimester 1, 2018
Summative Assessment Task 1:
Assignment 1 - Part A (Individual)
IMC Strategy
DUE DATE AND TIME: April 17th, 3:00pm AEST
Unit Learning Outcome Graduate Learning
1. Apply fundamental integrated marketing
communication theories to a specific
2. Critically analyse and reflect on how the
organization utilises IMC theories and
frameworks to develop and achieve better
Your Assignment
You have been hired by one of the below
ands to be an independent
marketing consultant to complete an integrated marketing communications plan.
Your first task is develop this plan with relation to a segmentation, targeting,
differentiation and positioning strategy, as well as the
and’s marketing
First, choose one of the following
1) Thankyou - https:
2) Vinomofo - https:
3) Axil Coffee Roasters - http:
Next, develop an integrated marketing communications plan in relation to a
segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning strategy for that
In doing so, you will need to:
1) Explore the
and’s positioning and differentiation
2) Detail the segments’ psychographic needs, wants, values
3) Choose a specific target market and justify that choice with relation to the
and’s positioning
4) Develop the
and’s marketing objectives.
Section Characteristics Word
Contents page One-page listing report sections
Background Provide a succinct and fully referenced overview of
and and the industry.
~200 10
Positioning &
How is the
and positioned? How is this similar or
different from their competitors?
Focus on the key benefits and demonstrate their
positioning utilizing a positioning (perceptual) map.
Support and justify your arguments
~300 30
and Targeting
Detail the
ands’ target market with respect
demographic, psychographic, and behavioural
Be sure to emphasize the relationship to the
positioning and differentiation.
Support and justify your arguments
~300 30
What are the
and’s marketing objectives (e.g.
enhance the
and’s image, motivate behaviour,
uild awareness, etc.). Specify the who, what, &
Provide a rationale for your answer.
Support and justify your arguments
~200 20
References and
Evidence must be used to justify recommendations.
Documents require embedded citations and a
eference list utilizing Harvard Referencing Style.
Other support, marketing stimuli, etc. must be
included in an appendix and properly referenced in-
1 Strict word limits for each section are not enforced; they are meant as a guide. Only the total
word limit (1000 words) will be evaluated
1. Penalties for Late Submission: The following marking penalties will
apply if you submit an assessment task after the due date without an
approved extension: 5% will be deducted from available marks for each
day up to five days. Work that is submitted more than five days after the
due date will not be marked; you will receive 0% for the task. 'Day'
means working day for paper submissions and calendar day for electronic
submissions. The Unit Chair may refuse to accept a late submission
where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the task after the due
date. It is important that you check any assignment instructions carefully
to see if late submissions are impracticable to assess and will not be
2. Exceeding word length for any assignment exceeding the overall
assignment length, 10% of the available marks will be deducted for every
10% of that word limit (e.g. above 1100 words), 10% will be deducted to
a 50% maximum penalty on all students. The word count does not
include your submission details, table of contents page, references, and
appendices. It does include the segmentation table.
Steps to complete and submit assignment
1. Assignment title page – Ensure that name and student number is listed.

2. Submission into CloudDeakin dropbox:

i. Does it exceed the 1000 word (+10%) limit?
ii. Is it a word doc? (don’t use PDF)
iii. Did you use Harvard referencing style?
iv. Have I uploaded the most recent file? If you do two uploads
only the most recent upload will be saved. It will replace the
previous upload
3. Assignment return - The marked assignment will be returned within 15
working days of submission date.
Extensions can only be approved by the Unit Chair (Dr Jeff
Rotman). Extensions can be granted for documented serious illness (not just on
the day the assignment is due!) or for compassionate reasons under extenuating
circumstances. The unit chair can ask to see how much work has been completed
efore granting an extension. Work or holiday reasons are NOT grounds for an
extension – you are expected to manage these issues as part of your studies.
Other Notes
You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you submit, until the marked
assignment has been returned to you. In the unlikely event that one of your
assignments is misplaced, you will need to submit your backup copy.
Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the
purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism.
When you are required to submit an assignment through your CloudDeakin unit
site, you will receive an email to your Deakin email address confirming that it
has been submitted. You should check that you can see your assignment in the
Submissions view of the Assignment dropbox folder after upload, and check
for, and keep, the email receipt for the submission. You are strongly encouraged
to start early and to regularly backup your assignment as you progress. Computer
crashes or co
upted files will NOT be accepted as valid reasons for an extension
of any length.
For more information about academic misconduct, special consideration,
extensions, and assessment feedback, please refer to the document Your rights
and responsibilities as a student in this Unit in the first folder next to the Unit
Guide of the Resources area in the CloudDeakin unit site.

ic – Assignment 1 Part A



Very good


Background (10 marks)

The overview of the
industry and
and is
described with ambiguity
and lacks context.

The overview of the industry
and is described with
some ambiguity and lacks
some context.

The overview of the industry
and is described without
ambiguity and in context.

The overview of the industry and
and includes relevant metrics (e.g.
market share, market growth) and the
organization is described clearly in
context and using relevant
information necessary for

An excellent overview of the industry and
and that includes relevant
metrics/information (e.g. market share,
market growth) organisation is described
insightfully in context and using information
necessary for understanding.

Positioning &
Differentiation (30 marks)

GLO1 and GLO4

Very few or no details of
and position and

Little or discussion of the
key benefits and
differences compared to

Little to no evidence is
provided in support of

and position and
differentiation discussed
adequately, but in a superficial

Evidence and justification of
the key benefits and
differences compared to
competitors is satisfactory, but
is not completely logical and

Good discussion of cu
and positioning and

Some evidence and
justification of the key benefits
and differences compared to

Arguments are logical and

Very good discussion of cu
position and differentiation.

Strong evidence and justification of
the key benefits and differences
compared to competitors.

Arguments are logical and coherent.

Unusually sophisticated, comprehensive and
insightful discussion of cu
positioning and differentiation.

Very strong evidence and justification of the
key benefits and differences compared to

Arguments are logical and coherent.

Market Segmentation and
Targeting (30 marks)

GLO1 and GLO4
Very few or no details
egarding the target
market’s demographic,
psychographic, and
ehavioural attributes.

Little to no evidence is
provided in support of
these attributes.

Little to no details
egarding differing

Demographic, psychographic,
and behavioural attributes are
discussed in an adequate, but
superficial manner.

Evidence in support of these
attributes is satisfactory but
contains superficial or
inconsistent justification to
support arguments.

Demographic, psychographic,
and behavioural attributes are
discussed well.

Relationship to positioning is
justified, logical, and coherent

Very good discussion of the
demographic, psychographic, and
ehavioural attributes

Strong evidence is provided in
support of these attributes.

Relationship to positioning is justified,
logical, and coherent

Extremely sophisticated discussion of the
demographic, psychographic, and
ehavioural attributes.

Very strong evidence is provided in support
of these attributes.

Relationship to positioning is justified,
logical, and coherent

Marketing Objectives (20

GLO1 and GLO4
Answered Same Day Apr 18, 2020 MMK295 Deakin University


Soumi answered on Apr 19 2020
158 Votes
Name of the Student:
Name of the University:
Executive summary
Thankyou is one of the renowned names in the field of social enterprise, who serves for the poor people and trying to diminish the poverty level from the world. The study focuses on the target market and discussed about the segmentation. The company has value proposition, positioning and differentiation that are discussed. The marketing objective,
and awareness and
and value of the company are strong that is discussed. To develop the integrated marketing communication approach, some recommendation is provided.
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Background    3
Target Market and Segmentation    3
Value Proposition, Positioning and Differentiation    4
Marketing Objective    4
Brand attitude    5
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy    6
Conclusion    6
References    7
Integrated marketing communication is ensuring all the forms of communication as well as messages, which are linked together carefully. At basic level the integrated Marketing Communication works as the promotional tool so that people can work together to achieve the organisational goal. Moreover, it helps to save money and time. For the particular study, Thankyou Company is selected, which is a social enterprise. The study discusses about the target market and segmentation as well as value proposition, positioning and differentiation. The marketing objective,
and awareness and
and value is also discussed. The next part provides recommendation to improve the integrated marketing communication strategy of the company.
Integrated Marketing Communication has various benefits that help to create competitive advantage and profit. As thank you is a social enterprise, they are trying to end global poverty and committed hundred percent of profit from their products to help people who are in need. Generally, the organisation makes great cold-water baby products and body care with value to match. Thank you funds different projects, which help to get safe water, hygiene training, health care and safe birth to empower the people in need (Thankyou, 2016). They sell different products and share the profit we the people in need. They have high
and awareness and
and value that helps them to reach to more people.
Target Market and Segmentation
Target market: Target market of the company is the people who belong to the poverty level. Thank you generally help the people who are not develop social economically and do not get proper facilities light developed people (Rotman 2018). They execute many marketing communication campaign so that they can develop awareness among...

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