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Module 6 Homework Assignment. The data for this assignment comes from the XXXXXXXXXXNBA regular season. The data contained variables for each shot that LeBron James took during the season. The...

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Module 6 Homework Assignment.
The data for this assignment comes from the XXXXXXXXXXNBA regular season. The data contained variables for each shot that LeBron James took during the season. The variables can be defined as:
· Shot Result – shot was made or missed
· Location – game was played at home or away
· Shot Number – number of the observed shot based on the order in which each shot was taken during a game
· Period – quarter the shot was taken in
· Shot Clock – number of seconds remaining on the shot clock when the shot was taken (24 second shot clock per possession)
· Dri
les – number of dri
les by the player before the shot was taken
· Touch Time – number of seconds the player held the ball before shooting
· Shot Dist – distance in feet between the basket and where the player shot the ball
· Pts Type – whether the shot was a 2 point or 3 point attempt
· Close Def Dist – the distance in feet that the closest defender was from the player when the shot was taken
Some of these variables are necessarily co
elated. For example, Dri
les and Touch Time are co
elated because the more dri
les a player takes before shooting the ball will lead to a longer touch time. Also, Shot Dist and Pts Type should be highly co
elated because 3 point attempts are always shot from behind the 3 point line, so they are farther away than 2 point attempts. For the assignment, please do the following:
1. Create dummy variables to recode “Location” and “W”
2. Display the co
elation matrix and comment about which variables have high co
3. Conduct a factor analysis of the numeric and dummy variables to confirm the co
elation of these variables. Find the appropriate number of factors and give them names to describe each of them. Save the factors into your dataset.
4. Use those factors to build a logistic regression model that predicts Shot Result. Write out the final logistic regression model, interpret at least one odds ratio, and find the sensitivity/specificity using the ROC curve.
Answered 1 days After Feb 27, 2023


Monica answered on Feb 28 2023
51 Votes
1. Please check the jmp file
2. Looking at the co
elation matrix, we can see that some variables have high co
elation. For instance, the variables "SHOT_NUMBER" and "PERIOD" have a high co
elation with each other of 0.865. The variables "DRIBBLES" and "TOUCH_TIME" have a very high co
elation with each other of 0.913. Similarly, the variables "SHOT_CLOCK" and "TOUCH_TIME" have a high negative co
elation with each other of -0.397. We can also see that some variables have a moderate co
elation with the target variable "FGM". The variables "SHOT_NUMBER", "PERIOD", "GAME_CLOCK", "DRIBBLES", "SHOT_DIST", "PTS_TYPE", "CLOSEST_DEFENDER_PLAYER_ID", and "CLOSE_DEF_DIST" have a moderate co
elation with "FGM" with co
elation coefficients ranging from...

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