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I am attaching the interview script done by me, you need to do the task accordingly, I need to submit it asap, please don't delay and don't use ai or internet to do this

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HCCSSD102_Assessment 3_ XXXXXXXXXXPage 1 of 6
Subject Code and Title HCCSSD102 Person-Centred Practice
Assessment Microskills Demonstration
Individual/Group Individual
Length Demonstration of putting micro-skills into practice in a session
– 10 mins.
Critical reflection on their ability to put the identified micro-
skills into practice XXXXXXXXXXwords (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful
completion of the task below include:
c) Demonstrate the application of microskills to put learning
into practice
d) Reflect on one’s own
ability to communicate using micro skills.
Submission Due by 11.55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 11 (Week 11)
Weighting 35%
Total Marks 100 marks

Carl Rogers believed that everyone has the capacity to change and grow towards self-
actualisation over a lifetime. Scenarios such as the one below can help us develop
microskills in practice. Imagine how you might feel if your client presented with the
following issue. What personal values or beliefs might be guiding the thoughts that you are
having about the scenario presented below? How might you use person-centred concepts
such as congruence, challenging, or focusing to work with the client?

Assessment Task
View the following case study (refer to the video link in the Assessment 3 folder) and
critically analyse it using the transcript of the video below:
Frederick is sitting in the counsellor’s office. He is a handsome older man. He is an artist and
is dressed smartly but casually.
Counsellor: Why have you come for counselling today?
Frederick: I have just had a relationship
eakdown which has hit me quite hard.
HCCSSD102_Assessment 3_ XXXXXXXXXXPage 2 of 6
Counsellor: Tell me more about it.
Frederick: It was a
ief but intense fling with an ex. I met her again at a gallery and felt
the same as I had when I met her 10 years ago. It was wonderful until last
Thursday when she said that she was finding the relationship too stressful
ecause she knows in her heart it will go nowhere. She stated that I have had
many chances to have a relationship with her and although it has been
wonderful and she will always love me she could not go on seeing me. I know
this is fair enough, but I have been feeling very sad.
Counsellor: I would like to understand more about your relationships over the past few
years. Have you been ma
ied or in long term relationships?
Frederick: I never ma
ied and have never lived with anyone for more than a few
months. I have never been short of girlfriends. I fall in love with someone and I
am initially committed to the relationship but after a while, I start having
flings and gradually exit the relationship. I do have a partner at present but
she is unaware of the other woman.
1. View and analyse the transcript of the case study.
2. Describe how you might feel if Frederick was your client. What personal values or
eliefs might be guiding the thoughts that you are having about Frederick’s
problems? Explain how you would use the microskills of congruence, challenging and
focussing in this case study.
3. Demonstrate the use of person-centred concepts such as congruence, challenging,
and focusing in working with Frederick. Write down what you would say to Frederick
to assist you to display the use of these concepts in practice. Ask a friend to play the
part of Frederick and video the interaction. The videoed interaction should not be
more than 10 minutes.

Cite four academic sources relevant to the concept you describe. It is essential that you use
appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on
eferencing here http:

Submission Instructions
Submit the critical reflection via the Assessment 3 link in the main navigation menu of
HCCSSD102 Person-Centred Practice Please note during the submission process: to include
oth the video and the reflection in your submission, once your first item has been
HCCSSD102_Assessment 3_ XXXXXXXXXXPage 3 of 6
uploaded, click ‘Browse Your Computer’ to attach your extra documents as an appendix.
Then click Final Submit button.
The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal.
Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Your recording must be in a video format (.mp4 or .MOV) for uploading into Blackboard. You
can refer to this guide on how to film and submit your video:
cswebdav/pid XXXXXXXXXXdt-content-rid-48646042_1/xid-

Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is
appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing
Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of To
ens University Australia
Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic
misconduct. These are viewable online.
Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.

Special Consideration
To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or exam due to
unexpected or extenuating circumstances, please consult the Assessment Policy for Higher
Education Coursework and ELICOS and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a
completed Application for Assessment Special Consideration Form to your Learning
cswebdav/pid XXXXXXXXXXdt-content-rid-48646042_1/xid-48646042_1
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HCCSSD102_Assessment 3_ XXXXXXXXXXPage 4 of 6
Assessment Ru
(Yet to achieve
minimum standard)
High Distinction
Knowledge and
understanding of three
Rogerian concepts:
challenging, and

Percentage for this
criterion = 35%
Demonstrates a partially
developed understanding
of congruence,
challenging, and focusing
● Examining fewer than
three concepts.
● Inco
ectly identifying
Demonstrates a functional
knowledge of congruence,
challenging, and focusing by:
● Co
ectly identifying
three concepts.
● Providing a basic
description of each.
Demonstrates proficient
knowledge of congruence,
challenging, and focusing
● Co
ectly identifying
three concepts and
explaining why they
were chosen.
● Providing a clear
summary of each
Demonstrates advanced
knowledge of congruence,
challenging, and focusing
● Critically discussing
three concepts.
● Detailing the use of
each concept in
Demonstrates exceptional
knowledge of congruence,
challenging, and focusing
● Critically discussing
three concepts
● Analysing the process
of person-centred
practice and the place
of the chosen concepts
in this process.

The application of
congruence, challenging
and focusing to the case
study scenario.
Percentage for this
criterion = 35%

Application of fewer than
three concepts to the

application of micro-skills.

Shows the ability to reflect on
personal values and apply the
eflections to the
development of congruence.
Demonstrates the use of
congruence, challenging, and
focusing mostly appropriately
to the scenario.

Well-developed reflection
on personal values with
analysis of the
development of
congruence in the
Application of congruence,
challenging, and focusing

Thoroughly developed and
creative reflection with
analysis of personal values
and justified
ecommendations for
developing congruence
linked to analysis.
Application of congruence,
challenging, and focusing to
the scenario very sensitively

Highly sophisticated and
creative analysis of
personal values based on
deep reflection and
integrated with existing
Expert application of
congruence, challenging,
and focusing to the
scenario developed
HCCSSD102_Assessment 3_ XXXXXXXXXXPage 5 of 6

Demonstrates a lack of
ability to apply micro-skills
to the given scenario.
used appropriately in the
in several different
through reflection and


Percentage for this
criterion = 15%

Presents information.
Specialised language and
terminology are rarely or
inaccurately employed.
Meaning is repeatedly
obscured by e
ors in the
communication of ideas,
including e
ors in
structure, sequence,
spelling, grammar,
punctuation and/or the
acknowledgment of

Communicates in a readable
manner that largely adheres
to the given format.
Generally employs
specialised language and
terminology with accuracy.
Meaning is sometimes
difficult to follow.
Information, arguments, and
evidence are structured and
sequenced in a way that is
not always clear and logical.
Some e
ors are evident in
spelling, grammar and/or

Communicates in a
coherent and readable
manner that adheres to the
given format.
Accurately employs
specialised language and
Meaning is easy to follow.
Information, arguments,
and evidence are structured
and sequenced in a way
that is clear and logical.
Occasional minor e
present in spelling,
grammar and/or

Communicates coherently
and concisely in a manner
that adheres to the given
Accurately employs a wide
ange of specialised
language and terminology.
Engages audience interest.
Information, arguments,
and evidence are structured
and sequenced in a way
that is, clear and
Spelling, grammar, and
punctuation are free from

Communicates eloquently.
Expresses meaning
coherently, concisely, and
creatively within the given
Discerningly selects and
precisely employs a wide
ange of specialised
language and terminology.
Engages and sustains
audience’s interest.
Information, arguments,
and evidence are insightful,
persuasive and expertly
Spelling, grammar, and
punctuation are free from
HCCSSD102_Assessment 3_ XXXXXXXXXXPage 6 of 6

Ability to demonstrate
the microskills in

Percentage for this
criterion = 15%
The demonstration is
difficult for the audience
to understand; there was
no logical/clear structure,
and the flow of ideas is
The microskills are not
The demonstration is
sometimes difficult to follow.
The interaction with the
client is not always clearly
elated to the case study.
A number of aspects require
further refinement (e.g., the
use of challenging and
focussing etc.).
The demonstration is easy
to follow.
Good engagement with the
client. Accurately and
appropriately employs
microskills. A few aspects
equire further refinement
(e.g., there may not be
enough listening or
The demonstration shows
strong empathy with the
Accurately and
appropriately employs
microskills but lets the
client do most of the
talking. And uses reflections
ather than questions.
The demonstration shows
strong empathy and
unconditional positive
The interaction shows
expertise in counselling.
Discerningly selects and
precisely employs a wide
ange of counselling
microskills while
encouraging the client to
feel heard through the use
of reflections and

The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO c) Demonstrate the application of microskills to put learning into practice
SLO d) Reflect on one’s own ability to communicate using micro skills
    Assessment Task
    Submission Instructions
    Academic Integrity
    Special Consideration

Untitled document
Counsellor: “Hi Frederick, it’s good to see you today. How are you feeling?”
Frederick: “Hi, thanks for having me. I’ve been better, honestly. I’ve been feeling really down
Counsellor: “I’m so
y to hear that. What’s been going on that’s making you feel this way?”
Frederick: “I’ve just had a relationship end, and it’s hit me pretty hard. It was with an ex,
someone I reconnected with after a long time. Things started off great, but she ended it
Counsellor: “That sounds really difficult. Can you tell me a bit more about what happened in
the relationship?”
Frederick: “We met again at a gallery after years of not seeing each other. It felt like we just
picked up where we left off, like nothing had changed. But last Thursday, she told me she
couldn’t keep going because she didn’t see a future for us. She said she still cared for me,
ut it was too stressful for her to continue.”
Counsellor: “It sounds like this relationship meant a lot to you, and the
Answered 1 days After Aug 17, 2024


Parul answered on Aug 18 2024
6 Votes
Normal.dotm A4 US English
Analysis of Scenario and Case along with Transcript
The protagonist of the case, Frederick is witnessing tremendous amount of emotional distress after the culmination of his relationship. Due to this he remains in a lot of distress that has thereby emerged into a lot of anger and despair. He goes in a deep-reflection phase where is analyzing all of his previous relationships where he never committed thereby leading a long series of unfulfilling relationships. Essentially, the primary concern that surfaces from the case is fear of trust and commitment because of which Frederick always pulls away from a healthy relationship which could have transpired into becoming serious. If you drill deeper this fear comes out from a desire to shield himself from any hurt. He also what’s to protect himself from being consumed in building any meaningful connections.
Personal Perspective as a counsello
Given this scenario, if I was the counsellor for Frederick then I would have handled his case with utmost empathy, consideration and compassion. I strongly believe it makes a lot of difference in acknowledging the chaos in life as well as encourage Frederick to recognize his pain. I truly value the fortitude to deal with challenging emotions that can even paralyze if not catered accordingly. Hence, I tend to have a strong inclination to support Frederick in this journey of conquering his fear and work along with him towards a healthier relationship. Well, in this journey, my principle for personal and professional growth would become my guiding light.
Values and Principles applied in this case
· Compassion and Empathy - comprehending Frederick's challenges, unresolved anger as well as pain that offers strong supportive area for him to express and explore.
· Belief in personal growth - motivate Frederick to comprehend the gravity of his actions, despite his past relationships...

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