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HSHM368 Living with Disability in Contemporary Society Assessment 2: Essay Weight: 50% of the unit assessment Word length: 3000 words (+/-10%) Notes: Written assignment Due Date: Is displayed at the...

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Living with Disability in Contemporary Society

Assessment 2: Essay

Weight:50% of the unit assessment

Word length:3000 words (+/-10%)

Notes:Written assignment

Due Date:Is displayed at the bottom of this page

This assessment relates to:Learning Outcomes1, 3, 4, 5, 6


Discuss possible barriers that prevent social inclusion for people with disabilities in the community. You can select people with intellectual and/or physical disabilities. Outline measures that may address these barriers and increase the likelihood of social inclusion for people living with disability.
In this essay you may wish to focus attention on attitudinal (individual and societal), architectural (external and internal design), and/or structural (organisation/government/ bureaucracy) barriers and strategies. Provide references where appropriate.

Consider in your answer appropriate key issues which may need to be revised whilst organising a team for ‘wholistic’ case management for the people concerned. Include specific needs which may be assessed such as employment, sexual health and others which have been addressed in your study guide.

Note:This essay should focus on disabilities other than age related disabilities (eg. arthritis, hearing/vision impairment or dementia in Elderly people).
Assignments not meeting these criteria will be marked down or given a Fail grade for not following the assignment question and instructions.

To achieve a passing grade, students must attempt all components of assessment for the unit, and achieve a minimum 50% aggregate mark.

ReferencingYou must use the APA referencing system.

Marking criteria

Assignment Marking sheet


The School of Health Extension Application form is downloadable from the link at the top right of this page. It includes information about when and to whom extension applications must be submitted, and guidelines about reasons for seeking extensions which are considered acceptable.
Answered Same Day May 01, 2020 HSHM368


Soumi answered on May 09 2020
159 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
iers that prevent social inclusion for the people with disabilities    3
Measures to address the ba
iers mentioned    7
Conclusion    12
References    14
Individuals suffering from issues like dyslexia, impaired vision hearing issues, learning disability and others seen to be excluded from the society. Such individuals are not included in the activities of the society and are ignored from the society. They are believed to be a burden on the society. Children suffering from issues such as unable to speak at early age and others are not admitted to schools and others. This affects the morale and confidence of such individuals. This essay focuses on the ba
iers that lead to exclusion of individuals suffering from disabilities from the society. This essay also focuses on identifying the measures that can be taken to include such affected individuals in the societal activities. The discussion of measures will ensure that all the aspects of the society is considered to ensure that the individual with any type of disability can be included in the society.
iers that prevent social inclusion for the people with disabilities
Individuals face difficulties in normal life due to injuries and other issues. However, in case of people suffering from any kind of disability, the society creates various ba
iers to exclude such individuals from the society. According to the opinion of Blick, Saad, Goreczny, Roman and Sorensen (2015), the creation of such ba
iers may be deliberate or non-deliberate but it plays an integral life in the life of individual suffering from disability. The ba
iers that prevent social inclusion for the people with disabilities can be separated into various categories like attitudinal, physical, social, transportation and others. Description of such ba
iers is as follows:
Attitudinal ba
These are the most basic forms of ba
iers and gives rise to other type of ba
iers. The attitude of the individual in the society leads to exclusion of individuals with disability from the society. Individuals believe that the affected individuals are a burden and hence pay no heed to communicating with them and others. As per the perspective of Caton and Chapman (2016), people sometimes stereotype those with difficulties, with the basic assumption that they are unhealthy and poor due to their impairments. Due to this, they try to maintain space with that individuals that ultimately lead to the exclusion of affected individuals from the society. In addition to that, the attitude of the affected individuals seems to be demotivated. According to Curtin et al. (2016), due to the actions of the society, the affected individuals consider themselves inferior to others and hence do not interact much with others. They assume that they are a burden on the society and hence consider themselves inferior. This acts at a ba
ier in their inclusion in the society.
Communication ba
Individuals who suffer from disabilities that affects speaking, hearing, writing, reading or understanding generally experience this. According to the views of Davidson, Grigorenko, Boivin, Rapa and Stein (2015), people attempt to make them understand about something and they understand something else. However, individuals with disabilities are unable to read, write, or understand. After few attempts, people stop attempting to make the affected people understand. People show lack of interest in communicating with affected individuals, as it requires an extra effort to make them understand something. Use of technical language, difficult words and long sentences acts a ba
ier for understanding people with cognitive impairments. People such to avoid such individuals that ultimately excludes them from the society. As per the opinion of Drake, Bond, Goldman, Hogan and Karakus (2016), apart from few people, individuals tend to feel isolated that affects the morale and confidence of the individual with disability.
Physical ba
It includes ba
iers that block the mobility of an individual suffering from disability. It includes stairs, cu
s or other structures that pose difficulty for the individual with disability. Such ba
iers restrict affected individuals from accessing areas that a normal person can visit and enjoy. According to the views of Dwertmann and Boehm (2016), the society does not help such individuals, as every individual remains busy in their lives. Individuals with physical disability require physical as well as moral support from society. Lack of such supports leads to their exclusion from the society that negatively affects the confidence of the affected individual.
Policy ba
This refers to the policies that restricts the entry of the individuals suffering from disability. It may be due to a number of reasons like lack of infrastructure for disabled individuals, lack of knowledge of others. As per the views of Funk (2016), due to policy ba
iers, the affected individuals feel neglected from the society, the public is able to access few places but the individuals with disability are unable to visit or access such places. This leads to an exclusion of such individuals from the society that negatively affects the morale of the individuals with disability. They think themselves to be inferior in comparison to normal individual that leads to an instable state of mind for the disabled individuals.
Architectural ba
It refers to the ba
iers that restrict the movement of individual suffering from disability. According to the perspective of Garcia et al. (2015), in various places, proper a
angement are made free movement of wheelchairs through slopes and others. However, in certain places there is no such a
angement. Therefore, the individuals with disabilities face difficulty in accessing such places that leads to exclusion. The external design and the internal infrastructure affect the movement of disabled individuals. For example, in certain areas the intensity of light is very high. In such scenario, individual having partly impaired vision face difficulty. They feel i
itated through such lights that ignites them to leave the place.
Due to this, they are unable to interact with the individuals effectively. This will also have an impact in their future, as they will be hesitant to visit such places. Therefore, appropriate a
angement should be made to ensure that the individuals with disability could be included in all the public events. According to the views of Goodley (2016), special a
angement like the one special glasses, wheelchair, hearing devices and others can be ensured to ensure that he affected individuals are able to include themselves in the society.
Structural ba
It refers to the ba
iers on the part of organisations, governments, bureaucracy and others. As opined by Hammel et al. (2015), it has been observed that the sections of the society consisting of individuals with disability tend to get ignored. As they constitute a very small section of the society, the government and other organisation does not pay much heed to them. Organisations do not employ individuals with disability as they have lower efficiency. As per the opinion of Ha
ison, Falvo, Weiss and Holland (2017), in spite of certain rules by the regulatory bodies to provide employment to individuals with...

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