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The link below is to a PBS website that contains a tremendous amount of information about the Ralph Tortorici case (including an overview, psychiatric history,psychologist'sreport, and interviews with the prosecutor, defense attorney and judge).

Discuss these questions in your post after watching the video on Ralph Tortorici:

  1. Why was it difficult for the prosecution to find a psychologist to testify at trial?
  2. Based on the legal definition, do you believe Ralph Tortorici was competent to stand trial?Explain your answer.
  3. Based on the legal definition, do you believe Ralph Tortorici met the qualifications for an insanity defense? Explain your answer.
  4. In your opinion, was "justice" served in the outcome of the Ralph Tortorici case? Explain your answer.
Answered Same Day Oct 28, 2022


Parul answered on Oct 29 2022
63 Votes
Normal.dotm A4 US English
Answer 1. In the case of criminal insanity, where Ralph Tortorici took an entire college classroom hostage with a rifle and demanded to discuss with the President, the governor, and the Supreme court. Because of the nature of the crime committed by Ralph and the amount of media exposure in this case, no mental health professional wanted to be involved in this case. Actually, the case was already judged by the media and people urging the psychologist and mental health professionals not to help Ralph in such a...

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