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I did this assessment and failed (40/100). However, I received a chance to modify it and re-submit it. What you need to do is to read the re-submission requirements and modify my assessment to get...

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I did this assessment and failed (40/100). However, I received a chance to modify it and re-submit it. What you need to do is to read the re-submission requirements and modify my assessment to get higher marks.


1. Read the assessment requirements from "Assessment-2-requirements.docx" document

2. Refer to the "assesment-2-template.docx" and the three exemplar to understand the requirements further

3. Read my failed submission I've completed from "Assessment 2 - failed.docx" file

4. Read "re-submission-details" file to understand re-submission requirements and refer to "annotated-feedback.pdf" file to see the comments of the lecturer

5. Modify my "Assessment 2 - failed.docx" file to correct all mistakes and do modifications to pass this assessment.

Answered 6 days After Jul 12, 2024


Dilpreet answered on Jul 18 2024
6 Votes
EDECE2018 Assessment 2: Planning and reflection template
Fill in the following template to plan nine learning experiences for young children under five years old. Follow the instructions included against each section.
Learning experience 1: Wate
    Title of experience: Children playing with water
Scientific process and concept: Observing and identifying the connection with the su
    Links to governing documents:
· EYLF/VEYLDF: This learning experience closely aligns with EYLF learning outcome 2 which depicts that children are connected with and contribute to their world. This LO also highlights the fact that children recognize their connection with their su
oundings and they want to participate actively while exploring reciprocal relationships with nature and expressing their opinions in the context.
· National Quality Standards: This learning experience aligns with quality area 3- the physical environment of Australian National Quality Standards in which standard 3.1 and 3.2 reflects the need for providing such an environment that supports the exploration, creativity and problem-solving activity of children.
· Regulations: Children should be closely monitored while playing with water. If any water bodies are used such as small tubs, swimming pools or wading pools, supervision should be provided closely and after playing the equipment such as tubs, swimming pools and wading pools should be inaccessible to the children. Along with this, children should be protected from the sun such as hats, shades and protective clothes.
· Clean water sources
· Water containers (Tubs, Wading pools, Swimming pools)
· Water toys (Funnels, floating objects such as ru
er ducks, wheels, boats)
· Sponges
· Hats and sunscreen
· Towels
· Dry clothes
    Procedure: First, an appropriate location will be chosen where the water containers can be located properly. A water hose will be used to fill up the containers. It should be noticed if the water source is clean or not. After filling the containers, floating objects and water toys will be placed within the container. The water level will be adjusted accordingly so that any kinds of accidents can be avoided. The water toys will be placed within the safety reach of the children. Safety measures will be implemented in the playground such as water towels, floating jackets, shades and sunscreen. Then the children will be encouraged to explore the playground freely. While playing, the children will be observed along with their problem-solving and creativity skills.
    Teaching strategy: The teaching strategies which will support learning in this experience are thematic learning, open-ended exploration and meaningful conversations. Thematic learning will be appropriate to apply as it helps to learn specific concepts or themes while playing (Campbell, Jobling & Howitt, 2021). Open-ended exploration helps develop problem-solving and creativity and encourages the children with hands-on discovery. Meaningful conversation will help develop language skill and social skills among children while playing and exploring.
    How did it go? Briefly document how the implementation of this learning experience went.
Please note: Only use this section on the three learning experiences you have chosen to implement.
    Reflection: Reflect on your overall personal participation in the learning experience. Your reflection should be between 250 and 500 words. Consider the following in your reflection:
· How confident did you feel implementing the experience?
· Did the experience go according to how you had planned? If not, why not?
· If you were to implement the experience again, what might you do differently? For example, change the environment from indoors to outdoors, reduce the number of children or implement the experience with an older age group of children.
Ensure to consider cu
ent early childhood practices/theories (literature) in your reflection.
Learning experience 2: Ai
    Title of experience: Balloon inflation
Scientific process and concept: Experimenting and controlling variables while blowing balloons
    Links to governing documents:
· EYLF/VEYLDF: This learning experience closely aligns with EYLF learning outcome 1 that depicts children have a strong sense of identity. While inflating balloons, children develop their motor skills and learn cooperation that forms their sense of identity.
· National Quality Standards: With Australian National Quality Standards, quality area 5- relationships with children fits with this learning experience highlighting the fact that balloon inflation with others engages children in positive communications which helps in developing positive relationships with others.
· Regulations: Balloons should be clean as the children will blow them using their mouths. Close supervision is required to avoid any kind of accident or injury while blowing the balloon. Proper seating a
angements are required so that children can sit while blowing the balloon.
· Colourful balloons
· Seating mats
· Cozy indoor environment, free from external distu
    Procedure: First, an indoor environment will be created along with proper and comfortable seating a
angements. Colourful balloons will be a
anged. Children will be encouraged to choose their favourite colour and try to blow them.
    Teaching strategy: This learning experience will involve an observational teaching strategy and scientific inquiry and discovery for children. Observational teaching strategy helps children to learn about new concepts while observing them mindfully. Scientific inquiry and discovery encourage children to explore and be curious while knowing some new concepts (Aitken et al., 2012).
    How did it go? Briefly document how the implementation of this learning experience went.
Please note: Only use this section on the three learning experiences you have chosen to implement.
    Reflection: Reflect on your overall personal participation in the learning experience. Your reflection should be between 250 and 500 words. Consider the following in your reflection:
· How confident did you feel implementing the experience?
· Did the experience go according to how you had planned? If not, why not?
· If you were to implement the experience again, what might you do differently? For example, change the environment from indoors to outdoors, reduce the number of children or implement the experience with an older age group of children.
Ensure to consider cu
ent early childhood practices/theories (literature) in your reflection.
Learning experience 3: Sound
    Title of experience: Playing with sounds and rhythms
Scientific process and concept: Predicting and identifying sounds associated with real-world objects
    Links to governing documents:
· EYLF/VEYLDF: This learning experience closely aligns with EYLF learning outcome 5 which depicts that children are effective communicators. While exploring sounds and rhythms, they develop language skills, exploration and creativity along with enhancing their cognitive ability as a whole.
· National Quality Standards: This learning experience fits into the quality area 1- educational cu
iculum and practice of the Australian National Quality Standards depicting the effectiveness of identifying sounds and rhythms in child-centred learning along with enhancing engagement and development.
· Regulations: The sound system should be adjusted according to the safety level of the children so it will not be noisy. Sounds of animals and other objects including cars and various machines will be included only.
· Comfortable seating a
· Indoor environment free from external noises
· Sound system
· Images of objects and animals for identifying
    Procedure: An indoor environment will be a
anged with comfortable seating a
angements that will be free from any external distu
ances or noises. The sound system will be a
anged by including sounds of animals and objects...

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