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IT Forensics Exercise | Professor Banjo, T These exercises are to be complete in the Linux terminal (based on Chapter 7: Linux and Macintosh File Systems) Instructions: Use this Microsoft Word...

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IT Forensics Exercise | Professor Banjo, T
These exercises are to be complete in the Linux terminal (based on Chapter 7: Linux and Macintosh File Systems)
Use this Microsoft Word file to document your activities. Take screenshots for each task, paste the screenshots below each activity then save the Microsoft Word file and submit as instructed. To earn credit, your screenshots must show your desktop date and time.
1. Create 4 text files: jobsearch.txt, budget.txt, contacts.txt, schedule.txt.
2. Create 2 directories: work, home.
3. List all directories and files with their permissions.
4. Create 4 users: Hamid, Molly, A
y and Lee.
5. Create passwords for each user.
6. Login each user.
7. After you have logged in each user, return to the root/admin user then run the command to show all logged in users and their various log in dates/times.
8. Run the command to show the various logins or reboots by various users.
9. Run the command to show the total storage on your system.
10. Run the command to show how long your system has been up
Answered 1 days After Mar 24, 2023


Sumit Kumar answered on Mar 25 2023
43 Votes
Linux Assignment
Create 4 text files: jobsearch.txt, budget.txt, contacts.txt, schedule.txt.
Ans: -
Command: - touch jobsearch.txt budget.txt contacts.txt schedule.txt
Output: -

Create 2 directories: work, home.
Ans: -
Command: - mkdir work home
Output: -
List all directories and files with their permission.
Ans: -
Command: - ls –l
Output: -
Create 4 users: Hamid, Molly, A
y and Lee.
Ans: -
For Hamid: - sudo useradd Hamid
For Molly: - sudo useradd Molly
For A
y: - sudo useradd A
For Lee: - sudo useradd...

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