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AMERICAN SOUTHERN GOTHIC LITERATURE – “Pigeons From Hell” by Robert E. Howard A tale that goes further than Chickamauga in its reference to the Southern legacy is Robert E. Howard’s “Pigeons from...

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AMERICAN SOUTHERN GOTHIC LITERATURE – “Pigeons From Hell” by Robert E. Howard
A tale that goes further than Chickamauga in its reference to the Southern legacy is Robert E. Howard’s “Pigeons from Hell” XXXXXXXXXXIt is a short story told in three chapters titled “The Whistler in the Dark”; “The Snake’s Brother” and “The Call of Zevembie”.
Robert E. Howard’s Pigeons from Hell (link to the story is in Our Online Li
ary as well as in ASSIGNMENTS SP’18) is an early example of American Southern Gothic literature that first appeared in and is a good example of pulp fiction literature. However, unlike many stories published in that venue -- in the pulp magazine Weird Tales in this case – Pigeons has all the ingredients of a moral tale about the South and its legacy. Critics still consider it a scary tale today mainly because of Howard’s gripping detailed descriptions but you decide.
Pigeons from Hell DB Assignment due by 3/4
Reserve quiet time to read PIGEONS FROM HELL XXXXXXXXXXby Robert E. Howard so that you can concentrate on the entire story in one sitting. IMMEDIATELY AFTER you have finished reading “Pigeons from Hell” go to the relevant DB to answer the reaction question which is question number one. 
After reflection on the story pick one of the themes offered in question number two. No more than four students can pick the same theme. You can post the theme and then return to the DB to post the reasons for your Pigeons Theme based on the questions below if you need more “thinking” time or you can post everything at once. The completed DB due date is no later than 3/4.
1. What was your reaction to this early “ho
or” story?  Is it still a frightening read almost 80 years after its first publication?  Why or why not? 
2. PIGEONS FROM HELL can ultimately be analyzed via any one of the following six themes: [a morality tale]; [a story of evil]; [a story of vengeance]; [a story of retribution]; [a story of superstition]; [a story of Southern voodoo].
Pick one of the six themes and give your reason for your theme selection. Your Pigeons Theme post should also include textual exemplification to back up your thematic reasons but it cannot be the same textual examples used by a classmate who has chosen the same theme and posted before you.
3. Comment on one classmate’s theme that is different from yours. This Pigeons Reaction/Theme DB is due by 3/4.
Answered Same Day Feb 25, 2020


Dr. Vidhya answered on Feb 27 2020
144 Votes
The Pigeons from Hell surprised me—I kept on
ooding over the plot in spite of the fact that I was done reading it. the story is extremely haunting even after its eighty years of publication because of its evergreen setting—the haunting manor, the split skull, the bloody axe in the hands of that ‘unknown force’ the voodoo are some of the facts which keep up coming to the minds of the readers. A sense of haunt keeps on prevailing in the thought process; one can...

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