Select 4 equity stocks (from 4 different industries/sectors: scroll down fo
industry info) preferably from yahoo finance or google finance and answer the
following questions [DO sot ws he stacks tha sd fn the ample howe in YouTube
video): hi
1. Briefly discuss each of the equity stocks that you picked for your project (a
paragraph or two summary about the company profile).
2. Using daily frequency data and the following holding period (Nov 1st 2018
— October 28" 2022) and calculate the average annual return for each
equity stock, Use the formula:
Pi =P
R; =
3. Compare the standard deviation of each individual security over the entire
period. Which is the riskiest security and which is the least risky based on the
Standard Deviation?
4. Paying special attention to the most recent COVID-19 pandemic,
eak down
your data set and compare the risk and return attributes of your individual
securities during the entire period, from Nov Ist 2018-Febl XXXXXXXXXXpre
COVID-19) and from Feb 11, 2020- October 28", 2022 (during COVID-19)?
Comment on your findings.
5. Calculate all possible cross-co
elations How has the co
elation among
these securities changed over time (before and during COVID-19 pandemic)?
Plot each of the price series and comment paying special attention to the
Feb11, 2020- October 28", 2022) during COVID-19 pandemic .
6. Build a portfolio and allocate weights as you wish for each portfolio.
Calculate portfolio returns (based on average annual return that you
calculated in question 2). (Note that the portfolio could be an equal weighted
portfolio and you can assign 25% weight for each)
Use the following formula :
Ry=WXxRi + Wp x Ry +. + W, xR,
Where Ws are the weights and Rs are the annual returns.
7. Compare the returns of the individual securities and the portfolio during the
entire period, pre COVID-19 and during COVID 19 periods. Which security
was most affected by the crisis and which security was least affected? Why?
Please discuss the performance individual securities and the portfolio in
depth paying special attention to the concept of diversification.
8. Download data for SP 500 (same time span and daily frequency). Calculate,
etas of the individual stocks and the portfolio portfolio during the entire
period, pre COVID-19 and during COVID 19 periods. Remember, you
need to use the following formula to calculate the Beta of portfolios:
By = Wx y+ Wy x By +cat B, 5,
Note that for SP 500 you can use data from the following website:
https: (Use daily frequency again)
9. Discuss your overall results as it relates to portfolio diversification benefits.
Are are you better off with some of the stocks you have in your portfolio?
Which stocks fared the worst overall and which stocks did not perform that
adly? By any chance did you select a stock that was more or less unscathed
y the effects of COVID 19?
10. Please make sure you have a REFERENCE page at the end.
Is there a winner stock in you