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Page 5 of 5 Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines School Business Course Name Master of Professional Accounting Unit Code MA609 Unit Title Business Analytics and Data Intelligence Assessment...

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    Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
    Course Name
    Master of Professional Accounting
    Unit Code
    Unit Title
    Business Analytics and Data Intelligence
    Assessment Autho
     Dr Ken Mardaneh
    Assessment Type
    Project [Group]
    Assessment Title
    Project [Group]
    Unit Learning Outcomes covered in this assessment
    a. Demonstrate advanced and integrated understanding of business and data Intelligence for organisational decision-making.
. Analyse critically, reflect on and synthesise techniques of data visualisation and data mining.
c. Demonstrate advanced and integrated understanding of business analytical models.
d. Critically analyse, synthesise and reflect on decision analysis techniques to develop optimal strategy.
    Total Marks
    100 Marks (this will be scaled down to 30%)
    Word limit
    Not applicable
    Release Date
    Week 5
    Due Date
    Week 11
    Submission Guidelines
    ï‚· All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed
Assignment Cover Sheet.
ï‚·    For Melbourne students: use Melbourne Campus Submission link.
ï‚·    For Sydney students: use Sydney Campus Submissions link.
 Reference sources must be listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using APA referencing style.
    Â· If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted directly to the School's Administration Officer, in Melbourne on Level 6 or in Sydney on Level 7. You must submit this application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment. Further information is available at:
    Academic Misconduct
    Â· Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at: http: For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit Description.
Assessment Cover Sheet
    Student ID Numbe
    Student Surname/s:
    Given name/s:
    Unit code:
    Unit title:
    Due date:
    Date submitted:
    Student Declaration
I/We declare that:
1. the work contained in this assignment is my/our own work/group work, except where acknowledgement of sources is made;
1. certify that this assessment has not been submitted previously for academic credit in this or any other course;
1. I/we have read the MIT’s Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy Procedure, and I/we understand the consequences of engaging in plagiarism;
1. a copy of the original assignment is retained by me/us and that I/we may be required to submit the original assignment to the Lecturer and/or Unit Co-ordinator upon request;
I/we have not plagiarised the work of others or participated in unauthorised collaboration when preparing this assignment.
    MIT ID
For Assessor Use Only (if not marked on Moodle)
Assignment Description:
The assignment is designed to allow you to demonstrate effective business analytics skills using optimisation methods. You will need to use linear programming to formulate and model a problem, and Excel solver will be used to conduct the analytics and obtain the solutions. For the assignment, you are required to form a group of 3 students.
Each group needs to select a company from the list below and use the company’s website to collect some background information and any type of preliminary information that could help in formulating the optimisation problem of the company. For example you may find some information about a given company’s operations, their
anches/wholesales, level of production, etc., that could help you with formulating the problem.
You will realise that there is no direct information about optimisation problems of the company of your choice, therefore you will need to use the company’s background information along with business analytics knowledge to formulate the problem. For instance for an airline the problem could be the assignment problem with assigning of terminals, airplanes, flights and pilots. Accordingly and based on the preliminary information that you collect, you need to make assumptions and build up a model for the company and solve the problem.
The assignment should be formulated based on any of Transportation, Transshipment, or Assignment problems (you just need to do one out of these three options). You can choose any company from the below list in airline or Metro train industries (for assignment problem), in manufacturing or port shipment industries (for transhipment or transportation problem). Below is a list of companies/organisations and possible approaches to problem solving:
Transportation problem by manufacturing and mining companies:
ADANI Mining (Transportation of minerals from origin to destination)
Honda (Transportation of parts from manufacturers to dealers)
Nissan (Transportation of parts from a manufacturer to dealer)
Transshipment problem by manufacturing companies:
Audi (Transportation of parts from manufacturers to dealers)
Mercedes (Transportation of parts from manufacturers to dealers)
BMW (Transportation of parts from manufacturers to dealers)
Assignment problem by companies/organisations:
Air Asia (assignment of terminals, airplanes, flights)
V-line (assignment of trains to different lines)
Melbourne royal hospital (assignment of nurses to different shifts)
St. Vincent hospital (assignment of surgeons, operating theatres based on availability)
Assignment requirement:
· choose a company from the list or assume your own company
· make assumptions about the problem before formulating the problem and modelling (assumptions such as the type of operation, amount of manufacturing and shipment, cost, etc.)
· Formulate a Linear Programming problem (LP)
· After formulating the problem define the following:
· Define decision variables
· Define objective functions
· Define constraints
· Implement the model
· Run the analysis using Excel solver
· Prepare Excel output of the model using excel solve
· Run sensitivity analysis using excel solver and interpret the results
Assignment structure:
· Introduction to the company
· Selection of the company
· assumptions about the problem before formulating the problem and modelling
· Problem definition
· Identification and description of the problem to be analysed
· Model design:
· Formulation of Linear Programming problem (LP)
· Defining decision variables
· Defining objective functions
· Defining constraints
· Model implementation:
· Run the analysis using Excel solver
· Prepare Excel output of the model using excel solve
· Run sensitivity analysis using excel solver and interpret the results
· Indication of optimal solution to the problem:
· Present solved problem using excel solver
· Recommendation and conclusion
· Structure and presentation of the assignment
· Appendix (should include both assignment word document and Excel solver file)
Note: Students need to submit the assignment as a word document along with the Excel solver file used for the analyses.
MA609 Business analytics and data Intelligence Project [Group] Marking Guide (30 Marks)
    Possible Marks
    Marks Allocated
    Introduction to the company:
· A
ief information around the company
    Selection of the company
· assumptions about the problem before formulating the problem and modelling
    Problem Definition:
· Identification and description of the problem to be analysed
    Model design:
· Formulation of Linear Programming (LP) problem OR
· Defining decision variables
· Defining objective functions
· Defining constraints
    Model implementation:
· Run the analysis using Excel solver
· Prepare Excel output of the model using excel solve
· Run sensitivity analysis using excel solver and interpret the results
    Indication of optimal solution to the problem:
· Present solved problem using excel solver
    Recommendation and conclusion:
    Structure and Presentation of the assignment:
    Overall Comments:
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature:
    = _____/30__ Marks

Page 2 of 3
    Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
    Course Name
    Master of Professional Accounting
    Unit Code
    Unit Title
    Business Analytics and Data Intelligence
    Assessment Autho
     Dr Ken Mardaneh
    Assessment Type
    Assessment Title
    Unit Learning Outcomes covered in this assessment
    b. Analyse critically, reflect on and synthesise techniques of data visualisation and data mining.
c. Demonstrate advanced and integrated understanding of business analytical models.
    Total Marks
    100 Marks (this will be scaled down to 10%)
    Word limit
    Not applicable
    Release Date
    Week 5
    Due Date
    Week 11
    Submission Guidelines
    ï‚· All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed
Assignment Cover Sheet.
ï‚·    For Melbourne students: use Melbourne Campus Submission link.
ï‚·    For Sydney students: use Sydney Campus Submissions link.
 Reference sources must be listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using APA or IEEE referencing style.
    Â· If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted directly to the School's Administration Officer, in Melbourne on Level 6 or in Sydney on Level 7. You must submit this application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment. Further information is available at:
    Academic Misconduct
    Â· Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at: http: For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit Description.
Assessment Cover Sheet
    Student ID Numbe
    Student Surname/s:
    Given name/s:
    Unit code:
    Unit title:
    Due date:
    Date submitted:
    Student Declaration
I/We declare that:
1. the work contained in this assignment is my/our own work/group work, except where acknowledgement of sources is made;
1. certify that this assessment has not been submitted previously for academic credit in this or any other course;
1. I/we have read the MIT’s Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy Procedure, and I/we understand the consequences of engaging in plagiarism;
1. a copy of the original assignment is retained by me/us and that I/we may be required to submit the original assignment to the Lecturer and/or Unit Co-ordinator upon request;
I/we have not plagiarised the work of others or participated in unauthorised collaboration when preparing this assignment.
    MIT ID
For Assessor Use Only (if not marked on Moodle)
Each group needs to present the findings of the group project. Visual representation takes the form of power point slides and includes one or more of the following: charts, graphs, statistics, pictures, photos or other graphics are used in the power point slides.You must cover relevant items on any required project task and make reference to them. This must include indicating steps for each analytics task. Presentation should also be professional.
Note: Presentation is an assessment task and PPT file need to be submitted for marking.
    Fulfilment of the requirements of the task:
Accuracy of problem identification
· Relevance- based on task
Answered Same Day May 26, 2021


Komalavalli answered on May 28 2021
144 Votes
Slide 1
Linear programming transportation model of Audi parts
Audi transportation of parts from manufacture to dealer with linear Programming
Transportation problem is concerned with a job of distribution of goods from supply point to the destination of demand at the minimum possible cost of transportation.
Let us discuss how the Audi manufacturing company distribute their parts from four different manufacturing Plants P1,P2,P3,P4 to four different dealers (demand destination ) are D1, D2, D3, D4 at min amount of transportation cost.
Cost of transportation:
Let us assume cost of transporting Audi parts from plant 1 to D1 is $20, D2 is $30, D3 is $40, D4 is $35.
Cost of transporting Audi cars from plant 2 (P2) to D2 is $40, D2 is $35, D3 is $60, D4 is $50,
Cost of transporting Audi cars from plant 3(P3) to D3 is $45, D2 is $40, D3 is $25, D4 is $55.
Cost of transporting Audi cars from plant 4 (P4) to D4 is $50, D2 is $70, D3 is $60, D4 is $45,
2. Quantity of Cars manufacturing by Audi Plants:
Let us assume Quantity of car manufactured by plant 1 is 5000.
Quantity of car manufactured by plant 2 is 4000.
Quantity of car manufactured by plant 3 is 3000.
Quantity of car manufactured by plant 4 is 3500.
3. Quantity of Cars demanded by dealers:
Let us assume Quantity of Cars demanded by dealer1 is 3500 cars.
Quantity of Cars demanded by dealer 2 is 2500 cars.
Quantity of Cars demanded by dealer 3 is 2600 cars.
Quantity of...

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