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ARBUS300- Final Research Maria Boctor XXXXXXXXXX Arbus 300 Professor Lynn Gazzola April 11th. 2021 YXXKICKZ- Interview with Megan Nunner Table of contents 1. YXXKICKZ organization - Business Overview...

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ARBUS300- Final Research
Maria Bocto
us 300
Professor Lynn Gazzola
April 11th. 2021
YXXKICKZ- Interview with Megan Nunne
Table of contents
1. YXXKICKZ organization - Business Overview …..…………………... 2
● Description ……………..………………………………………… 2
● Vision and Mission ………………………………………………. 3
● Services Provided & Market Strategy …………………………. 4
● Position …………………………………………………………… 5
● Competitive advantage …………………………………………. 5
2. Industry Analysis ………………………………………………………… 6
3. Business Strategy …………..…………………………………………… 8
4. Resources Analysis ………….……………………………..…………... 8
5. Management Preferences ……………………………………………… 9
6. Organizational capabilities …………………………………………….. 10
7. Diamond- E Evaluation …………………………………………………. 10
8. Summary Outlook .…………………………………………………….... 11
9. Exhibits …………………………………………………………………… 13
Boctor 1
YXXKICKZ organization
Business Overview- Description (Nunner, 2021)
YXXKICKZ is a sneaker reseller business operating in A
otsford, British
Columbia in Canada. CEO Megan Nunner has alone launched her successful sneake
eselling business to provide high-quality products-- specifically high-end sneakers, to
shoe- enthusiasts all around the world. Named after the YXX airport in A
YXXKICKZ operates locally in A
otsford, where there is minimal to no competition.
YXXKICKZ is committed to acting in its clients’ best interests and matching them with
pieces that match their taste and preferences. The company launched its home page on
Instagram-- their main retail and shopping business page, at the beginning of
November, 2020. YXXKICKZ operates solely via its Instagram page and has managed
to gain the attention of a lot of sneaker enthusiasts in A
otsford. In A
otsford, the
sneaker reselling industry has a few players and YXXKICKZ is considered one of the
iggest players cu
ently; especially since its recent partnership with 2 of the biggest
sneaker communities-- HeatVault and Pure Sneakers. Said partnerships allows
YXXKICKZ to expand its resources and reach wider markets. HeatVault is one of
otsford’s biggest sneaker resellers, and a recent partnership with them has enabled
YXXKICKZ access to a physical store--
oadening its resources, and has added a new
layer of clientele. Seizing the opportunity to supply to a highly demanding market has
allowed YXXKICKZ to jumpstart its career and experience success within the first few
months of its launch. Furthermore, Pure Sneakers is a Facebook group where sneake
enthusiasts sell, buy, and trade their shoes with one another. Being a part of this
Facebook sneaker community enables YXXKICKZ to strengthen its social media
Boctor 2
presence and gain access to more products and clients. CEO Nunner has managed to
collaborate with these 2 players within the first 6 months of its launch; this is solely due
to CEO Nunners’ initiative and dedication to expand its business, grow its client base,
and strengthen
and image. Thus, operating on a local level in A
otsford and
partnering up with big players in the market act as competitive advantages to
YXXKICKZ (Exhibit 1). Additionally, although its operation is on a local level, YXXKICKZ
offers worldwide shipping, which further builds on their competitiveness within the
industry (Exhibit 1). Cu
ently CEO Nunner is solely operating the business-- with mind
to the partnerships. She is an entrepreneurial figure who is cu
ently pursuing a second
degree in Business while growing her company.
Vision and Mission (Nunner, 2021)
YXXKICKZ is committed to providing high-quality products of high-end shoes and
apparel to sneaker enthusiasts with unique tastes and preferences in a timely manner.
Our duty is to act on behalf of the client to secure unique pieces and enhance the
client’s experience
ently expanding into new markets and connecting with new
suppliers to enrich the company’s resources and expand their product lines. Both short-
and long-term goals are set for the company by Director Executive Nunner and she has
een relentlessly innovating and growing her company.
The company’s cu
ent short-term goals are to grow a base of followers on thei
Instagram’s home page as well as gain a 100 client references (Exhibit 1). YXXKICKZ
Boctor 3
ently has over 3.5K followers on Instagram; however, the recent partnerships with
fellow competitors will advance its reach and help gain followers. Additionally, since the
sneaker community is very quaint in A
otsford; thus, gaining client references where
they recommend YXXKICKZ to their social circle is also on CEO Nunner’s list.
In regard to long-term goals, YXXKICKZ is working to expand its services to
operate Canada wide. Though one of YXXKICKZ main focuses is to continue operating
at the A
otsford local level to maintain its competitive advantage; YXXKICKZ
worldwide shipping has led CEO Nunner to seek expanding her operations Canada
wide while the company’s headquarters remain in A
Services Provided & Marketing strategy (Nunner, 2021)
ently YXXKICKZ provides worldwide shipping and is thus able to serve a
global clientele. The service provided is both reactive and proactive to fulfill as well as
anticipate clients’ needs. Since CEO Nunner is an active member in the sneake
community, she has a plethora of resources to access which allows her to find specific
pieces the client wants (reactive) or purchase pieces to add to her product line
(proactive). She is also very present on social media and is involved with othe
esellers. Since her Instagram business page is the main means of operation, she is
able to easily communicate with clients and other sneaker enthusiasts to trade, buy, o
sell pieces. This enables her to connect directly with clients via direct messaging,
provide efficient and high-quality service, and is very cost effective expenses-wise.
YXXKICKZ Instagram page also serves the company’s marketing strategy. It allows fo
Ms. Nunner to post her weekly purchase and start biddings and transactions ove
Boctor 4
Instagram. Her multifaceted use of her page serves the overall quality of operations and
service provided.
Locally, YXXKICKZ stands in a very strong position with the A
otsford sneake
community (Exhibit 1). The sneaker reselling industry is very recent in A
otsford and
YXXKICKZ among very few other competitors has managed to dominate the market.
Additionally, YXXKICKZ has continued to strengthen its position in the market by
partnering up with like-minded individuals who share the same values and allow for the
expansion of the company’s resources and product line. CEO Nunner is fully aware that
operating digitally without a physical store can cost her a client segment. This acted as
an incentive for her to partner up with HeatVault. Heatvault is also a main player in the
sneaker reselling with a physical store and a well-established client base. CEO Nunne
took the initiative to reach out and HeatVault was very receptive to the collaboration
ased on Ms. Nunner’s achievements in such a short time. Furthermore, YXXKICKZ
has also scored a spot in an exclusive Facebook group-- Pure Sneakers, where it
gained further access to more clients and business opportunities. These initiatives have
acted in accordance with CEO Nunner’s commitment to the company’s vision and
Competitive Advantage
Upon the realization of the market opportunity, CEO Nunner decided to launch
her Instagram reseller page-- YXXKICKZ, in order to fulfill the market demand. Due to
the lack of competition, YXXKICKZ has a very strong position within the market, which
acts as a competitive edge (Exhibit 3). Furthermore, the operations are very efficient
Boctor 5
and the CEO has direct contact with the clients, eliminating middle men and cutting
down on costs. Additionally, the company has initiated partnership and collaboration
with other players in the market that allowed YXXKICKZ access to a physical store and
a wide client base.
Additionally, CEO Nunner has connections within the sneaker reselling business that
enable her to purchase items for a fair price and sell it for a big profit. Most of the
products offered by YXXKICKZ are purchased upon clients’ requests. If an item is sold
proactively (no client has initiated the transaction) and if no clients have displayed any
interest, CEO Nunner will allow bids on the item and sell it to the higher bidder. This
financial intellect has allowed her company to
eak even within the first few months of
its launch and continues to this day increasing her revenues. Thus, the company’s
financial performance also acts as a major advantage (Exhibit 5 & 9). On the othe
hand, since CEO Nunner works on behalf of clients herself, this means the elimination
of the middleman role. This allows for direct contact with clients and a more personal
elationship. This organizational environment is rare, and most competitors and big
companies lack that personal relationship with the client. Finally, the company ships
worldwide and operates digitally which helps it reach a wider market and keep up with
social and technological trends. All of these advantages act to boost YXXKICKZ’s
position within the market and differentiate it from its competition.
Industry Analysis
The sneakers reselling industry has successfully emerged in Canada and
managed to become a multi-billion industry with a global market (Exhibit 2). It is a
prevalent industry and is a division of both apparel and retail industries. The industry is
Boctor 6
very attractive and has recently become very active due to cele
ities’ and athletes’
sponsorships and promotions (which drive the value of the market). Within the industry,
emphasis is on collector’s pieces and unique high-quality sneakers that are designed
and made for a limited population (those who manage to purchase early releases and
collector pieces). This emphasizes the social aspect of the industry as well as the role of
technology within the industry. Additionally, there are very few regulations and policies
estricting the industry and the same laws and terms of retail and apparel industries are
applicable for the sneaker reselling industry as well. Finally, the sneaker reselling
industry’s contribution to sustainability and environmental awareness revolves around
sustainable and eco-friendly packaging, as well as eco-friendly modes of shipping and
In A
otsford, the sneaker reselling business has recently started in A
and a few of the top players in the market are HeatVault and YXXKICKZ. Due to high
demand and limited supply, the industry is still emerging; however, is very profitable in
otsford. Within the industry, social trends and habits influence the operations of
suppliers. When new sneakers are designed, companies send samples of the product
to cele
ities and athletes only, who then proceed to share the products on social
media. This is one of the many ways sneakers retailers, as well as resellers, market
their products. After cele
ities promote the product, companies release a limited
number of pairs while inflating the prices. These limited items are then traded and
esold within the sneakers community and to shoe enthusiasts. This is the core of the
sneakers resellers industry in which YXXKICKZ operates.
Boctor 7
Business Strategy (Nunner, 2021)
The company focuses on supplying the high demand for sneaker resellers in
otsford. The goal is to connect clients with pieces that go along well with thei
preferences. This requires both a proactive and a reactive stance from YXXKICKZ,
which are reflected in the company’s core activities (Exhibit 5). The proactive stance
stems from the company collecting and offering a product line of sneaker stables in
efforts to anticipate clients’ taste. On the other hand, the reactive stance stems from the
company matching the
Answered Same Day Apr 30, 2021


Chaitali answered on Apr 30 2021
154 Votes
Business Overview: Description
Polar Air Cargo Worldwide is a cargo shipment tool that connects the freight forwarders to the major markets without chaos. In comparison to other competitors in the market, some of the highlights of the cargo services include time commitment, experienced employees located around the globe, ground handling services, warehousing, trucking, and coverage of major global markets. The company into consideration has incorporated a series of products and services all designed to help the customers in need. It undoubtedly ensures quality and responsive customer service. Listed below are the number of services provided by the company. They have been described in
ief so that an idea is gathered around the efficiency of these services. The world of air cargo is growing exponentially. Particularly, in the cu
ent pandemic situation. It will be true and safe to say that Polar Air Cargo is uniquely positioned in the global market because of its dynamic approach towards customer service, assurance of comfort, and programmed objectives in terms of self-reliance. It advocates for self-sufficiency and helps the clients achieve their goals through constant check and full ownership. Polar achieves its efficiency in the market by offering the largest fleet of Boeing (aerospace company) freighters (aircrafts designed for bulky shipping items) and cargo fleets. All aircraft are equipped for long-haul payloads. Additionally, shippers rely on Polar’s modern crafts with; well-trained crew, reliable schedules, and on-time service. Polar’s partnership with DHL allows Polar to accommodate the high-reliability service necessary for this express market. However, the question that arises here is a reference to the stakes around Covid-19.
Vision and Mission
Polar Air’s vision is to provide large fleets of Boeing freighters amongst the United States scheduled all-cargo ca
iers. This enables freight forwarders to link to major markets easily and reliably.
Polar Air aims to obtain and create more Boeing cargo fleet freighters to sustain long haul payloads which in turn helps in the interconnectedness of different markets and countries. Moreover, the company also will be working with more international air freight forwarders and agents by proving high and efficient quality services at competitive prices and the highest level of reliability, time-definite schedules for air cargo services.
Services provided and Marketing strategy
Awareness in social media and a plethora of resources provides the company with relevant information that is required to update the system of commerce. Self-assurance and excellent customer service are some ways that demonstrate the working of Polar Air as a company with remarkable functioning.
· Shipping Services: From race cars to aircraft engines, Polar Air Cargo offers the best shipment service available. It does not have unnecessary restrictions, supports schedule integrity, has an inclusive nature in terms of accommodation, demonstrates the highest quality services at competitive rates and fair booking patterns. One can even book up to six hours in advance to meet the shipper’s needs. Moreover, the operations support of the organization is an award-winning group.
· Ground Services: To ensure long-term convenience, Polar Air Cargo offers trucking services. From ground to the final destination, every step towards customer satisfaction is ensured by the services at Polar Air. Direct delivery services enable the customer to be stress-free about the procedures. It saves time and reduces the warehouse fee.
· Special Cargo: High-maintenance goods are the most challenging ones to attend to. However, at Polar Air Cargo, the services include elaborate expertise in air transport of unusual, or high maintenance goods.
· Fleet: The provision of a cost-effective aerial platform with full certification to operate regularly makes it more interesting to seek help from the company. The fleet loading specifications include the main deck, lower holds, package dimensions, main cargo door size, side cargo door size, and other specifications.
Due to the core activities on the ground, the organization has maintained a strong influence in the market. The strong position includes primary and secondary programs. In addition, strong partnerships and reliable programs also determine the position in the market.
Competitive Advantage
Polar Air has a strong position in the market because it seeks for high-quality vendors to support global operations. Moreover, the only company to welcome small businesses is Polar Air Cargo which is designed to promote, increase and enhance the quality of the overall participation of small businesses in the supply chain.
Industry Analysis
The Cargo Industry has successfully emerged in Canada and has managed to be at the top-most positions in the Cargo sector. Polar Air Cargo connects cargo markets around the globe with express reliability. The history of Polar Air paves its way back into the period when Polar’s parent company, Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, Inc allied with the DHL Express. This strategic partnership demonstrated huge capacity and definite assurance in the market. It not just laid out convenient schedules but also provided a strong network for some of the world’s largest freight forwarders.
Business Strategy
The company focuses on the supply in the market where the demand stakes are high. The key takeaways and learnings that can be highlighted here can be following what is demanded in the larger market, that is reliability and strong executive support. It is important to also acknowledge that strategies ranging from environmental ones to organizational ones, have to be in sync with the goals and objectives of the company. Moreover, at the organization level availability of resources help to achieve the goals of the firm.
Resource Analysis
In terms of tangible resources, the organization has a highly efficient staff, reliable services and products, equipment and programs, and operations. The Intangible resources on the other hand are the
and, reputation, and loyalty of the customer. It becomes also important to enhance the client’s supply chain. In terms of competitive advantage, on-time delivery is guaranteed and additional cargo services and add-on value services are the most hopeful resources. Resources are the most important competition of the building of any company’s identity. In the process of achieving the best results, the company must be equipped with resources. It helps in the smoother functioning of the firm. Polar Air is a highly equipped company that has the mostly available staff, on-time delivery of information and services, and effective executive support. Building unto managerial strength will help the firm grow in size and of course, recognition.
Management Preference Analysis
1. John W. Dietrich: Coming up with innovative strategies for profits and alignment of goals, vision, and mission of the organization. Dietrich has worked in all aspects of aviation and airline management for the last 30 years. He has been an experienced leader in the air cargo industry. His management has enabled the firms to occupy leading positions in the country. Dietrich is the president and CEO of Atlas Air Worldwide (AAWW), and Polar is AAWW’s subsidiary corporation. In addition, Dietrich is in charge of delivering legal -advice at all levels of management across the different sectors of the organization. Services such as those given by experts like Dietrich must be taken into consideration because strong managerial support is necessary to build onto a strong support system.
2. Lars Winkelbauer: Innovation and recognition are the basic needs of this decision-maker. Before rejoining Polar, Winkelbauer held a position at DHL as Vice president of aviation. His experience and knowledge of DHL played a large role in joining forces with DHL’s services. Winkelbauer is Polar Air Cargo World wide’s senior vice president and chief operating officer. Additionally, he is in charge of all facets of aviation activities, planning, and service delivery/performance in Polar’s global networks. His rigorous efforts and effective management have helped the firm grown in size and name. This shows that strong human resources also build onto the market image of the company as is the case with Winkelbauer.
3. Adam R. Kokas: Before officially joining the organization. Kokas represented AAWW in various matters. Kokas is the executive vice president general counsel and assistant secretary for...

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