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I have already gave these graphs to the experts of assignment provider and assignment help. They are unable to complete the task.
Answered Same Day Dec 27, 2021


David answered on Dec 27 2021
121 Votes
Faizan Wajid (s5008243)
Faizan Wajid (s5008243) 1
1 MASTERS OF PUBLIC HEALTH Formatted: Tab stops: 1.09", Left + 1.86",
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Table of contents
Background and rationale………………………………………………………………2
Hypothesis and research………………………………………………………………...5
Dissemination plan………………………………………………………………………28
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Background and rationale
Commonwealth games provide the most substantial and clear expression of the
Commonwealth citizens to the meaning of belonging to the global family. These games thus
uild the potential manifestations with respect to Commonwealth (Groom & Taylor (Eds.),
2016). By spreading global awareness about Commonwealth along with its valueand its
mission, is important to advance the cumulative importance of respecting thefor progress and
espect of diversity, development and democracy. Commonwealth Federation works in
collaborate waysion to
ing out creativityve and imaginativeion ways through which the
citizens are
ought together by enhancing the profile of Commonwealth. These games
display arethe hallmarks of participation and unity (Pamment, 2014). There are examples of
witnessing showcasing the determination of human and their outstanding sporting spirits and
girts of human spirits, through these games. The citizens of the commonwealth watch the
games with utmost keen interest and support their respective teams competing. At present
tThe modern technology has made the games easily accessible watchable through news and
covering images. In order to experience the excitement, uncountable spectators attend the
games. Every sense form of the participation let it be competitor, spectators, supporter or
official authority should be treasured is unique. With this in mind, special tributes should be
paid to the achievers with disability who are special abilities in athletics who are also an
integral part of thecompletely integrated into the sports program. This inclusion was first
noted in 2002 Manchester Games within multi-sport events throughout the world. Standards
of the games are set high by including the core values, humanity, equality and fraternity
destiny that not only increase the perception and performance of the game but also of the
Commonwealth (Horne & Whannel, 2016).
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After successfully hosting the Commonwealth games in Glasgow and Scotland in
2014 and, selling tickets more than 1.2 million with sporting records of more than 100, the
next Commonwealth games are planned to be held on at Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
in the year 2018 from 4 to 15
April. , commonly known as This will be the XXI
Commonwealth games.
Gold Coast is situated in the southeast Queensland and north of New South Wales and
is a popular destination of the tourists. It is also considered as the paradise for the Surfer’s
(Dredge & Jamal, 2013). These games will be the largest cultural and sporting event ever to
e held in the Gold Coast city. It has been recorded that more than 6500 athletes and team
officials coming from 71 nations and te
itories will be competing in 18 sports including 7
para-sports during the duration of 11 days of spectacular event. Nearly 2 million spectators
are estimated to attend the events. The athletic events will be conducted at the Ca
Stadium in Gold Coast, the swimming event will be held at the Aquatic Centre of the Gold
Coast, a marathon or triathlon event at Southport Broadwater Parklands, or the road cycling
event will be held at the hinterland region of Cu
umbin Valley in the Gold Coast. Other
events such as shooting will be held in Brisbane, basketball event will be in the tropics of
Townsville and Cairns.
All total 70 countries are listed to participate in the XXI commonwealth games in
2018 (Carlini & O’Neil, 2017). Among the countries participating, we will consider some
countries on the basis of communicable disease prevalence. These countries are selected from
egions of Africa, America, South East Asia, Europe, East Medite
anean and West Pacific.
These countries are reported with number of reported cases of communicable diseases. Based
on the risk assessment of communicable diseases (unpublished data) during commonwealth
games in the Gold Coast, we take the following air borne and vector borne diseases into
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consideration are influenza, measles, meningitis, pertussis, malaria, dengue, zika and
chikunguniya. The underlying causes behind the prevalence of the diseases can be the status
of socio-economic condition of population in the countries mentioned. This status usually
leads the environmental conditions to be conducive to the proliferations of the vector and
thereby enhances the transmission of the disease (Fletcher, Fletcher & Fletcher, 2012). To
cite an example, the rapid u
anizations build in Africa had led to the formation of water
eservoirs that are unprotected with poor housing condition and improper sanitation that had
impact on the transmission and epidemiology of various communicable diseases (Kumpel &
Nelson, 2016). But the u
an regions were found to be less effected in comparison to its
counterparts. Another reason for the prevalence of the communicable diseases can be the
climatic variation in the countries due to their geographical variation. The climatic factors
play a key role in the distribution spatially and seasonally based on inter-annual variation and
potential of epidemics (Lowe, Chirombo & Tompkins, 2013). The climatic factors that
influence are the rainfall affecting the
eeding patterns of the vectors, followed by the
distribution and the sites for resting (Dhimalet al., 2015). The varied temperature among the
different countries influence the development rates of the immature and the survival rate of
the adults, the frequency of biting and the extrinsic periods of incubation also gets affected
(Mordecai et al., 2017). Literacy levels in the different countries also affect the prevalence of
the diseases. Usually the region with high levels of literacy gets more access to preventive
interventions in comparison to the rural area (Bhutta et al., 2014). As the poor population do
not get any interventional methods they are prone to get more affected to the various air-
orne and water-borne diseases. The u
an regions facilitated with advanced educational
system are reported to be less influenced (Bisen & Raghuvanshi, 2013). Education is one of
the socio-economic components that might impact the disease prevalence. The status of
education tends to influence the knowledge about the preventive measures and controlling the
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disease within the population of the regions. Thus, the different countries mentioned above
with different geographical location and varied economic and climatic factors influence the
active prevalence of the different communicable diseases. The major concern for the
organisers of the commonwealth games to be held on 2018 at Gold Coast in Australia is that,
some of the countries that will participate in the games had some history of communicable
disease out
eaks and there can be high chances that the diseases can spread into the region
where the commonwealth games will be held. Thus in order to build some appropriate
preventive measures and to control the transmission of the diseases locally, study of the
disease distribution reported from the different regions of the Commonwealth is important to
assess the participants and the visitors who have high chances of ca
ying them. This required
need was also wa
anted by the staffs of the Gold Coast Health that deals with the control of
communicable disease and preventive measures to be taken in the Gold Coast
Commonwealth games to be held in 2018.
Hypotheses and research
According to LaMorte (2017), descriptive epidemiology for infectious disease
eaks is mainly divided in to person, place, and time. Let us discuss about the person,
information about the cases is regularly recorded in a "line posting," a matrix on which data
for each case is compressed with a different segment for every factor. Statistic data is
constantly significant, e.g., age, sex, and address, since they are frequently the qualities most
unequivocally identified with presentation and to the danger of ailment. In the start of an
examination few cases will be met to search for some normal connection. These are alluded
to as "speculation producing interviews." Depending on the methods by which the sickness is
for the most part transmitted, the specialist may likewise need to think about other individual
attributes, for example, travel, occupation, relaxation exercises, utilization of prescriptions,
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tobacco, drugs. What did these casualties have in like manner? Where did they do their
shopping for food? What eateries had they gone to in the previous month or thereabouts? Had
they voyaged? Had they been presented to other individuals who had been sick? Different
qualities will be more particular to the malady under scrutiny and the setting of the episode.
For instance, in the event that you were researching a flare-up of Influenza, meningitis,
pertussis, measles, malaria, dengue, zika, and chikunguniya. you ought to consider the typical
high-chance exposures for that contamination, for example, intravenous medication utilize,
sexual contacts, transmission from infected person to non-infected person.. Obviously, it is
critical to pose numerous inquiries about conceivable communicable diseases. Theory
producing meetings may rapidly uncover a few shared characteristics that give pieces of
information about the conceivable sources. Let us discuss about place, evaluation of an
episode by giving data on the geographic degree of an issue and may likewise demonstrate
groups or examples that give hints to the character and inceptions of the issue. A
straightforward and valuable system for taking a gander at geographic examples is to plot, on
a "spot delineate" the te
itory, where the influenced individuals live, work, play, or may have
een uncovered. A spot guide of cases may indicate bunches or examples that reflect
communicable diseases. Now, this project will discus the time, when researching the
wellspring of an episode of i
esistible illness, Investigators record the date of beginning of
sickness for each of the casualties and afterward plot the beginning of new cases over the
long run to make what is alluded to as a pandemic bend. The scourge bends for a flare-up of
communicable diseases. In addition, in this study we hypothesize that the importation of
communicable diseases that are endemic in the participating countries but are not so common
in Australia. So, there will increase the chance of local transmission of contagious diseases
during commonwealth games in Gold Coast. We will map the temporal trend of diseases
ence based on previous few years starting from 2012 to 2016. According to em
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2018 (2017), there may be participating of 6600 officials from 70 nations in Gold Coast city
Australia in April (2018). We may also hypothesize to understand the temporal trend of
disease occu
ence within the countries participating in the month of March and April based
on the last few years starting from 2012 to 2016. This study may provide the Australian
health system about their underlying importation and local transmission risks during the
Commonwealth games and thus assist them to prepare for the preventive and control
measures against communicable diseases like influenza, pertussis, meningitis, measles,
malaria, dengue, zika, and chikunguniya. There is a big question, which is arising in mind
that why health ministry of Gold coast Australia takes preventive measures against these
types of communicable diseases. The answer is that these are contagious diseases, which may
e transfe
ed from one person to another person. This project will discuss the risk of
transmission of communicable diseases.
ï‚· The first objective of the study would be to determine various communicable diseases
that are not common in Australia but are prevalent in different Commonwealth
countries and have substantial amount of risk of local transmission followed by
significant consequences to the health system in Australia.
ï‚· The second objective of the study would be to summarize and represent the temporal
trend of the selected communicable diseases in between the month of March and
April from 2012-2016 in Commonwealth countries.
The selection of the different communicable diseases has been done by risk
assessment. After scoping the literatures searches in the initial stage, the authors
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framed their experiences of working on both the theory and review practice within
multifarious guises in order to examine the used vocabulary in the literature published
along with unpublished documents and added source material. The method followed
in this review was through meta-analysis. All the quantitative results were
statistically combined in order to produce more précised outcomes of the results. For
validating the meta-analysis it was required that all the incorporated studies were
similar in sufficient manner. All the studies that were included comprised of the
population that were studied, the interventions explored and the comparison that was
made. The most important part of the analysis was that it required the same type of
measures or measurement of the outcomes within the same intervals of time.
The meta-analysis is found to be popular as it facilitates individual studies in the
preliminary stage. Although, some inclusive studies were small and lacked statistical
significance, contributed to larger picture. Additionally, compilations of such studies
were time efficient to decision makers particularly when compared with the duration
taken in order to review the studies of scattered individuals. On the other hand, the
meta-analysis was critically argued based on the inappropriate compilation of the
studies which was not that much similar. Nevertheless, one of the essential facts that
emained was that a meta-analysis could not be better than the allowance of the
included studies (Grant & Booth, 2009).
In this following review, the communicable disease that will be discussed are given
Communicable diseases spread from person to person through different ways
such as direct contact with blood and body fluids, through
eathing in an ai
virus, and bitten by any insect. Thus the reported cases of communicable diseases
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play an important part in planning and analysing prevention and control programs of
disease (Evans, 2013).
Air-borne diseases: Among the communicable diseases, some of the air
orne diseases will be discussed in this review. Disease through air spreads through
eathing of an infected person while...

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