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Participant Guide Assessment 3 of 3 Portfolio of Evidence - Incident investigation report E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety BSBWHS505 Investigate WHS incidents Student name: XXXXXX Student...

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Participant Guide
Assessment 3 of 3
Portfolio of Evidence - Incident investigation report
E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
BSBWHS505 Investigate WHS incidents
Student name: XXXXXX
Student number: XXXXXX
Assessment: 32361/03
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Competency details
BSBWHS505 Investigate WHS incidents
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan, conduct and report on investigations of work health and safety (WHS) incidents that have resulted in, or have the potential to result in, injury or damage.
It covers conducting an initial assessment of the situation; establishing the scope and legal parameters of the investigation; conducting a systematic analysis to identify underlying causes and actions for prevention; and reporting on the outcomes of the investigation appropriate to the potential severity of the incident, which may include accessing specialist expertise.
This unit applies to individuals required to investigate incidents in relation to prevention of future incidents as well as people who work in a range of WHS roles across all industries and who apply a substantial knowledge base and well-developed skills in a wide variety of WHS contexts.
Note: The terms 'occupational health and safety' (OHS) and 'work health and safety' (WHS) are equivalent and generally either can be used in the workplace. In jurisdictions where the Model WHS Legislation has not been implemented, Registered Training Organisations are advised to contextualise the unit of competency by refe
ing to the existing State/Te
itory OHS legislative requirements.
Assessment outline
All assessment tasks must be completed successfully to pass the unit.
    Assessment task
    Word limit
    1: Auto-mark quiz
    2: Portfolio of evidence – Investigation procedures and plan
    1,400 + Evidence requirement
    3: Portfolio of evidence – Incident investigation report
    1,000 + Evidence requirement
There are three assessments for this unit:
1. quiz questions online
2. procedures and a plan for investigating an incident
3. investigate an incident and prepare a report
You are required to complete these assessments with reference to the Le Del
ock Hotel Case Study provided in ‘Additional Resources’ or based on your own workplace.
Once you feel confident that you have covered the learning materials for this unit, you are ready to attempt this assessment. Write your assessment in a commonly used software program such as Microsoft Word, or you can download a Microsoft Word copy of this assessment from the relevant study period of your course in OpenSpace.
To help Open Colleges manage your assessment, please use the following file-naming convention when you save your Microsoft Word document. Your submission for this assessment must be incorporated into one file.
Your file should be named and saved to your computer’s hard drive using your [student number]_[assessment number].doc
For example, 12345678_21850a_01.doc
Assessment submission
When you are ready to submit your assessment, upload the file in OpenSpace using the ‘assessment upload’ links in the relevant study period of your course.
Uploading assessments in OpenSpace will enable Open Colleges to provide you with the fastest feedback and grading on your assessment.
Please ensure that you keep a copy of all electronic and hard copy assessments you submit to Open Colleges.
Assessment 3: Incident investigation
Provide evidence of investigating and reporting on an incident.
You are required to complete these assessments with reference to the Le Del
ock Hotel Case Study provided in ‘Additional Resources’ or based on your own workplace.
Your Investigation Report must include each of the parts specified below.
    Part A
    Prepare a plan for the evidence that you intend to collect from inspecting the site
    Part B
    Prepare a timeline of the events leading up to the incident
    Part C
    Prepare a cause and effect diagram to analyse the root cause of the incident
    Part D
    Prepare an investigation report to be sent to senior managers to advise them of the outcome of the investigation
Your report must include the following as a minimum:
Part A – Site evidence
Review Topic 5.3.2 in your module and prepare a plan for the evidence that you intend to collect from inspecting the site. When preparing the plan, pay careful attention to how the validity, accuracy and reliability of the evidence will be preserved. You will also need to review the Witness statement already gathered in Appendix 1 to assist you with what further evidence may be needed. The plan should include:
· the evidence gathering methods to be used
· the types of evidence to be gathered/specific things to look for when gathering evidence
· how the evidence will be recorded
If you are using the Case Study, look carefully at the Incident Report to assist you.
Use the template below to construct your plan.
(200 words)
    Evidence gathering method
    Type of evidence/things to look fo
    Recording process
    Presentation/ follow-up
Part B – Timeline
Review Topic 5.4.2 in your module and prepare a timeline of the events leading up to the incident. Your timeline should be based on the evidence you have collected.
If you are using the Case Study, look carefully at the details of the incident to assist you.
(100 words)
Part C – Cause and effect diagram
Review Topic 5.4.4 and prepare a cause and effect diagram to analyse the root cause of the incident. Your analysis must be based on the evidence you have collected and reviewed.
If you are using the Case Study, read carefully through the details of the incident.
If you have not prepared a cause and effect diagram before, go to http: to learn how to do this.
(100 words)
Part D – Investigation Report
Review Topics XXXXXXXXXXin your module and prepare an Investigation Report. Your report must:
· explain the purpose of the investigation
· provide an overview of the incident
· outline the causes of the incident, citing evidence you have collected to support your arguments
· provide recommendations for co
ective actions
Your report will need to be distributed to senior managers to advise them of the outcome of the investigation. You will need to ensure your report is structured in an appropriate way for the recipients.
You must base the report on the evidence you have collected and analysed.
(600 words)
Appendix 1: Witness statement
The following information is a summary received from a witness to the incident.
    NOTES - Witness
    The following is a summarised version of an interview you have conducted with yourself and a witness to the incident at Le Del
ock hotel.
· I was working in the kitchen as a cook
· It was a very busy evening, there was a large function in the restaurant and myself and another cook were working predominately on servicing the function
· I was not directly involved in the incident but did notice it
· One of the other kitchen hands went home at 7pm as they said they had a headache
· I had only worked with Gina once before. She seemed nice and keen to learn and try things but she is young and inexperienced
· I don’t believe that Gina had worked in a hospitality environment before
· I didn’t see Ronaldo ask Gina to empty the deep fryer and steame
· I did see Gina ask another cook where to empty the oil. She specifically asked about oil so the instructions the cook provided were co
· As far as I know, the contents of the steamer and fryer are not labelled and Gina would not have been told about them during training.
32361/03          E1066 Diploma of Work Health and Safety          XXXXXXXXXXPage 6 of 10
Answered Same Day Apr 20, 2020 E1066


Amar answered on May 13 2020
158 Votes
Le Del
ock Case Study Analysis
Le Del
ock Case Study Analysis
Part A – Site Evidence
The incident under focus concerns the a situation wherein the following set of events undertook – [i] One a busy day in the restaurant one of the kitchen hands had to leave early, [ii] Gina, a new joiner with limited to no experience in hospitality sector, was involved in emptying of the oil from the fryer, [iii] The lack of proper visual labelling led to certain confusions leading to Gina making an incident out of the situation.
The key point to note here is that the WHS incident being investigated stems from lack of an integrated WHS process wherein a limited trained and inexperienced staff lacking guidance / management from manager / supervisor, work place lacking safety / guidance visual labelling missing, and, process lacking controls have led to the incident (Carayon et al. 2015; Loeppke et al. 2015; Hale et al. 2015).
However to ensure a comprehensive, detailed and objective review of the situation suitable investigation to collect all required evidences need to be undertaken.
The below Table 1 provides summary of the same.
Table 1 – Plan of Evidence
    Evidence gathering method
    Type of evidence/things to look fo
    Recording process
    Review of the incident outcomes and the implications
    Documentary recording by concerned investigating personnel
    The work place incident evidence and the material / equipment leading to the incident
    Photographs and material / equipment preservation along with documentation
    witness / involved staff statement of the events
    Documentary recording and sign off by the concerned personnel
    Prevailing process, other documentary paper work related to the incident
    Copies of these documents
    A logical, structured and objective assessment of the evidence collected
    Documentary recording, memos and reporting
    Presentation/ follow-up
    Continued follow up, liaison and management until closure
    Documentary recording, memos and reporting
Part B – Timeline
    6: 30 PM
    Witness working at the hotel kitchen
    7:00 PM
    Kitchen staff (one of them) leaving the hotel due to headache
    7:15 PM
    Gina asking...

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