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Select 4 equity stocks (from 4 different industries/sectors: scroll down for industry info) preferably from yahoo finance or google finance and answer the following questions [DO sot ws he stacks tha...

1 answer below »
Select 4 equity stocks (from 4 different industries/sectors: scroll down fo
industry info) preferably from yahoo finance or google finance and answer the
following questions [DO sot ws he stacks tha sd fn the ample howe in YouTube
video): hi
1. Briefly discuss each of the equity stocks that you picked for your project (a
paragraph or two summary about the company profile).

2. Using daily frequency data and the following holding period (Nov 1st 2018
— October 28" 2022) and calculate the average annual return for each
equity stock, Use the formula:
Pi =P
R; =
3. Compare the standard deviation of each individual security over the entire
period. Which is the riskiest security and which is the least risky based on the
Standard Deviation?
4. Paying special attention to the most recent COVID-19 pandemic,
eak down
your data set and compare the risk and return attributes of your individual
securities during the entire period, from Nov Ist 2018-Febl XXXXXXXXXXpre
COVID-19) and from Feb 11, 2020- October 28", 2022 (during COVID-19)?
Comment on your findings.
5. Calculate all possible cross-co
elations How has the co
elation among
these securities changed over time (before and during COVID-19 pandemic)?
Plot each of the price series and comment paying special attention to the
Feb11, 2020- October 28", 2022) during COVID-19 pandemic .
6. Build a portfolio and allocate weights as you wish for each portfolio.
Calculate portfolio returns (based on average annual return that you
calculated in question 2). (Note that the portfolio could be an equal weighted
portfolio and you can assign 25% weight for each)
Use the following formula :
Ry=WXxRi + Wp x Ry +. + W, xR,
Where Ws are the weights and Rs are the annual returns.
7. Compare the returns of the individual securities and the portfolio during the
entire period, pre COVID-19 and during COVID 19 periods. Which security
was most affected by the crisis and which security was least affected? Why?
Please discuss the performance individual securities and the portfolio in
depth paying special attention to the concept of diversification.
8. Download data for SP 500 (same time span and daily frequency). Calculate,
etas of the individual stocks and the portfolio portfolio during the entire
period, pre COVID-19 and during COVID 19 periods. Remember, you
need to use the following formula to calculate the Beta of portfolios:
By = Wx y+ Wy x By +cat B, 5,
Note that for SP 500 you can use data from the following website:
https: (Use daily frequency again)
9. Discuss your overall results as it relates to portfolio diversification benefits.
Are are you better off with some of the stocks you have in your portfolio?
Which stocks fared the worst overall and which stocks did not perform that
adly? By any chance did you select a stock that was more or less unscathed
y the effects of COVID 19?
10. Please make sure you have a REFERENCE page at the end.
Is there a winner stock in you
Answered 1 days After Dec 15, 2022


Mayuri answered on Dec 16 2022
52 Votes
1. Equity stocks chosen
The international business machines corporation (IBM) is an American multinational technology corporation which was founded in 1911 by Endicott in new york. Now it has working operation in more than 171 companies. It was started by the name CTR but later got its name of IBM in 1924. Its main operation is to sell computer hardware ,middleware and software and is one of the largest work providers with more than 250k people
Bank of America Corporation
The bank of America corporation (often a
eviated bofa or boa) is an American multinational investment bank and financial services holding company headquartered at the bank of America corporate centre in charlotte, north Carolina. The bank was founded in san Francisco and took its present form when NationsBank of charlotte acquired it in 1998
It is the second largest bank in terms of market capitalization and serves more than 10% of Americans deposits
Tyson Foods
Tyson foods, Inc. is an American multinational corporation which was founded in 1935, 87 years ago. Based in Springdale, Arkansas, that operates in the food industry.
It is the world second largest producer of beef chicken and pork and the largest exporter outside usa
. Together with its subsidiaries jimmy dean, Hillshire farm, ball park, wright
and, aid ells, and state fair.] Tyson foods ranked no. 79 in the 2020 fortune 500 list of the largest united states corporations by total revenue.
Chevron corporation
chevron corporation is an American multinational energy corporation that is active in more than 180 countries and is engaged in every aspect of oil and gas business. It is the second-largest known  direct descendant of standard oil with it’s headquartered in san roman
Its traces its history to 1870s and grew quickly after the
eakup of standard oil by acquiring or partnering with different firms its revenue in 2021 was $162.47 billion dollars.
2. Average annual return
The average annual return (AAR) measures the money made or lost by a mutual fund over a given period. Investors considering a mutual fund investment will often review the AAR and compare it with other similar mutual funds as part of their mutual fund investment strategy.
To get AAR from daily frequency data
· First we will need to calculate average holding period
· For this we need to use the formula
r= ( pt - pt-1) / pt-1
· Then we will add average holding period to get average return. We have calculated the annual return of the selected companies.
    Annual return from 1 nov 2018 to 31th dec'2018
    Annual return from 1 jan'2019 to 31st dec'2019
    Annual return from 1 jan'2020 to 31st dec'2020
    Annual return from 1 jan'2021 to 31st dec'2021
    Annual return from 1 jan'2022 to 10th oct'2022
    Average annual return
· After adding annual returns of all years and dividing it by number of years we will get average annual return
    Company shares
    Average annual period
Standard deviation
Standard deviation of a stock is a very good tool to know how versatile a stock is.
That means how risky can our investment can be as high standard deviation means higher risk as the share of that company violates frequently from high to low and vice versa.
To get standard deviation we need to use the following formula if we have average holding period

Here we can see that CVX has the highest standard deviation that means it is the most risky from the selected stocks where as IBM has the lowest standard deviation which means it is the least risky one among the stocks present.
4. Risk
Risk can be measured using standard deviation from the below table. The below table can be used an analysis of S.D. affected during the COVID period.
    Standard deviation before COVID
    Standard deviation in COVID
Return refers to how much we have gain in our investment.
    Return before COVID
    Return in COVID
As we can see that the return to us before COVID was more in case of technology and food sector where as the reverse can be seen in banking and energy sector.
This is due to the fact as manufacturing has a verge big impact on the production of stuffs where as high increase in sources of power was required so that people will not try to come out if they have something to do at home and increase in bank due to increase in stuffs that can be realized in cash faste
However the risk has increased in all the stocks due to the market condition which benefitted some sectors but made it bad for the majority . Also one sector is dependant on the other so a single shockwave can cause vi
ation in all the stock market
5. Cross co
During the study of two fluctuates at the same time and we observe that the one changes when there is some change in other variable directly or indirectly, it will be known as the two fluctuators are co
elated. If the one changes and there is no change in the other, it will be known as non-co
elated variables.
    Cross co
When we analyse the co
elation between the return of the IBM it is coming to one because the collaboration should between a single data will be the one. Comparing to the co
elation between IBM and the Bank of America is 0.616 which means that they have the positive co
elation between them and they will be affected the same goes with the co
elation between IBM and a CVX because their co
elation is 0.55 if we check the data the co
elation between itself would be one and if we have the co
elation positive it means they will have the positive effect on each other.
    Cross co
elation before COVID
    Cross co
elation during COVID
If we analyse the co
elation data before COVID and after COVID, the relationship has been affected in a positive way. We can take a look at any company. For example, the corelationship between the TSN and CVX before COVID is 0.23 and after COVID is 0.44.
We can understand it more by taking help from the below chart:
Portfolio is number of shares that we are having in our demat account. Portfolio represent various shares of different companies, different sectors which may result in raising the portfolio return or decreasing the portfolio return. It might be possible that the return we are having will be less or low. If we have built up the good portfolio, it might be possible that we have reduced our risk to a certain level which can be seen from our data that the return we are getting from an individual companies is approximately and average of 10% but when we are focusing on a portfolio return it is coming after 12.52% which means the portfolio has decreased increased over return percentage. We have taken equal weights to each company.
We have calculated the portfolio return by the formula stated below:
= 10.94% * 25% + 12.60% * 25% + 7.61% *25% + 8.92% * 25%
= 12.52%
7. Begin comparing, the return of individual securities and we can analyze that Bank of America has the largest return from the other companies’ search as IBM, TSM, and CVX. In the entire period if we talk about the pre-COVID. IBM has the maximum return that was giving which is 39.09% among the other companies find if we compare it after COVID, CVX company was giving the highest return ever. It may be because of the energy sector company. the sector of energy will not affect much by COVID. Because it was the crucial sector that can't be affected in any of the circumstances but when we talk about the crisis which was very affected by COVID was TSN. the return has fallen down from 39.59% to 4.46% which is a very huge downfall.
If we have a look over the portfolio return the entire portfolio return whether it is in case of COVID or after the COVID. Our return remains at 12.52% and if we segregate the return into 2 parts that is the before COVID and after COVID. Before COVID, the return was 26.66%. However, after COVID, the average return has drastically increased due to the increase in the return for the energy sector company that is TVX because it has increased itself from 6% to 88%.
    Before COVID
    During COVID
8. Beta
It means how much a stock fluctuates in comparison to other stock. Beta can be found using the formula
To calculate the beta, there are various methods but we have taken the covariance method. For that, we have taken the covariance between the company and SP 500.
    Beta whole period
    Beta before COVID
    Beta in COVID
9 Conclusions
There are various benefits on forming the portfolio which are as follows:
· Risk is reduced since we have different areas of stocks and all areas do not fall as there would be always some profile who increases.
· Align With our financial goals since we can gain some diversification and do some high risk ones which may have higher returns.
· Higher growth opportunity due to the fact some sectors have some periods of peak for example during this COVID 19 we gain higher rate of returns in pharm companies
Yes we have CVX which provides us with good returns which was not before COVID but provided very high returns after COVID due to high demand of energy during lockdown. The energy sector was the least affected sector of all sector as it comes in the most crucial sector for living.
The worst stock is TSN which does not increase much overall since it was affected due to workers shortage due to lockdown and machines cannot be used which affected the company stocks. As COVID was about the contamination, the people boycott to eat the outside food which affects the whole sector.
Yes, we have the IT sector stock with us which was not much affected due to the pandemic i.e., IBM. There is not much affect on returns an risk.
1. IBM - Wikipedia
2. Bank of America - Wikipedia
3. Tyson Foods - Wikipedia
4. Chevron Corporation -...

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