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I have a major assignment on the subject of Nutrition. The assignment involves taking measurements and calculating quantities, weighing, explaining, and filling out forms on my behalf. A lot of...

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Appendix A
Describing Foods Accurately
The food descriptions must contain enough detail that your Academic Expert could purchase and prepare the same menu. Common problems include not describing the cooking method for meats or not identifying the type of lettuce (e.g., butter, iceberg, romaine).
Protein foods: Specify the kind of meat (e.g., beef, fish, chicken) and the cut (e.g., sirloin steak, lean ground beef, chicken
east). Describe the method of cooking (e.g., fried, roasted), with or without skin (chicken), fat or bone, and the amount of meat you ate. Also list gravies, fat used in cooking, or other sauces.
Milk, yogurt, and cheese: Specify percent fat. Specify if yogurt is sweetened or has added fruit.
Nuts and seeds: Specify if they are salted or unsalted.
Plant proteins: Record cooked amount.
Vegetables and fruits: Specify the type and amount, whether raw or cooked, and the method of cooking. List any cooking fat used.
Fruit juices: Specify sweetened or unsweetened, fresh or from frozen concentrate. All fruit juices are classified as processed foods.
Added healthy fats: These include vegetable oils used for cooking, salad dressings, mayonnaise, and soft margarine.
Coffee or tea: Remember to list cream, milk, or sugar, if you used them.
Alcoholic drinks: Specify the type and amount of alcohol and remember the mix, if you used any.
Water: Describe it as a daily total (e.g., 1 L).
Combination dishes (e.g., sandwiches, pizza, casseroles, or stews): Describe the individual ingredients and amounts in each serving.
Seasonings and condiments: Note the amount of salt used in cooking and at the table. About 23 shakes equals 1 teaspoon of salt. Ketchup, pickles, and relish should be recorded. Spices and he
s (e.g., cinnamon, oregano) need not be listed.
Cereal: Specify the amount in cups or millilitres.
Supplements: Separately list the composition of nutrients present in each vitamin or mineral pill or other supplement. Vitamin and mineral supplements should not be entered into the software. The purpose of the assignment is to determine how well your diet meets your needs.
Tip: Determine the actual number of millilitres or fluid ounces held by commonly used glasses and mugs by measuring the amount of fluid.

Appendix C
Working with DW+
Students often lose marks because foods have been entered inaccurately.
Common Data-Entry Problems
· Entering a different form other than the one eaten (e.g., canned or frozen (fzn) spinach rather than fresh; dry rice or pasta rather than cooked)
· Entering the wrong amount of food (e.g., 50 mg of meat instead of 50 g; 1 loaf of
ead instead of 1 slice)
· Entering a dry weight measure instead of a volume measure (e.g., 8 oz of spaghetti instead of 1 cup)
· Confusing teaspoon (tsp or t) with a tablespoon (tbsp or T)
· Entering food supplements or vitamin and mineral supplements. The purpose of the assignment is to determine how well your diet meets your needs without these additions.
Note: Make sure that the foods you entered into DW+ match, as closely as possible, the foods listed in your Food Intake Diary.
Check the Data
Once you have entered all the foods, follow these steps to view the reports:
· Click Reports.
· Go to Spreadsheets.
· Click Intake Spreadsheet and select the day you wish to view.
Reality check: Look for any foods that are more than 300 calories (kcal). Does it make sense that the food would be a high-calorie food? Examples of such foods might be a large serving of pie or pizza. If some figures seem too high, check to make sure you have entered the co
ect food and the co
ect amount.
Creating Reports (DW+)
To create the Initial Diet (Workday and Day Off) and DW+ reports as one file (Part IV, question 1):
· Go to the Reports tab.
· Choose Advanced, Combination Report.
· Choose the day that you entered your initial diet (Day 1) as the start date and Day 2 as the end date.
The default setting is for all reports. Deselect the reports that aren’t needed until the following reports remain selected:
· Intake vs. Goals
· Macronutrient Ranges
· Fat Breakdown
· Intake Spreadsheet
· Energy Balance
· Daily Food Log
· Daily Activity Log
Click Print PDF to download the “Combination Report.” Change the file name to “Initial Diet” and add your name. Save the PDF. This is the file you will submit as part of your assignment.
To create the Modified Diet and DW+ reports as one file (Part IV, question 6):
· Go to the Reports tab.
· Choose Advanced, Combination Report.
· Choose the day that you entered your modified diet as the start date and the end date.
· Deselect the reports that aren’t needed until the following reports remain selected:
· Intake vs. Goals
· Macronutrient Ranges
· Fat Breakdown
· Daily Food Log
Click Print PDF to download the “Combination Report.” Change the file name to “Modified Diet” and add your name. Save the PDF. This is the file you will submit as part of your assignment.
Save these reports only when you are sure you have entered all the data co
ectly. When you are ready to submit your assignment, use the Assignment Drop Box to submit all the components of your assignment in three files.
1. Food Intake Diary for Initial Diet (Workday and Day Off), Food Intake Diary for Modified Diet, and answers to all questions in Parts I to V (Submit as single Word file.)
2. Diet and Wellness Plus reports for Initial Diet: Intake vs. Goals, Macronutrient Ranges, Fat Breakdown, Intake Spreadsheet, Energy Balance, Daily Food Log, Daily Activity Log (Submit as single PDF file.)
3. Diet and Wellness Plus reports for Modified Diet: Intake vs. Goals, Macronutrient Ranges, Fat Breakdown, Daily Food Log (Submit as single PDF file.)

Appendix D
Part IV, Question 2 – Example of Calculations
Example: If total energy intake is 2000 kilocalories and the total fat intake is 50 grams, the percentage of total energy as fat is
 50 g×9 kcal/g 2000 kcal ×100%=22.5%
Use the Intake Spreadsheet to obtain the calories and grams of macronutrients for each day; calculate the percentage of calories for each macronutrient and then calculate a two-day average.
For the caloric value of energy nutrients, see page 8 of the eText.

Appendix E
Interpreting DW+ Reports
Diet and Wellness Plus (DW+) software creates detailed reports. To determine how well your diet is meeting your needs, focus on the Macronutrient Ranges report for your two-day period. If your two days have quite different amounts and types of foods, then also review the Intake vs. Goals report for each day.
On the reports, check for the “*” symbol. It indicates the nutritional value is missing and the food may or may not have that nutrient. This is a reason why diets with many convenience or restaurant foods may appear low in many vitamins and minerals.
    Information to Use
    maintain, increase, or decrease calories based on your weight-risk classification and weight stability
    conclusions from Part III
    45–65% calories, as long as a minimum of 130 g/day are eaten
    answers from Part IV, Q3 and intake value on Intake vs. Goals report
    10–35% calories, as long as 95% DRI is consumed
    answers from Part IV, Q3 and reported intake on Intake vs. Goals report
    total fat
    20–35% calories
    answers from Part IV, Q3
    saturated fat
    less than 10% of calories
    answers from Part IV, Q3
    essential fatty acids
    95% or more of the DRI
    reported intake on Intake vs. Goals report
    20–35 g (aim for higher end of range)
    intake on Intake vs. Goals report
    95% or more of the DRI goal value
    reported intake on Intake vs. Goals report
    maximum intake 5% of calories or one drink /day
    answers from Part IV, Q3 and Food Intake Diary
    vitamins and most minerals
    95% or more of the DRI
    reported intake on Intake vs. Goals report (intakes above the TUL will be indicated under “Notes” with the comment “DRI Upper Limit surpassed”)
    maximum of 2300 mg
    intake value on Intake vs. Goals report

Part I: Recording Food Intake
Two-Day Food Diary
This assignment provides you with an opportunity to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of your diet.
1. The first step in this assignment is to accurately record all foods and beverages you consume in a two-day period, including water, snacks, candies, chips, condiments such as ketchup and mustard, seasonings such as salt, etc. Make one of these days a workday and the other a day off.
Record your dietary intake for the two days using the Food Intake Diary provided. Record all foods and beverages immediately after you consume them. Do not include food supplements or vitamin and mineral supplements in the diary. List these at the end of the Food Intake Diary.
Create a separate Food Intake Diary for each day and ensure both diary pages are labelled co
ectly by checking the box for either Initial Diet: Workday or Initial Diet: Day Off.
Describe the type of food or drink and the amount of each item in as much detail as possible. For prepared or packaged foods, examine the ingredient list for added sugars. See Appendix A for more information about accurately describing foods. (You may wish to take photos of your meals to use later when comparing your intake to the Eat Well Plate.)
Your two-day food diary will be evaluated for completeness of the descriptions of the kinds and amounts of foods consumed.
2. On a separate page, record your activities for each day. Include all physical activities as well as time spent sleeping, sitting, eating, doing household chores, studying, etc. The total daily activities must add up to 24 hours.
Setting Up Your Diet and Wellness Plus (DW+) Account
Before you proceed to Part II, you must set up your DW+ account online.
· Go to the Diet and Wellness Plus (DW+) link on the course home page and create your student account. You do not need to enter anything in Course Details and Course Key. Ignore the statement “You are not cu
ently enrolled in a course.”
· Once you have created your account and opened DW+, create your profile.
. Important: Select the “Canadian Profile” check box.
. You will need your DW+ password, so record it in a safe place to ensure you remember it.
When you are finished setting up your DW+ account, go to the Canada’s Food Guide website and bookmark the home page. You will be using information from the website as you work through your assignment.
Part II: Assessment of Food Intake Using Canada’s Food Guide
1. Working from the Initial Diet Workday and Day Off food intake diaries you completed in Part I, classify foods using Canada’s Food Guide. For each food, use an X to indicate the appropriate group(s).
Go to Canada’s Food Guide website to explore how to classify the foods you consume.
2. Do these two days reflect your typical eating habits? Did the process of recording your foods influence your intake? Explain.
3. a) Look at your Initial Diet Workday and Day Off food intake diaries. List the following items from your entries:
i. foods that are highly processed
ii. foods that contain a significant amount of saturated fat
iii. foods that contain added and free sugars (For more information about foods containing free and added sugars, refer to Canada’s Dietary Guidelines, Section 2 about foods and beverages that undermine healthy eating.)
iv. condiments (e.g., mustard, ketchup, soy sauce, seasonings)
. Are these foods typical of your eating habits? Explain.
4. Examine your Initial Diet Workday and Day Off food intake diaries to assess the quality of your diet. For each day, list all the foods you ate in the following categories:
a. whole vegetables and fruits eaten raw or prepared with little or no added fat, sugar, or salt
. dark green vegetables and orange vegetables. Did you eat a variety of colours and textures?
c. whole (i.e., unrefined) grains
d. refined grain products
e. plant protein foods
f. low-fat animal protein foods (dairy, meat, poultry, fish)
g. higher-fat protein foods
h. all beverages drank except alcoholic beverages. Is water the biggest contributor of fluids?
i. added unsaturated fats and oils (not those found in foods); for example, margarine, oils, and salad dressings
5. Discuss whether your diet meets the following recommendations. Provide examples.
a. Do you enjoy a variety of healthy foods?
. Do you often include plant proteins such as beans, lentils, and tofu?
c. Do you choose foods with little to no added sodium, sugars, or saturated fat?
6. Discuss how well your diet follows Canada’s Food Guide.
a. Using the Eat Well Plate plan, are each of your meals ½ vegetables and fruits, ¼ whole grains, and ¼ protein foods?
. How well do your snacks measure up to Canada’s Food Guide?
c. Is water your beverage of choice?
d. In a few sentences, discuss whether you have “healthy eating habits” as outlined in Canada’s Food Guide.
7. What general changes, if any, can you make to
ing your diet closer to that recommended in Canada’s Food Guide? (Discuss in general terms only; you will be planning a menu in more detail in Part IV.)
Part III: Anthropometric Data and Physical Activity
1. Record the following background information:
· height: _______ cm or in XXXXXXXXXXcm = 1 in.)
· weight: _______ kg or lb (1 kg = 2.2 lb)
· age: _______ years
· other: ______________ (e.g., pregnant, lactating, vegetarian, smoker)
Answered 6 days After Mar 02, 2024


Dr Shweta answered on Mar 09 2024
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