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Participant Guide Assessment 2 of 3 Portfolio of Evidence – Emergency plan E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety BSBWHS510 Contribute to implementing emergency procedures Student name: XXXXXX...

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Participant Guide
Assessment 2 of 3
Portfolio of Evidence – Emergency plan
E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
BSBWHS510 Contribute to implementing emergency procedures
Student name: XXXXXX
Student number: XXXXXX
Assessment number: 32364/02
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Competency details
BSBWHS510 Contribute to implementing emergency procedures
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to contribute to the implementation of planning and response procedures for emergencies. The focus is on implementation of procedures already developed for short-term emergency responses. It assumes that expert advice will be available in identifying potential emergencies and in formulating response plans.
This unit applies to individuals with supervisory responsibilities for managing work health and safety (WHS) in the workplace who contribute to the implementation of procedures for responding to emergencies. These people will work in a range of WHS roles across all industries and who apply a substantial knowledge base and well-developed skills in a wide variety of WHS contexts.
Note: The terms 'occupational health and safety' (OHS) and 'work health and safety' (WHS) are equivalent and generally either can be used in the workplace. In jurisdictions where the Model WHS Legislation has not been implemented Registered Training Organisations are advised to contextualise the unit of competency by refe
ing to the existing State/Te
itory OHS legislative requirements.
Assessment outline
All assessment tasks must be completed successfully to pass the unit.
    Assessment task
    Word limit
    1: Auto-mark quiz
    2: Portfolio of Evidence – Emergency plan
    1,000 + Evidence requirement
    3: Portfolio of Evidence – Responding to an emergency
    1,200 + Evidence requirement
There are three assessments for this unit:
1. online quiz questions
2. develop an emergency plan
3. provide evidence of responding to an emergency
Once you feel confident that you have covered the learning materials for this unit, you are ready to attempt this assessment. Write your assessment in a commonly used software program such as Microsoft Word, or you can download a Microsoft Word copy of this assessment from the relevant study period of your course in OpenSpace.
To help Open Colleges manage your assessment, please use the following file-naming convention when you save your Microsoft Word document. Your submission for each assessment must be incorporated into one file.
Your file should be named and saved to your computer’s hard drive using your [student number]_[assessment number].docx
For example, 12345678_21850a_01.docx
Assessment submission
When you are ready to submit your assessment, upload the file in OpenSpace using the ‘Assessment upload’ links in the relevant study period of your course.
Uploading assessments in OpenSpace will enable Open Colleges to provide you with the fastest feedback and grading on your assessment.
Please ensure that you keep a copy of all electronic and hard copy assessments you submit to Open Colleges.
Assessment 2: Emergeny plan
Assessment description
Develop an emergency plan.
You are required to complete this assessment with reference to the Le Del
ock Hotel Case Study provided in ‘Additional Resources’ or based on your own workplace.
Your plan must include each of the parts specified below.
    Part A
    Using your existing knowledge of workplace hazards, prepare a Risk register detailing three potential emergencies and their categories
    Part B
    Conduct a telephone consultation with an internal adviso
stakeholder to discuss one type of emergency
    Part C
    Prepare an emergency evacuation plan for an emergency in the workplace
    Part D
    Research the type of training required for fire wardens and applicable providers in your area
Your plan must include the following as a minimum:
Part A – Risk registe
Review topics 8.1.1 and 8.1.4 of the module. You are required to identify at least three hazards applicable to your own workplace or the Le Del
ock Hotel and explain the potential emergency which may result from the hazards that you have identified.
You are required to complete a Risk register for potential emergencies and list the following elements:
1. Identify the hazard that could result in an emergency situation
2. List the locations of where you have identified the hazards
3. Categorise the potential emergency from the chart below
4. Provide details of the range of possible scenarios or circumstances under which an emergency could occur, including natural disasters
5. List the possible consequences and the likelihood of the hazard becoming an emergency
6. Rank the risk of each of the identified hazards using the Risk Matrix.
Note: You will need to seek input from stakeholders and liaise with specialist advisors and emergency agencies as required to assist you in this process. Use the template below to prepare your Risk register.
If you are using the Case Study, look at the Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control procedure to assist you.
(300 words)
32364/02          E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety          XXXXXXXXXXPage 6 of 15
    Risk register to identify potential emergencies
    Emergency category
(see below chart)
    Circumstances in which an emergency could occu
    Consequence and likelihood
(see matrix below)
    Risk rating
(from matrix)
32364/02          E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety          XXXXXXXXXXPage 9 of 15
    Colour code
    Emergency category
    Any type of fire
    Heart attack
    Building evacuation from chemical spills
    Infrastructure and other internal emergency
    Power failures
    External emergency
    Bomb or substance threats
    Hoax and real bomb threats
    Personal threat
    Armed hold-up
Part B – Internal advisor consultation
Conduct a telephone consultation with an internal adviso
stakeholder to discuss one type of emergency.
Evidence requirement:
You must provide audio evidence of calling an internal adviso
stakeholder to discuss one type of emergency relevant to your workplace. You may choose to do this in the workplace or in a simulated environment following the process below.
Your meeting will be conducted as a 5-minute phone call scenario so you will be required to submit an audio of your meeting with the stakeholder.
During your conservation, you must discuss the potential:
· impact of the emergency
· response strategies for the emergency.
When you have finished recording, you will need to upload your file to OpenSpace. If you are not sure how to do this, click on this link.
Note: You must ensure you obtain appropriate approvals to conduct and record a meeting in this setting, so the meeting participant must sign the Appendix 2: Audio/Video recording consent form and you must submit the signed form as part of your assessment.
Additional information for using the Case Study
You will be consulting with the Engineering Manager. The Engineering Manager has undertaken formal training regarding chemicals in the workplace and emergency procedures for chemical spills. Information for the person acting as the stakeholder is provided as Appendix 1: Briefing notes. Provide these notes to the person acting as the stakeholder so they have a clear understanding of the role play requirements.
Part C – Emergency procedures
Review Topic 2 in the module and design an Emergency evacuation plan for your workplace or the Le Del
ock hotel. You may choose to develop an Emergency plan for any of the following types of emergency or one of your own ideas:
· fire
· bomb threat
· natural disasters
· medical
· hazardous substance spillage/ai
· electrical loss of powe
· security alert.
In your Emergency plan, you will need to include the following elements:
1. State the type of emergency you have chosen (using the list above as a guide)
2. Design and prioritise actions to be taken in the initial response phase of the evacuation (including checking of emergency equipment and actions required to contain or limit the emergency situation)
3. Identify the requirements for liaison with emergency agencies
4. Identify what resources are available and required for immediate response
5. Identify actions required to limit impact on personnel, property and the environment
6. Design and prioritise actions to be taken in the secondary response phase of the evacuation
7. How you plan to support other personnel in the secondary response phase
8. List the process for checking and accounting for people
9. What are the procedures for the de
iefing process?
Use the template below to complete your plan.
(600 words)
    Emergency evacuation plan
    List the stakeholders who could assist in identifying potential emergencies
    Identify specialist advisors and emergency agencies to identify possible causal events
    1. Type of emergency
    2. How/Where this plan be displayed in the workplace
    3. Resources available and required for immediate response
    4. Priority of actions to be taken in the initial response phase of the evacuation
    5. Requirements for liaison with emergency agencies
    6. What resources are available and required for immediate response
    7. Actions required to limit impact on personnel, property and the environment
    8. Priority of actions to be taken in the secondary response phase of the evacuation
    9. Support to be provided to other personnel in the secondary response phase
    10. List the process for checking and accounting for people
    11. List the procedures for the de
iefing process
Part D – Fire warden training
Review topic 8.3.4 of your module and conduct some research to identify the type of training required for fire wardens, as well as the applicable providers of this training, in your area. In your response, explain the type of training required and provide the names and contact details of at least three providers.
(100 words)
Appendix 1: Briefing notes
Please supply the following information to the person playing the role of the Engineering Manager.
    NOTES – for role play participant
    You are playing the role the Engineering Manager at the Le Del
ock Hotel. Le Del
ock is a newly-opened luxury hotel situated in the heart of the busy central business district operating 24/7. Le Del
ock, a family-owned establishment, offers deluxe five-star accommodation (250 rooms), a restaurant run by
Answered Same Day Jun 21, 2020


Tp Academic answered on Jun 26 2020
153 Votes
Participant Guide
Assessment 2 of 3
Portfolio of Evidence – Emergency plan
E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
BSBWHS510 Contribute to implementing emergency procedures
Student name: XXXXXX
Student number: XXXXXX
Assessment number: 32364/02
Part A – Risk registe
32364/02        E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety        Page 2 of 19
    Risk register to identify potential emergencies
    Emergency category
(see below chart)
    Circumstances in which an emergency could occu
    Consequence and likelihood
(see matrix below)
    Risk rating
(from matrix)
    Kitchen area
    Fire/ smoke
    Due to any kind of electric short circuit, the fire can be
oken out all over the kitchen. In addition to this, in the kitchen, fire explosion might have cause due to leakage of explosive gas. In addition to this, it has also been evidenced that, in the kitchen area alcohol has been stored for cooking purposes and these alcohols are highly explosive. Therefore, accidentally these alcohols could be come in contact with the fire and the devastating accident can take place.
    The fire explosion can be catastrophic in nature and can occur occasionally.
Chemical spills
    Store room of the Le Del
ock Hotel
    Due to lack of concern of the employees or due to any kind of leakage from the storing vessels of the chemicals, it might have cause chemical spills.
    The consequences of chemical spills are severe and likelihood of this incident is sometimes.
Workplace violence resulting in bodily harm and trauma
    Fitness area
    Personal threat
    In many cases, it has been evidenced that at the chosen business venture, the workers are not serving their services in appropriate manner. In addition to this, they never communicate with each other and thus, co-operation among the workers is completely absent. In addition to this, it has also been evidenced that, among the employees, the competition level has been increased. Moreover, employees of different departments are not communicating with each other and thus, the knowledge and information has not shared. Due to this, communication gap conflicts have been raised among the employees. This result into workplace violence and this can affect physical as well as mental harm to the employees.
    Likelihood of this incident is occasionally, whereas, consequences of the incident is moderate.
32364/02        E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety        Page 19 of 19
    Colour code
    Emergency category
    Any type of fire
    Heart attack
    Building evacuation from chemical spills
    Infrastructure and other internal emergency
    Power failures
    External emergency
    Bomb or substance threats
    Hoax and real bomb threats
    Personal threat
    Armed hold-up
Part B – Internal advisor consultation
Part C – Emergency procedures
    Emergency evacuation plan
    List the stakeholders who could assist in identifying potential emergencies
    Identify specialist advisors and emergency agencies to identify possible causal events
    General manager of Le Del
ock Hotel, fire warden team, kitchen staffs and many more.
    Management team of the company and disaster management team that deals with fire explosion.
    1. Type of emergency
    Le Del
ock Hotel is considered as one of the famous hotel and provides food and accommodation service to visitors. As the venture uses many hazardous chemical, therefore, there could be a chance of occu
ing accidents like fire explosion.
    2. How/Where this plan be displayed in the workplace
    This plan can be implemented at the kitchen department as it contents many harmful chemical and gas, which might have cause fire explosion and causes harm to several kitchen staffs.
    3. Resources available and required for immediate response
    The kitchen is equipped with fire extinguisher. This helps to extinguish fire on immediate basis. In addition to this, there has enough water supplies, and thus, spreading of fire can be checked immediately.
    4. Priority of actions to be taken in the initial response phase of the evacuation
    When fire out
eaks from the kitchen, the management need to ensure that all the kitchen staffs should be safe and evacuate the place immediately. Moreover, higher management team also needs to advise staffs, not to get panicked.
    5. Requirements for liaison with emergency agencies
    In order to limit the out
eak of fire, the chosen business venture needs to handle the situation with the equipments, which has been presented at the hotel premises. In addition to this, the management team is required to call the fire Bridget and inform them about the situation. Thus, they are able to come to the hotel premises and save the hotel staffs. The information can be given to the fire
idged over telephone and insist them to come on immediate basis. Moreover, in order to save and rescue the hotel staffs special rescue team also need to come to the hotel.
    6. What resources are available and required for immediate response
    In the hotel premises, there are several fire alarms, which help to aware people, when any kind of explosion occurs. When fire out
eaks, or when it has been observed by any employee, then they should push the button and aware people. It has been evidenced that, in the hotel premises there are present enough number of fire extinguishers. Therefore, with the help of this equipment, the out
eak of fire from kitchen area can be checked. As per view of Arezes et al. (2016, p.89), powder extinguishers are very effective in order to combat class A, B as well as C fires. This refers that these powder extinguishers are being used on solid, flammable liquids as well as gases. In addition to this, fire on electrical equipments can also be extinguished by powder extinguisher. Furthermore, it has also been observed that, as the hotel provides food as well as accommodation facility, therefore, it poses a good water supply. By using this enough water supply, fire can be checked and thus, it can save lives of several employees.
    7. Actions required to limit impact on personnel, property and the environment
    In order to save staffs, property as well as environment of the Le Del
ock Hotel, it is important that the management team needs to provide proper training to the staffs and the team leaders in order to handle the any kind of emergency situation. In addition to this, communication systems also need to be developed among the staffs and the higher management. Therefore, management team can be well...

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