Background and problem statement
A holistic general to specific description of the issue of interest
Overview of the literature
A na
ative review of key recent (3 years) research related to this issue (based on 5-10 relevant academic sources)
Research objectives
The primary objective of this research is to explore, examine, describe, define, resolve, XXXXXXXXXXit also aims to -----
(1 primary, 2-3 secondary objectives)
Research questions
To meet the objectives mentioned above, the following questions will be addressed by this research.
1. How does ----- matter in --------
1. What is the role of ------in ------
1. What are some of the key solutions to-------
1. Does XXXXXXXXXXhelps managers deal with ---------
1. Do -----and XXXXXXXXXXenable managers to --------
1. How does a company obtain--------
1. How does XXXXXXXXXXreduce--------
1. Can XXXXXXXXXXhelps XXXXXXXXXXreduce, decrease, increase, facilitate,,,,,,,,,,?
(3-5 research questions covering the problem and addressing he objectives)
ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE___________________________________________________
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Subject Title Work-integrated Learning
Subject Code IND802
Lecturer / Tutor Your Academic Supervisor (MIB, MOM, MMTH)
Semester Feb 2020
Assessment Title Written Report
Learning Outcome/s a) Analyse and critique the main research methods
used in business contexts
) Design, plan and execute an applied research
c) Analyse and synthesise information in order to
develop evidence-based and sustainable solutions for
a business problem
d) Succinctly communicate work related issues and
outcomes to a range of organisational stakeholders
Assessment type (group or
Weighting 50%
Word count 3,000 words
Due date Week 14
Class submission Lecture ☐ XXXXXXXXXXTutorial ☐
Submission type Paper copy ☐ XXXXXXXXXXTurnitin ☐
Format / Layout of Assessment
(details of what to include)
(cross the appropriate check
ICMS Cover Page
Table of Contents
Synopsis / Executive Summary
Reference List
Assessment instructions
Due at the end of Week 14, this task is an individual
3,000-word report based on the Online Discussions
ideas and knowledge students obtained from
RES800 (Business Research) subject.
Students will use the secondary data reliable and
available from open sources for analysis,
interpretation, and suggestions to further studies,
including but not limited to reflection from their work
integrated experience.
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It is noted that this individual report does not need to
contain a primary research component (e.g.
interview, online survey, focus group, etc.), so the
ethical issues are not applicable in this task.
The purpose of this assignment is to produce a
substantive piece of industry-based analysis and to
integrate work experience flexibly into this Report.
• One option is for students to develop an
independent project in negotiations with their
employer and prepare a workplace-relevant
• Alternatively, students may choose a
esearch topic of strong personal and
professional interest that can utilise the
experience of working in an organisation.
The project should address a specific and real
management challenge or business issue, ideally
elevant to the partner organisation or at least of
strong personal and professional interest to the
student. In so doing, students can develop and
demonstrate their capacity for high value thinking
and effective decision making.
Students must have their Report topic approved by
the Academic Supervisor no later than Week 8 of
the internship semester. This topic will be disclosed
to other students at the last On-line Discussion
Forum in Week 12.
Reports will be submitted via Turnitin and marked by
their academic supervisor during the examination
period at the end of semester.
Readings for the assessment
Prescribed textbook, journal or other reading:
IND802 WIL Postgraduate Guide (2020);
Rook, S XXXXXXXXXXWork Experience, Placements and
Internships. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN:
Recommended textbook, journal or other reading:
ach, M. P XXXXXXXXXXCross-Cultural Relations .
Research Starters: Business (Online Edition), .Call
Number: Available on EBSCO Discovery Service.
Login via MyAthens
ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE___________________________________________________
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Avery, G., & Bergsteiner, H XXXXXXXXXXSustainable
Leadership: Honeybee and Locust Approaches.
Cooper, D.R. & Schindler, P.S XXXXXXXXXXBusiness
Research Methods. (12th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Mayfield, J., & Mayfield, M XXXXXXXXXXLeadership
Communication: Reflecting, Engaging, and Innovating.
International Journal of Business Communication,
54(1), 3-11. Call Number: Available on EBSCO
Discovery Service. Login via MyAthens
Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2012).
Research Methods for Business Students . (6th ed.).
Harlow, England: Pearson. ISBN: XXXXXXXXXXCall
Tanaka, A., & Kleiner, B XXXXXXXXXXCross-Cultural
Business Etiquette. Culture & Religion Review Journal,
2015(1), 9-19. Call Number: Available on EBSCO
Discovery Service. Login via MyAthens
Zikmund, W. & Quinlan, C XXXXXXXXXXBusiness Research
Methods. (1st ed.). Cengage. ISBN: XXXXXXXXXX
Grading Criteria / Ru
ic See IND802 Assessment 2 - Marking Ru
ic for
Written Report on the Moodle site.
Peer Review Evaluation
(group work – optional)