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I have 3 assignments that I need done, Assignment/video 1.Using Microsoft Word, review and write a one-half to one page synopsis of the following video (clink the link...

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I have 3 assignments that I need done, Assignment/video 1.Using Microsoft Word, review and write a one-half to one page synopsis of the following video (clink the link twice):twice): Microsoft Word, review and write a one-half to one page synopsis of the following video (clink the link twice): and write a one-half to one-page synopsis of the following video:
Answered Same Day Jul 12, 2021


Nishtha answered on Jul 16 2021
158 Votes
Running Head: VIDEO SYNOPSIS                                1
Last Name    2
Title: Video Synopsis
Synopsis of Video 1    3
Synopsis of Video 2    4
Synopsis of Video 3    5
Works Cited    6
Synopsis of Video 1
The first video is a description of the control process. The control process is the system, which allows setting, measure and match business operations or activities like, delivery, production, packaging and many more (YouTube). The control process divided into four parts. The first step is to establish standards and methods for measuring the performance. Standards are the criteria of the performance, selected points on which entire planning process held and on which performance measured. In industry, it can be sales target, safety or production.
The second step is measurement of performance. In this step the measurements of the employee’s performance done against the standard on forward basis. It determines the actual performance of the employee. Proper standards and methods help the organization to check their performance or process. It facilitates where they are and where they need to be. The standards must be specific and comparable so that, significant outcomes achieved.
The third step is measurement of the performance; the management compares both results, which are the measured one and the standard one. In this step, management determines, whether the performance is up to the expectations or there is some deficiency somewhere. Comparing the standards, the management decides about following the policies, task or there is a need to change or modify it. It measures the gap between the actual performance and the standard...

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