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HRM XXXXXXXXXXLabour Economics and Markets For the Final Project you will do a comparative study for Labor Economics in a specific region or country. Follow these instructions 1. Select your Region or...

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HRM XXXXXXXXXXLabourEconomics andMarkets

For the Final Project you will do a comparative study for Labor Economics in a specific region or country.

Follow these instructions

1. Select your Region or Economy and submit the topic with a small scope of the economy for the region/country you selected in relation with labor economics. (By the end of Module 4 / Beginning of Module 5)

2. Work on your final project, make sure you describe the type of Markets within the country or region you selected. Go over the Demand, supply, elasticities analysis and do a critical analysis of the state of the labor market in the region, identify the challenges and provide your observations and conclusions.

3. Make sure you keep APA formatting, that you include graphs and that you include at least 5 other sources (other than the book)

4. Submit your Final Paper and a PPT Presentation of no more than 20 slides with Narration to present your findings.

Note. I have choosen the Copperbelt region of Zambia, where copper mining happens

Answered Same Day May 21, 2020 HRM5022


Kuldeep answered on May 23 2020
150 Votes
Running head: Labor Economics and Markets
Labor Economics and Markets
Labor Economics and Markets
Student Name
University Name
Introduction    3
Labor Economics and Markets    3
Observations    4
Conclusion    10
References    11
In the past five years, the Zambian economy has been hit by a series of tu
ulent macroeconomic challenges. The most obvious impact is the sharp decline in global copper prices, Zambia’s main source of foreign exchange earnings, severe power supply restrictions, and Kwacha’s sharp weakening of major convertible cu
encies. These and other factors have led to a slowdown in economic growth, reaching a trough of 2.9% in 2015 - the lowest growth since the mid-1990s. This slowdown has a particularly negative impact on the most concentrated industrial center in the Copper Mine Province - Zambia. It has led some mining companies to suspend mining operations and postpone investment, resulting in massive unemployment and affecting more than 10,000 miners and miners serving contractors. After Zambian independence in 1965, its prosperous economy relied heavily on copper exports. In 1969, the Zambian government nationalized the copper mining industry and later operated by a semi-state organization Zambia Integrated Copper Mine. By the mid-1970s, the price of copper on the world market had dropped sharply, causing the economy to decline. In the 1990s, the mining industry began to be privatized and most of the copper mines were sold. Copper Mining at Zambia at the time of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is also plagued by the copper mining industry, partly because of the low prices in the world and partly because of the constant political turmoil that has plagued the country since independence.
Labor Economics and Markets
Among the people who believe that the overall economic situation is unfavorable, the proportion of copper belt is the highest: 79.6% of the respondents in the country believe that the overall economic situation has further deteriorated. Coppe
elt accounted for 84.1%, with the highest proportion of the population, saying that the overall economic situation was relatively poor (81.7% in Lusaka and 77.7% in other provinces, with a relatively low ratio) (Andersen, 2015). Understandably, men in the copper belt region are more likely than women to think the situation is worse because the mining sector is the main activity of the province and is dominated by men. With regard to their own personal economic situation, the view of unfavorable conditions is not universal: across the country, 58.4% of respondents think their personal economic situation is worse. Among those who believe that their personal economic conditions have deteriorated, the percentage of people with copper belts is the lowest, at 52.9%. The proportions of Lusaka and other provinces were 58.9% and 60.8%, respectively, which were higher than the national average (Chipili, 2015).
According to the 2014 Labor Force Survey, copper strips accounted for 15.9% of the employed population in the country. Copper strips accounted for 26.3%, which is the second highest proportion of employment in the formal sector (Lusaka is the highest, 28.0%). Coppe
elt also has the highest proportion of skilled labor, management personnel, factory and machine operators and assemblers. The highest unemployment rate in the copper belt is 12.7%, and the highest unemployment rate for young people is 18.2%. The average overall dependency ratio is 86. The average working-age population is 15 to 64 years old per 100 people. The average family size is 5.3. It can be infe
ed that the decision to dismiss the miners has directly affected the welfare of workers (Devlin, 2010). Copper belt Province has more than 50,000 people.
Fig 1: GDP of copper prices 2011 to 2015
For this study we research "Story in the Eyes" paper published by the Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) in June 2016. In this study, a survey data is used to show the impact of public opinion polls in Zambia on the slowdown in the labor market (Box 1) to assess how the recession affects...

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