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Report Guidelines The length range is 4 single-spaced pages (excluding the title page, bibliography, other appendices; +/- half a page) Your submissions must contain a) a title page containing your...

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Report Guidelines
The length range is 4 single-spaced pages (excluding the title page, bibliography, other appendices; +/- half a
Your submissions must contain a) a title page containing your full name and b) references
ibliography section
(if anyexternal sources have been used).
The submissions should be written in font size 12, Garamond/Times New Roman.
Include tables and/or graphs, where necessary. The title page, tables, references, appendices are not counted
Toward the limit.
​​Entry Strategy:
Explain what kind of entry mode choice will you recommend
for penetrating the new market, given your client wants the lowest market risk
exposure and quickest market penetration. Weigh the pros and cons of the
choices in light of data, facts, and figure supported by your team’s research.
Justify your entry mode choice given your company’s unique priorities and its
institutional differences with the new location.
People Management:
Imagine that respect for local culture and
esponsible/ethical people management are the cornerstones of your client’s
people management strategy. When it comes to recruiting, hiring, motivating,
compensating, and leading people in the new location, what specific factors
will you ask your client take into consideration? Will the people management
approach change in the new location? Why and how? Draw on relevant course
frameworks when applicable.
Ethical & Institutional Implications:
Discuss some of the most salient ethical
and institutional considerations for your client considering sales, marketing,
and customer service decisions in the host country. How should these
decisions change given the socio-cultural factors? What will be your crucial
three recommendations to adapt to the host country’s realities?

Waze in UAE
International Expansion Project: Waze in the United Arab Emirates
By: Chaz Painter and Da
en Georgakas
What is Waze?
Waze is a navigation software app that helps users determine the best traffic routes for users along highways, surface streets and walking paths.
Waze provides live updates to travel routes based on user updates from in time location verification. (Waze 2021)
Waze also has a service where users can carpool to help cut down on expenses and traffic. (Waze 2021)
Here is a little about Waze.
Waze is a navigation software app that is used on smartphones or tablets to help users determine the best traffic routes to take and what to avoid according to Waze’s website.
Waze provides live updates to travel routes based on user updates. The users can update traffic jams, accidents, speed traps, and road construction in real time.
Waze also has a service where users can carpool to help cut down on expenses and traffic. Users are able to find one another on the app and can even split gas money between the riders.
Why the UAE?
UAE population is around 9.1 million according to the International Labour Organization.
The cu
ent workforce population is just over 6.8 million and continuing to grow on a yearly basis.
Large labor forces in u
an areas means that the country has many drivers on the road that could benefit from using Waze to direct traffic easier.
The large majority of people in UAE have smartphones according to, which would be required to use Waze.
The UAE has a population of around 9.1 million according to the International Labour Organization.
The workforce in the UAE is 6.8 million according to the World Bank Group.
The labor force being mostly in large cities means that there are going to be many drivers going to and from work and running other e
ands that would benefit from using Waze.
82.2% of people in the UAE have smartphones according to, which will greatly help the reach of Waze to new customers in the country. With this number of smartphone users, Waze could get a large market share very quickly.
Waze in the UAE
Waze profits heavily through display ads presented to users while nearing locations of participating
ands according to Khushboo Rajpal of
The UAE is a very technologically advanced country that would most likely adopt a new technological tool to help with citizen’s everyday lives.
We feel that Waze is a very helpful app that would benefit millions in the UAE.
Waze makes its money through advertisements on their app. These ads are specific to the geographic region of the user. Waze also gets a commission from carpool services.
The UAE is a very technologically advanced country that would most likely adopt a new technological tool to help with citizen’s every day lives.
We feel that Waze is a very helpful app that would benefit millions in the UAE by providing data for customers travel plans.
Unique location opportunities for Waze
By operating in the United Arab Emirates, Waze will expose its
and to a vast number of citizens living in the UAE.
Comprised of three main cities
Dubai (3.3 million citizens)
Abu Dhabi (1.4 million citizens)
Sharjah (1.3 million citizens)
A tourist friendly country
Pre-Pandemic tourism shows that cities like Dubai can see up to 17+ million people per year.
Many tourists travel from developed worlds already familiar with Waze.
Institutional challenges and opportunities
Dubai has a weak economy built heavily upon oil and tourism. The economy is cu
ently strong but could change quickly due to things out of the countries control. i.e., global warming impact on oil.
The United Arab Emirates does not handle international criticism well and often utilizes aggressive efforts to boost its reputation. Often this criticism is regarding antitrust laws being continually
oken while the government looks the other way.
Dubai is ranked as the 4th most traveled city in the world for a 5th year.
Tourism to Dubai has increased by 5% every year since 2016.
Socio-cultural challenges and opportunities
A foreign entity is required to share ownership to operate in the UAE. Depending on contracts and what is required of Waze, the country could make it impossible to do business within its borders.
Dubai as become a central hub of many companies looking to expand, which leads to an increase of competitors in the space.
The citizens continually support its obsession of setting world records to attract more tourists.
Marcus Stephenson states that “the past has ‘lost its hold’ because the future significantly attracts ‘compelling interest’.
Why the UAE is perfect for the Waze of the future
ently 138 of 500 of the worlds largest businesses cu
ently operate out of Dubai.
The countries government operates out of Abu Dhabi, creating business and more opportunities for the local population to grow with the country.
Smart Dubai is creating a personalized experience for residents and visitors and will be able to integrate with many cu
ent apps on the market.
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum reassured his country recently by stating “We are making Dubai the happiest city on earth by em
acing technology innovation making Dubai a more seamless, safe, efficient and personalized city experience for all residents and visitors.”
Driving Directions, Traffic Reports & Carpool Rideshares by Waze. (n.d.). https: 
Kohlberg, R. (2016, November 20). Waze: Paving the Future of Digital Mapping. Technology and Operations Management. https: 
Labor force, total - United Arab Emirates. Data. (n.d.). https:
Rajpal, K. (2021, Fe
uary 23). How Does Waze Work? Insights into Business and Revenue. Idea Usher. https:
Sergon, V. (2021, June 1). SIM cards and mobile phones in the UAE. Expatica. https: 
Smart Dubai XXXXXXXXXXn.d.). https: 
United Arab Emirates. (2015, December 7). https:
Vittori, J., & Page, M. T. (2020, July 7). Challenges and Recommendations - Dubai's Role in Facilitating Co
uption and Global Illicit Financial Flows. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. https:
Answered 5 days After Aug 07, 2021


Abhishek answered on Aug 12 2021
140 Votes
Running Head: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS                        1
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS                                 4
Table of Contents
Entry Strategy    3
People Management    3
Ethical and Institutional Implications    4
References    5
Entry Strategy
Waze is a software application that helps people find out the best routes that are hassle-free and inexpensive and provide a great travelling experience (Waze, 2021). This makes the journey smoother and the experience better for both the travelers and the drivers. This application works pretty well in smart phones and tablet computers, which are now available to all the people globally and they are avid users of smart tools.
This has been developed in the year of 2006 in Israel and afterwards there are many sellers and the advertisers for the advertisement. The company's market penetration strategy can be based on direct exporting. The United Arab Emirates has been chosen as a new area where the products can reach the customers through distributors who have better reach and knowledge regarding the host country.
They have already developed the strategy in their existing market for reaching out to the customers who can be the potential buyers through a short marketing channel for maximization of the profit. The reputation of the distributors will also help the company to get loyal customers. The host country has taken an aggressive approach for boosting its reputation while handling the international criticism and while doing so, the antitrust laws have been
That is why the unique challenges the company might face are the legal issues in the host country. In the pre-pandemic situation, 17 million people used to visit Dubai per year. The number of internet subscribers is 2996 thousand as of august 2020 (Statista, 2021). There are also some differences in the rules and rights of the employees in the host country with the home country. That is why the working hours, working culture, policymaking will be different, which are some of the many institutional challenges. However, along with that, there will be additional advantages, which are why the company should expand its business in this country. Dubai is a place...

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