ICT418 Assignment – Report Template
Instructions to students
In general, you should keep your comments
ief and to the point. Do NOT copy in large amounts of text from articles you find on the web – shorter is often better!
Keep your sentences and paragraphs short – it helps the reader understand your report. Don’t be afraid to use bullet points and lists, but make sure you introduce the lists appropriately e.g. examples of security measures include: (your list follows).
To help you structure your report, you can use the template below.
This section of the report should describe who the report is being prepared for e.g. the CEO fo ABC Education, when it was prepared (date of report) and by who (you should list the names and student ids of each person in your group)
Recommendations on organisational copyright policy
Should describe what an organisational copyright policy needs to address, how it could be made consistent with organisational practices, and what legislation it needs to be compliant with (examples/specifics should be provided)
Recommendations on organisational privacy policy
Should describe what an organisational privacy policy needs to address, and what legislation it needs to be compliant with (examples/specifics should be provided)
Recommendations on organisational ethics policy
Should describe what an organisational ethics policy needs to address (examples/specifics should be provided)
Recommendation on distributing policy to stakeholders and gathering feedback
Describe how the proposed copyright, ethics and copyright policies can be distributed to stakeholders, who those stakeholders might be, and how the feedback from stakeholders could be captured
Information security, integrity and availability – IT considerations
Describe why IT is important, and how privacy-related considerations such as information confidentiality/security, integrity and availability of information can be addressed by IT systems. You should provide examples of IT-related technologies for each of information security, integrity and availability
Protecting the proprietary rights of stakeholders
Describe how any applicable proprietary rights of stakeholders will be maintained. You need to describe what approach will be made to keep the intellectual property of stakeholders, such as teachers, safe in the organisation
Assessing organisational impact of the new policies
Describe how any impact the new privacy, ethics and copyright policies will have on existing work practices will be determined. For example, why this is needed, what ways you can assess organizational impact etc.
Meeting stakeholder expectations and monitoring
eporting policy violations.
Describe what organisational processes could be put in place for various organisational stakeholders to support the policies e.g. to enable employees to report policy violations, customers/students to report customer service that is inconsistent with company policies etc.
ICANWK503A – Install and Maintain Valid Authentication Processes
RTO No: 20829
CRICOS Provider No: 02044E
Assessment Workbook
Unit Details
ICTDBS502 – Design a database
Assessment Requirements
This unit requires each student to undergo adequate practice and preparation prior to undertaking the assessments in a classroom/simulated environment or an actual job workplace (formative).
Students are required to complete ALL assessment tasks listed below in order to be deemed “Satisfactory” in this unit of competency.
Assessment Methods
(Three Assessments for this unit)
1. Practical Observation
Assessment type:
Laboratory Exercises
2. Written Test
Assessment type:
Multiple choice/short answe
3. Project / Report
Assessment type:
Short answe
Written Report
Document Version 1.1. Issued July 2017
Unit Summary
The unit objectives, prerequisites, corequisites and other pertinent information about this unit is described at https:
General Instructions for Students
· You should download the softcopy of this document and use it as a template for your own assignment submission.
· You will be directed to save screen prints and/or write down answers to questions when you complete this workbook. You need to include those screen prints/answers inline (i.e. at the co
ect place in the document) so your assignment can be assessed. If there are sample screen prints included in the document, you need to delete those and include your own screen prints. Do not submit your assignment without all the required screen prints/documents, as you will be marked NYC and need to resubmit the assignment
· To complete the practical tasks, you will need to consult the Learner Resources and/or Lab Guide. These are available in Moodle
· Keep your softcopy of your assessment/workbook (in case you need to resubmit it)
· Answer all parts of the assessment
· Type all your answers (do not handwrite)
· Do not cheat. Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Yet Satisfactory for this unit. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.
In order to achieve competency, all assessment tasks MUST be completed to a satisfactory level
All references made to workplace and or employer, are directly related to the trainers and facilities at VIT.
Laboratory Exercises
This information is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment requirements
This assessment is to be undertaken in an actual job workplace or a classroom/simulated environment. Read the scenario below and then work through the lab exercises. At different points in the lab you will need to write down answers to questions, and/or include screen prints showing you completed practical tasks on the computer. Make sure you answer all questions and include all required screen prints. Where example screen prints and ansers have been included for you, make sure you delete these and include your own answers/screen prints
This assessment is done during the allocated laboratory/tutorial sessions or can be completed offsite. Once you have finished the workbook, you need to print it out and submit the hardcopy for assessment
Reference Material/Textbooks:
See your Learner resources for each topic in Moodle
Microsoft, Database Administration Fundamentals (in Learner Resources)
See ICTDBS502 Lab Guide (in Learner resources) for instructions
esources on how to complete the la
Lab 1 Logical database design
Complete lab1 as described in the Lab Guide. Save your evidence for completing lab 1 in the space below (see lab guide for details)
Lab 2. Database implementation
Complete lab 2 as described in the Lab Guide. Save your evidence for completing lab 2 in the space below (see lab guide for details)
Lab 3 Implementing constraints and indexes
Complete lab 3 as described in the Lab Guide. Save your evidence for completing lab 3 in the space below (see lab guide for details)
Lab 4 Querying and reporting data
Complete lab 4 as described in the Lab Guide. Save your evidence for completing lab 4 in the space below (see lab guide for details). Make sure you save evidence for all five questions for lab 4. Label your evidence clearly e.g. query1, query 2 etc
Lab 5 Backing up your database
Complete lab 5 as described in the Lab Guide. Save your evidence for completing lab 4 in the space below (see lab guide for details).
Assessor Use Only
Assessor Comments
( Satisfactory (S)
( Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS)
Assessor Signature: _______________________________
Date: _____________
Multiple choice questions
This information is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment requirements
This is an open book written assessment that will be delivered through Moodle, the VIT e-learning platform. You need to logon to Moodle to complete the test. You can make as many attempts as you like at the test, but you must get all questions co
ect to be judged competent in this assessment task (100%).
Note: Once you have got the required score, you need to take a screen print in Moodle and include that screen print in your assessment as proof you completed the test. If you do not include this screen print in your submission, you cannot be marked Competent for the task. Make sure you include your screen print of your Moodle result!
Include your Moodle Test result here (delete the sample image first)
Assessor Use Only
Assessor Comments
( Satisfactory (S)
( Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS)
Assessor Signature: _______________________________
Date: _____________
Project – Information for Students
Answer all the questions below. Keep your answers short and to the point. No answers should exceed 70 words.
Type (do not handwrite) your answers inline in the document. Do not write your answers in separate document; write them inline in this document.
Note: to answer these topics, you will need to refer to Lesson 5 “Administering a Database” in Database Administration Fundamentals and other references in lecture topics in Moodle
1. What is the main advantage of using Windows Authentication mode as the way I authenticate users trying to access SQL Server?
2. Give two examples of predefined server roles in SQL Server.
3. Write down the SQL command I would use to assign a user called Fred to the Marketing role in SQL Server?
4. What are the three recovery modes available for a database in SQL Server?
5. What is one advantage and one disadvantage of full recovery mode on a SQL database?
6. You have proposed the following design for a CUSTOMER table to a client (see SQL statement defining the CUSTOMER table below). The client points out that, for his business, customer identifiers can have letters as well as numbers e.g. MR12345 is a valid customer id, and also points out that we need to store the customer’s date of birth. Write a new CREATE TABLE statement for the Customer table that addresses the concerns of this customer by defining a CUSTOMER table that will suit the client’s expressed needs.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customer](
[CustomerId] [int] NOT NULL,
[Fname] [varchar](10) NULL,
[Sname] [varchar](10) NULL,
7. You have proposed a database design to a client, where the database has four tables: CUSTOMER, ORDER, PRODUCT and SALESPERSON. The client has informed you that the database will have two users, Andy and Betty. Andy only needs read (or SELECT) access to the CUSTOMER table on the database, whereas Betty needs full access (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) to the CUSTOMER table table. Write the SQL statements to (i) grant Andy read access to the CUSTOMER table; and (ii) grant Betty full access to the CUSTOMER table
8. List one benefit of using Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) on a SQL Server Database
9. You have been asked to investigate the scalability of SQL Server 2014 Standard Edition. Specify (i) the maximum size of database permitted (ii) the maximum amount of memory addressable; and (iii) the maximum number of cores allowed on the database serve
10. A programmer has proposed the following Student table definition to you below. You notice that the field Language is a repeating group, and that the proposed table design violates the rules for First Normal Form. Write down two SQL CREATE TABLE statements that