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Psychological Science XXXXXXXXXX: 1359 originally published online 17 October 2011
Joseph P. Simmons, Leif D. Nelson and Uri Simonsohn
Anything as Significant
False-Positive Psychology : Undisclosed Flexibility in Data Collection and Analysis Allows Presenting
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Psychological Science
© The Author(s) 2011
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Our job as scientists is to discover truths about the world. We
generate hypotheses, collect data, and examine whether or not
the data are consistent with those hypotheses. Although we
aspire to always be accurate, errors are inevitable.
Perhaps the most costly error is a false positive, the incorrect
rejection of a null hypothesis. First, once they appear in
the literature, false positives are particularly persistent.
Because null results have many possible causes, failures to
replicate previous findings are never conclusive. Furthermore,
because it is uncommon for prestigious journals to publish null
findings or exact replications, researchers have little incentive
to even attempt them. Second, false positives waste resources:
They inspire investment in fruitless research programs and can
lead to ineffective policy changes. Finally, a field known for
publishing false positives risks losing its credibility.
In this article, we show that despite the nominal endorsement
of a maximum false-positive rate of 5% (i.e., p = .05),
current standards for disclosing details of data collection and
analyses make false positives vastly more likely. In fact, it is
unacceptably easy to publish “statistically significant” evidence
consistent with any hypothesis.
The culprit is a construct we refer to as researcher degrees
of freedom. In the course of collecting and analyzing data,
researchers have many decisions to make: Should more data
be collected? Should some observations be excluded? Which
conditions should be combined and which ones compared?
Which control variables should be considered? Should specific
measures be combined or transformed or both?
It is rare, and sometimes impractical, for researchers to
make all these decisions beforehand. Rather, it is common
(and accepted practice) for researchers to explore various analytic
alternatives, to search for a combination that yields “statistical
significance,” and to then report only what “worked.”
The problem, of course, is that the likelihood of at least one (of
many) analyses producing a falsely positive finding at the 5%
level is necessarily greater than 5%.
This exploratory behavior is not the by-product of malicious
intent, but rather the result of two factors: (a) ambiguity
in how best to make these decisions and (b) the researcher’s
desire to find a statistically significant result. A large literature
documents that people are self-serving in their interpretation
Corresponding Authors:
Joseph P. Simmons, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 551
Jon M. Huntsman Hall, 3730 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Leif D. Nelson, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley,
Uri Simonsohn, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 548
Jon M. Huntsman Hall, 3730 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
False-Positive Psychology: Undisclosed
Flexibility in Data Collection and Analysis
Allows Presenting Anything as Significant
Joseph P. Simmons1, Leif D. Nelson2, and Uri Simonsohn1
1The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and 2Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley
In this article, we accomplish two things. First, we show that despite empirical psychologists’ nominal endorsement of a low rate
of false-positive findings (= .05), flexibility in data collection, analysis, and reporting dramatically increases actual false-positive
rates. In many cases, a researcher is more likely to falsely find evidence that an effect exists than to correctly find evidence
that it does not. We present computer simulations and a pair of actual experiments that demonstrate how unacceptably easy
it is to accumulate (and report) statistically significant evidence for a false hypothesis. Second, we suggest a simple, low-cost,
and straightforwardly effective disclosure-based solution to this problem. The solution involves six concrete requirements for
authors and four guidelines for reviewers, all of which impose a minimal burden on the publication process.
methodology, motivated reasoning, publication, disclosure
Received 3/17/11; Revision accepted 5/23/11
General Article
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1360 Simmons et al.
of ambiguous information and remarkably adept at reaching
justifiable conclusions that mesh with their desires (Babcock
& Loewenstein, 1997; Dawson, Gilovich, & Regan, 2002;
Gilovich, 1983; Hastorf & Cantril, 1954; Kunda, 1990; Zuckerman,
1979). This literature suggests that when we as
researchers face ambiguous analytic decisions, we will tend to
conclude, with convincing self-justification, that the appropriate
decisions are those that result in statistical significance
(p = .05).
Ambiguity is rampant in empirical research. As an example,
consider a very simple decision faced by researchers analyzing
reaction times: how to treat outliers. In a perusal of
roughly 30 Psychological Science articles, we discovered considerable
inconsistency in, and hence considerable ambiguity
about, this decision. Most (but not all) researchers excluded
some responses for being too fast, but what constituted “too
fast” varied enormously: the fastest 2.5%, or faster than 2 standard
deviations from the mean, or faster than 100 or 150 or
200 or 300 ms. Similarly, what constituted “too slow” varied
enormously: the slowest 2.5% or 10%, or 2 or 2.5 or 3 standard
deviations slower than the mean, or 1.5 standard deviations
slower from that condition’s mean, or slower than 1,000
or 1,200 or 1,500 or 2,000 or 3,000 or 5,000 ms. None of these
decisions is necessarily incorrect, but that fact makes any of
them justifiable and hence potential fodder for self-serving
How Bad Can It Be? A Demonstration of
Chronological Rejuvenation
To help illustrate the problem, we conducted two experiments
designed to demonstrate something false: that certain songs
can change listeners’ age. Everything reported here actually
Study 1: musical contrast and subjective age
In Study 1, we investigated whether listening to a children’s
song induces an age contrast, making people feel older. In
exchange for payment, 30 University of Pennsylvania undergraduates
sat at computer terminals, donned headphones, and
were randomly assigned to listen to either a control song
(“Kalimba,” an instrumental song by Mr. Scruff that comes
free with the Windows 7 operating system) or a children’s
song (“Hot Potato,” performed by The Wiggles).
After listening to part of the song, participants completed
an ostensibly unrelated survey: They answered the
question “How old do you feel right now?” by choosing
among five options (very young, young, neither young nor
old, old, and very old). They also reported their father’s
age, allowing us to control for variation in baseline age
across participants.
An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) revealed the predicted
effect: People felt older after listening to “Hot Potato”
(adjusted M = 2.54 years) than after listening to the control
song (adjusted M = 2.06 years), F(1, 27) = 5.06, p = .033.
In Study 2, we sought to conceptually replicate and extend
Study 1. Having demonstrated that listening to a children’s
song makes people feel older, Study 2 investigated whether
listening to a song about older age makes people actually
Study 2: musical contrast and chronological
Using the same method as in Study 1, we asked 20 University
of Pennsylvania undergraduates to listen to either “When I’m
Sixty-Four” by The Beatles or “Kalimba.” Then, in an ostensibly
unrelated task, they indicated their birth date (mm/dd/
yyyy) and their father’s age. We used father’s age to control
for variation in baseline age across participants.
An ANCOVA revealed the predicted effect: According to
their birth dates, people were nearly a year-and-a-half younger
after listening to “When I’m Sixty-Four” (adjusted M = 20.1
years) rather than to “Kalimba” (adjusted M = 21.5 years),
F(1, 17) = 4.92, p = .040.
These two studies were conducted with real participants,
employed legitimate statistical analyses, and are reported
truthfully. Nevertheless, they seem to support hypotheses that
are unlikely (Study 1) or necessarily false (Study 2).
Before detailing the researcher degrees of freedom we
employed to achieve these “findings,” we provide a more systematic
analysis of how researcher degrees of freedom influence
statistical significance. Impatient readers can consult
Table 3.
“How Bad Can It Be?” Simulations
Simulations of common researcher degrees of
We used computer simulations of experimental data to estimate
how researcher degrees of freedom influence the probability
of a false-positive result. These simulations assessed
the impact of four common degrees of freedom: flexibility in
(a) choosing among dependent variables, (b) choosing sample
size, (c) using covariates, and (d) reporting subsets of experimental
conditions. We also investigated various combinations
of these degrees of freedom.
We generated random samples with each observation independently
drawn from a normal distribution, performed sets of
analyses on each sample, and observed how often at least one
of the resulting p values in each sample was below standard
significance levels. For example, imagine a researcher who
collects two dependent variables, say liking and willingness to
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False-Positive Psychology 1361
pay. The researcher can test whether the manipulation affected
liking, whether the manipulation affected willingness to pay,
and whether the manipulation affected a combination of these
two variables. The likelihood that one of these tests produces
a significant result is at least somewhat higher than .05. We
conducted 15,000 simulations of this scenario (and other scenarios)
to estimate the size of “somewhat.”2
We report the results of our simulations in Table 1. The
first row shows that flexibility in analyzing two dependent
variables (correlated at r = .50) nearly doubles the probability
of obtaining a false-positive finding.3
The second row of Table 1 shows the results of a researcher
who collects 20 observations per condition and then tests for
significance. If the result is significant, the researcher stops
collecting data and reports the result. If the result is nonsignificant,
the researcher collects 10 additional observations per
condition, and then again tests for significance. This seemingly
small degree of freedom increases the false-positive rate
by approximately 50%.
The third row of Table 1 shows the effect of flexibility in
controlling for gender or for an interaction between gender
and the independent variable.4 Such flexibility leads to a falsepositive
rate of 11.7%. The fourth row of Table 1 shows that
running three conditions (e.g., low, medium, high) and reporting
the results for any two or all three (e.g., low vs. medium,
low vs. high, medium vs. high, low vs. medium vs. high) generates
a false-positive rate of 12.6%.
The bottom three rows of Table 1 show results for combinations
of the situations described in the top four rows, with
the bottom row reporting the false-positive rate if the
researcher uses all of these degrees of freedom, a practice
that would lead to a stunning 61% false-positive rate! A
researcher is more likely than not to falsely detect a significant
effect by just using these four common researcher
degrees of freedom.
As high as these estimates are, they may actually be conservative.
We did not consider many other degrees of freedom
that researchers commonly use, including testing and choosing
among more than two dependent variables (and the various
ways to combine them), testing and choosing among more
than one covariate (and the various ways to combine them),
excluding subsets of participants or trials, flexibility in deciding
whether early data were part of a pilot study or part of the
experiment proper, and so on.
A closer look at flexibility in sample size
Researchers often decide when to stop data collection on the
basis of interim data analysis. Notably, a recent survey of
behavioral scientists found that approximately 70% admitted
to having done so (John, Loewenstein, & Prelec, XXXXXXXXXXIn
conversations with colleagues, we have learned that many
believe this practice exerts no more than a trivial influence on
false-positive rates.
Table 1. Likelihood of Obtaining a False-Positive Result
Significance level
Researcher degrees of freedom p
Situation A: two dependent variables (r = XXXXXXXXXX% 9.5% 2.2%
Situation B: addition of 10 more observations
per cell
14.5% 7.7% 1.6%
Situation C: controlling for gender or interaction
of gender with treatment
21.6% 11.7% 2.7%
Situation D: dropping (or not dropping) one of
three conditions
23.2% 12.6% 2.8%
Combine Situations A and B 26.0% 14.4% 3.3%
Combine Situations A, B, and C 50.9% 30.9% 8.4%
Combine Situations A, B, C, and D 81.5% 60.7% 21.5%
Note: The table reports the percentage of 15,000 simulated samples in which at least one of a
set of analyses was significant. Observations were drawn independently from a normal distribution.
Baseline is a two-condition design with 20 observations per cell. Results for Situation A were
obtained by conducting three t tests, one on each of two dependent variables and a third on the
average of these two variables. Results for Situation B were obtained by conducting one t test after
collecting 20 observations per cell and another after collecting an additional 10 observations per
cell. Results for Situation C were obtained by conducting a t test, an analysis of covariance with a
gender main effect, and an analysis of covariance with a gender interaction (each observation was
assigned a 50% probability of being female). We report a significant effect if the effect of condition
was significant in any of these analyses or if the Gender × Condition interaction was significant.
Results for Situation D were obtained by conducting t tests for each of the three possible pairings
of conditions and an ordinary least squares regression for the linear trend of all three conditions
(coding: low = –1, medium = 0, high = 1).
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1362 Simmons et al.
Contradicting this intuition, Figure 1 shows the false-positive
rates from additional simulations for a researcher who has
already collected either 10 or 20 observations within each of
two conditions, and then tests for significance every 1, 5, 10,
or 20 per-condition observations after that. The researcher
stops collecting data either once statistical significance is
obtained or when the number of observations in each condition
reaches 50.
Figure 1 shows that a researcher who starts with 10 observations
per condition and then tests for significance after every
new per-condition observation finds a significant effect 22%
of the time. Figure 2 depicts an illustrative example continuing
sampling until the number of per-condition observations
reaches 70. It plots p values from t tests conducted after each
pair of observations. The example shown in Figure 2 contradicts
the often-espoused yet erroneous intuition that if an
effect is significant with a small sample size then it would necessarily
be significant with a larger one.
As a solution to the flexibility-ambiguity problem, we offer
six requirements for authors and four guidelines for reviewers
(see Table 2). This solution substantially mitigates the problem
but imposes only a minimal burden on authors, reviewers, and
readers. Our solution leaves the right and responsibility of
identifying the most appropriate way to conduct research in
the hands of researchers, requiring only that authors provide
appropriately transparent descriptions of their methods so that
reviewers and readers can make informed decisions regarding
the credibility of their findings. We assume that the vast majority
of researchers strive for honesty; this solution will not help
in the unusual case of willful deception.
Requirements for authors
We propose the following six requirements for authors.
1. Authors must decide the rule for terminating data
collection before data collection begins and report
this rule in the article. Following this requirement
may mean reporting the outcome of power calculations
or disclosing arbitrary rules, such as “we
decided to collect 100 observations” or “we decided
to collect as many observations as we could before
the end of the semester.” The rule itself is secondary,
but it must be determined ex ante and be reported.
Percentage of False-Positive Results
Number of Additional Per Condition
Observations Before Performing Another t Test
n  10 n  20
Minimum Sample Size
Fig. 1. Likelihood of obtaining a false-positive result when data collection
ends upon obtaining significance (p = .05, highlighted by the dotted line). The
figure depicts likelihoods for two minimum sample sizes, as a function of the
frequency with which significance tests are performed.
p Value
Sample Size
(number of observations in each of two conditions)
Fig. 2. Illustrative simulation of p values obtained by a researcher who
continuously adds an observation to each of two conditions, conducting
a t test after each addition. The dotted line highlights the conventional
significance criterion of p = .05.
Table 2. Simple Solution to the Problem of False-Positive
Requirements for authors
1. Authors must decide the rule for terminating data collection
before data collection begins and report this rule in the article.
2. Authors must collect at least 20 observations per cell or else
provide a compelling cost-of-data-collection justification.
3. Authors must list all variables collected in a study.
4. Authors must report all experimental conditions, including
failed manipulations.
5. If observations are eliminated, authors must also report what
the statistical results are if those observations are included.
6. If an analysis includes a covariate, authors must report the
statistical results of the analysis without the covariate.
Guidelines for reviewers
1. Reviewers should ensure that authors follow the requirements.
2. Reviewers should be more tolerant of imperfections in results.
3. Reviewers should require authors to demonstrate that their
results do not hinge on arbitrary analytic decisions.
4. If justifications of data collection or analysis are not compelling,
reviewers should require the authors to conduct an
exact replication.
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False-Positive Psychology 1363
2. Authors must collect at least 20 observations per
cell or else provide a compelling cost-of-datacollection
justification. This requirement offers
extra protection for the first requirement. Samples
smaller than 20 per cell are simply not powerful
enough to detect most effects, and so there is usually
no good reason to decide in advance to collect such
a small number of observations. Smaller samples, it
follows, are much more likely to reflect interim data
analysis and a flexible termination rule. In addition,
as Figure 1 shows, larger minimum sample sizes can
lessen the impact of violating Requirement 1.
3. Authors must list all variables collected in a study.
This requirement prevents researchers from reporting
only a convenient subset of the many measures
that were collected, allowing readers and reviewers
to easily identify possible researcher degrees of
freedom. Because authors are required to just list
those variables rather than describe them in detail,
this requirement increases the length of an article by
only a few words per otherwise shrouded variable.
We encourage authors to begin the list with “only,”
to assure readers that the list is exhaustive (e.g., “participants
reported only their age and gender”).
4. Authors must report all experimental conditions,
including failed manipulations. This requirement
prevents authors from selectively choosing
only to report the condition comparisons that yield
results that are consistent with their hypothesis.
As with the previous requirement, we encourage
authors to include the word “only” (e.g., “participants
were randomly assigned to one of only three
5. If observations are eliminated, authors must also
report what the statistical results are if those
observations are included. This requirement makes
transparent the extent to which a finding is reliant on
the exclusion of observations, puts appropriate pressure
on authors to justify the elimination of data, and
encourages reviewers to explicitly consider whether
such exclusions are warranted. Correctly interpreting
a finding may require some data exclusions; this
requirement is merely designed to draw attention to
those results that hinge on ex post decisions about
which data to exclude.
6. If an analysis includes a covariate, authors must
report the statistical results of the analysis without
the covariate. Reporting covariate-free results
makes transparent the extent to which a finding is reliant
on the presence of a covariate, puts appropriate
pressure on authors to justify the use of the covariate,
and encourages reviewers to consider whether including
it is warranted. Some findings may be persuasive
even if covariates are required for their detection, but
one should place greater scrutiny on results that do
hinge on covariates despite random assignment.
Guidelines for reviewers
We propose the following four guidelines for reviewers.
1. Reviewers should ensure that authors follow the
requirements. Review teams are the gatekeepers of
the scientific community, and they should encourage
authors not only to rule out alternative explanations,
but also to more convincingly demonstrate that their
findings are not due to chance alone. This means
prioritizing transparency over tidiness; if a wonderful
study is partially marred by a peculiar exclusion or an
inconsistent condition, those imperfections should be
retained. If reviewers require authors to follow these
requirements, they will.
2. Reviewers should be more tolerant of imperfections
in results. One reason researchers exploit
researcher degrees of freedom is the unreasonable
expectation we often impose as reviewers for every
data pattern to be (significantly) as predicted. Underpowered
studies with perfect results are the ones that
should invite extra scrutiny.
3. Reviewers should require authors to demonstrate
that their results do not hinge on arbitrary analytic
decisions. Even if authors follow all of our
guidelines, they will necessarily still face arbitrary
decisions. For example, should they subtract the
baseline measure of the dependent variable from the
final result or should they use the baseline measure as
a covariate? When there is no obviously correct way
to answer questions like this, the reviewer should ask
for alternatives. For example, reviewer reports might
include questions such as, “Do the results also hold
if the baseline measure is instead used as a covariate?”
Similarly, reviewers should ensure that arbitrary
decisions are used consistently across studies
(e.g., “Do the results hold for Study 3 if gender is
entered as a covariate, as was done in Study 2?”).5
If a result holds only for one arbitrary specification,
then everyone involved has learned a great deal about
the robustness (or lack thereof) of the effect.
4. If justifications of data collection or analysis are
not compelling, reviewers should require the
authors to conduct an exact replication. If a
reviewer is not persuaded by the justifications for
a given researcher degree of freedom or the results
from a robustness check, the reviewer should ask the
author to conduct an exact replication of the study
and its analysis. We realize that this is a costly solution,
and it should be used selectively; however,
“never” is too selective.
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1364 Simmons et al.
The Solutions in Action: Revisiting
Chronological Rejuvenation
To show how our solutions would work in practice, we return
to our Study 2, which “showed” that people get younger when
listening to The Beatles, and we report it again in Table 3, following
the requirements we have proposed. The merits of
reporting transparency should be evident, but three highlights
are worth mentioning.
First, notice that in our original report, we redacted the
many measures other than father’s age that we collected
(including the dependent variable from Study 1: feelings of
oldness). A reviewer would hence have been unable to assess
the flexibility involved in selecting father’s age as a control.
Second, by reporting only results that included the covariate,
we made it impossible for readers to discover its critical role in
achieving a significant result. Seeing the full list of variables
now disclosed, reviewers would have an easy time asking for
robustness checks, such as “Are the results from Study 1 replicated
in Study 2?” They are not: People felt older rather than
younger after listening to “When I’m Sixty-Four,” though not
significantly so, F(1, 17) = 2.07, p = .168. Finally, notice that
we did not determine the study’s termination rule in advance;
instead, we monitored statistical significance approximately
every 10 observations. Moreover, our sample size did not
reach the 20-observation threshold set by our requirements.
The redacted version of the study we reported in this
article fully adheres to currently acceptable reporting standards
and is, not coincidentally, deceptively persuasive. The
requirement-compliant version reported in Table 3 would
be—appropriately—all but impossible to publish.
General Discussion
Criticism of our solution comes in two varieties: It does not go
far enough and it goes too far.
Not far enough. Our solution does not lead to the disclosure
of all degrees of freedom. Most notably, it cannot reveal those
arising from reporting only experiments that “work” (i.e., the
file-drawer problem). This problem might be addressed by
requiring researchers to submit all studies to a public repository,
whether or not the studies are “successful” (see, e.g.,
Ioannidis, 2005; Schooler, XXXXXXXXXXAlthough we are sympathetic
to this suggestion, it does come with significant practical
challenges: How is submission enforced? How does one
ensure that study descriptions are understandably written and
appropriately classified? Most notably, in order for the repository
to be effective, it must adhere to our disclosure policy, for
it is impossible to interpret study results, whether successful or
not, unless researcher degrees of freedom are disclosed. The
repository is an ambitious long-term extension of our recommended
solution, not a substitute.
In addition, a reviewer of this article worried that our solution
may not go far enough because authors have “tremendous
disincentives” to disclose exploited researcher degrees of freedom.
Although researchers obviously have incentives to publish,
if editors and reviewers enforce our solution, authors will
have even stronger incentives to accurately disclose their
methodology. Our solution turns inconsequential sins of omission
(leaving out inconvenient facts) into consequential,
potentially career-ending sins of commission (writing demonstrably
false statements). Journals implementing our disclosure
requirements will create a virtuous cycle of transparency
and accountability that eliminates the disincentive problem.
Too far. Alternatively, some readers may be concerned that
our guidelines prevent researchers from conducting exploratory
research. What if researchers do not know which dependent
measures will be sensitive to the manipulation, for
example, or how such dependent measures should be scored or
combined? We all should of course engage in exploratory
research, but we should be required either to report it as such
(i.e., following the six requirements) or to complement it with
Table 3. Study 2: Original Report (in Bolded Text) and the Requirement-Compliant Report (With Addition of Gray Text)
Using the same method as in Study 1, we asked 20 34 University of Pennsylvania undergraduates to
listen only to either “When I’m Sixty-Four” by The Beatles or “Kalimba” or “Hot Potato” by the Wiggles.
We conducted our analyses after every session of approximately 10 participants; we did not decide in advance
when to terminate data collection. Then, in an ostensibly unrelated task, they indicated only their birth
date (mm/dd/yyyy) and how old they felt, how much they would enjoy eating at a diner, the square root of 100, their
agreement with “computers are complicated machines,” their father’s age, their mother’s age, whether they would
take advantage of an early-bird special, their political orientation, which of four Canadian quarterbacks they believed
won an award, how often they refer to the past as “the good old days,” and their gender. We used father’s age to
control for variation in baseline age across participants.
An ANCOVA revealed the predicted effect: According to their birth dates, people were nearly a
year-and-a-half younger after listening to “When I’m Sixty-Four” (adjusted M = 20.1 years) rather than
to “Kalimba” (adjusted M = 21.5 years), F(1, 17) = 4.92, p = .040. Without controlling for father’s age, the age
difference was smaller and did not reach significance (Ms = 20.3 and 21.2, respectively), F(1, 18) = 1.01, p = .33.
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False-Positive Psychology 1365
(and possibly only report) confirmatory research consisting of
exact replications of the design and analysis that “worked” in
the exploratory phase.
In the process of devising our solution, we considered a number
of alternative ways to address the problem of researcher
degrees of freedom. We believe that all solutions other than
the one we have outlined are less practical, less effective, or
both. It might be worth pursuing these other policy changes for
other reasons, but in our view, they do not address the problem
of researcher degrees of freedom. The following are four policy
changes we considered and rejected.
Correcting alpha levels. Á la Bonferroni, one may consider
adjusting the critical alpha (a) level as a function of the number
of researcher degrees of freedom employed in each study, as
is supposed to be done with multiple-hypothesis testing. Something
like this has been proposed for medical trials that monitor
outcomes as the study progresses (see, e.g., Pocock, 1977).
First, given the broad and ambiguous set of degrees of freedom
in question, it is unclear which and how many of them
contribute to any given finding, and hence what their effect is
on the false-positive rate. Second, unless there is an explicit
rule about exactly how to adjust alphas for each degree of freedom
and for the various combinations of degrees of freedom
(see the bottom three rows in Table 1), the additional ambiguity
may make things worse by introducing new degrees of
Using Bayesian statistics. We have a similar reaction to calls
for using Bayesian rather than frequentist approaches to analyzing
experimental data (see, e.g., Wagenmakers, Wetzels,
Borsboom, & van der Maas, XXXXXXXXXXAlthough the Bayesian
approach has many virtues, it actually increases researcher
degrees of freedom. First, it offers a new set of analyses (in
addition to all frequentist ones) that authors could flexibly try
out on their data. Second, Bayesian statistics require making
additional judgments (e.g., the prior distribution) on a case-bycase
basis, providing yet more researcher degrees of freedom.
Conceptual replications. Because conceptual replications,
in contrast to exact replications, do not bind researchers to
make the same analytic decisions across studies, they are
unfortunately misleading as a solution to the problem at hand.
In an article with a conceptual replication, for instance, authors
may choose two of three conditions in Study 1 and report one
measure, but choose a different pair of conditions and a different
measure in Study 2. Indeed, that is what we did in the
experiments reported here.
Posting materials and data. We are strongly supportive of
all journals requiring authors to make their original materials
and data publicly available. However, this is not likely to
address the problem of interest, as this policy would impose
too high a cost on readers and reviewers to examine, in real
time, the credibility of a particular claim. Readers should not
need to download data, load it into their statistical packages,
and start running analyses to learn the importance of controlling
for father’s age; nor should they need to read pages of
additional materials to learn that the researchers simply
dropped the “Hot Potato” condition.
Furthermore, if a journal allows the redaction of a condition
from the report, for example, it would presumably also allow
its redaction from the raw data and “original” materials, making
the entire transparency effort futile.
Concluding Remarks
Our goal as scientists is not to publish as many articles as
we can, but to discover and disseminate truth. Many of us—
and this includes the three authors of this article—often lose
sight of this goal, yielding to the pressure to do whatever is
justifiable to compile a set of studies that we can publish.
This is not driven by a willingness to deceive but by the
self-serving interpretation of ambiguity, which enables us to
convince ourselves that whichever decisions produced the
most publishable outcome must have also been the most
appropriate. This article advocates a set of disclosure requirements
that imposes minimal costs on authors, readers, and
reviewers. These solutions will not rid researchers of publication
pressures, but they will limit what authors are able to justify
as acceptable to others and to themselves. We should
embrace these disclosure requirements as if the credibility of
our profession depended on them. Because it does.
All three authors contributed equally to this article. Author order is
alphabetical, controlling for father’s age (reverse-coded). We thank
Jon Baron, Jason Dana, Victor Ferreira, Geoff Goodwin, Jack
Hershey, Dave Huber, Hal Pashler, and Jonathan Schooler for their
valuable comments.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with
respect to their authorship or the publication of this article.
1. Our goal was to pursue a research question that would not implicate
any particular field of research. Our concerns apply to all branches of
experimental psychology, and to the other sciences as well.
2. We conducted simulations instead of deriving closed-form solutions
because the combinations of researcher degrees of freedom we
considered would lead to fairly complex derivations without adding
much insight over simulation results.
3. The lower the correlation between the two dependent variables,
the higher the false-positive rate produced by considering both.
Intuitively, if r = 1, then both variables are the same; if r = 0, then the
two tests are entirely independent.
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1366 Simmons et al.
4. We independently assigned each observation a gender of 1 (50%
probability) or 0 (50% probability); “gender” is a placeholder for any
covariate with similar properties.
5. It is important that these alternatives be reported in the manuscript
(or in an appendix) rather than merely in a private response to
reviewers, so that the research community has access to the results.
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Downloaded from at CHAPMAN UNIV ACADEMIC CTR on May 31, 2012
Answered Same Day Dec 27, 2021


Robert answered on Dec 27 2021
125 Votes
False Positive Psychology
In the cu
ent world, false positive psychology may the most costly e
or. False positives are
mainly constant, for the reason that null results have a lot of possible causes; failure to
eplicate previous findings is never beyond question. Frequently, false positive may waste the
esources, because it in not commonly for prestigious journals to show finding null or exactly
eplication. It inspire to investment is worthless research programs and might be lead to
policy change which are not so much effective. So that false positive risks losing its
Effectiveness of the false positive:
If the computer use simulation of tentative data to estimation how researcher degrees of
autonomy power the likelihood of a false positive result. These simulations assess the
collision of four common degrees of liberty: flexibility in
(a) Choosing among dependent variables
(b) Choosing sample size
(c) Using covariates
(d) Reporting subsets of experimental conditions.
If it would examines a variety of combination of these degrees of liberty. It would be
produces random samples with each study separately haggard from a usual allocation,
perform sets of analysis on each taster, and experiential how often at least one of the resultant
values in each example was below benchmark implication levels.
Actually this kind of the research produces the meaning less impact of the usual result and as
for the concern of the researcher, they got some different result. It should be in different
manner: This prerequisite...

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