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HLTH320 Written assignment Weighting: 50% Word limit: 2500 words Assessment Task Finding evidence in health and social care This assessment needs to be structured as an essay. However, you will need...

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HLTH320 Written assignment
Weighting: 50%
Word limit: 2500 words
Assessment Task
Finding evidence in health and social care
This assessment needs to be structured as an essay. However, you will need to include the template to structure the PICO questions and these will be included in the essay.
Start with an introduction of what you plan to do and remember to include definitions and descriptions of the differences between research and evidence based practice. You also need to include a discussion of what PICO is and why it is used in practice. This is then followed by: -
Consider each of these scenarios from practice:
1. As an adolescent health worker you are concerned about cyber bullying and that it maybe an issue for your clients.
2. You are the manager at the local community health service in a rural area and you are in charge of a multidisciplinary team. You notice that some of your staff often take sick days and you are concerned that they might be experiencing burnout.
3. You are a member of the health team in rural community health. Mrs Johnson, who is the carer of her husband who has advanced COPD, is seeking strategies to reduce his anxiety.
Then, for each of them, use the PICO format to:
· develop an answerable clinical question
· plan how you would obtain the best available evidence for practice 
· search for evidence. 
Once you have completed all three scenarios you need to finish with a conclusion of what you have undertaken.
Learning outcomes covered:
· demonstrate a
oad and coherent knowledge of the underlying principles and processes of research-informed and evidence-based practice applied to health and social care;
· exercise critical thinking and judgement in identifying and solving practice, client and service delivery problems that can be addressed through the application of evidence to practice or research;
· review critically a
oad range of evidence (quantitative and qualitative) for health care interventions and decisions;
· collaborate with other health professionals in evidence-based decision making and practice;
· present a clear, coherent and independent exposition of evidence to clients and families in the context of shared decision making; and
· review critically, analyse and consolidate the application of research and evidence in practice.
This assessment requires you to place yourself in the shoes of a practicing clinician who is seeking the best outcome for the person(s) for whom they are caring. Often there are a range of treatment options available to us. To make the most appropriate decision we need the best most reliable information and good understanding of the patient and their context. Sourcing and critiquing research is central to making good decisions.
Required format
You must use the template provided below
TEMPLATE For this task
· You must use the template provided.  
· All parts of the template must be completed 
· you must submit the template into Moodle when you have completed the task.
Marking Ru
ic for this task
Download the Ru
ic. Use the guide to help you prepare your responses to this task
Answered Same Day Apr 20, 2020 HLTH320


Soumi answered on Apr 29 2020
144 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
PICO    3
Scenario 1    4
Scenario 2    6
Scenario 3    8
Conclusion    10
Bibliography    12
    Health and social care is a vast area of service that encompasses the provision of care services to the support users or seekers for the purpose of their overall well-being. These services are provided to the needful individuals by the professional care providers, also known as carers, who play the role of being a support to them in a proper way. However, for identifying the proper way, the carers are also required to update their knowledge with the passage of time. This is possible only if they increase their knowledge base with the help of conducting researches themselves or basing their practices on the prevailing evidences. This lays the base for researches and evidence-based practices.
According to Lewis (2015), research is the systematic process of investigating any area of issue or valid concern that leads to enhancement of knowledge in a specific field. On the other hand, as defined by Newhouse, Byon, Storkman Wolf and Johantgen (2018), evidence-based practice (EBP) is the implementation of the knowledge gained from the researches, their findings and basing cu
ent practices on the examples of previous practical implementations. Hence, it can be said that researches provide evidences for the EBP, which enhances health and social care services largely. The cu
ent essay focuses on the establishment of evidences for three provided scenarios that are to be researched, from the perspective of health and social care. For that purpose, three PICO questions will be formed that would help to search sources, with relevant keywords and search terms.
    Provide a short paragraph regarding the PICO - describe each element of the PICO acronym, include when the PICO should be used and why (150 -200 words).
PICO is a framework that is more commonly used by medical and healthcare professionals, in order to generate a research question. According to Chittamuru, Thakkar and Pasricha (2016), it enables a literature search that is done for the purpose of EBP and helps to frame a specific question used for researching. It is an acronym for the four elements of a research question, which the researcher needs to focus upon, while researching for the relevant evidences. Here, P stands for Problem, Patient or Population, I stands for Intervention, C stands for Comparison or Control and O stands for Outcome. The Population or the patient or their problem is the first concern to be focused upon because, within the clinical or care practices, they lie at the centre of the focus that initiates the research. Interventions help to solve the problem, while comparison or control illustrates the other dimension to this research. Lastly, as mentioned by Jonckheer et al. (2016), outcome helps to indicate the desired result that the practitioner wants to assess, if it is achievable through the mentioned intervention and control or compared method. PICO should be used, when the nurses or care professionals need to solve a case seeking support and for identifying the appropriate solution to it, they need to search for the suitable evidences.
Scenario 1
    Populate the PICO for the chosen scenario for an answerable question about effects of interventions
    P – Cyber-bullying of adolescent service users and clients
This is a major concern because cyber-bullying is cu
ently concerning the safety of a number of young individuals. According to Modecki, Minchin, Ha
augh, Gue
a and Runions (2014), cyber-bullying is the act of abusing or harassing of the people over the cyber media or using the platform of electronic communication. Although there are a number of legal norms and legislative jurisdiction that prohibit the act of causing harm to people using the internet, yet, the problem has still remained to be a major concern because of the lack of awareness as well as proper, strict actions taken against the bullies. Moreover, the impact of the cyber-bully is so intense upon the victim that they need medical or care support from the health care professionals (Mishna, McInroy, Daciuk & Lacombe-Duncan, 2017).
In the present scenario, the adolescent healthcare provider is concerned because, as an adolescent, almost every individual comes across as a victim of cyber-bullying. Hence, they know the sufferings, that the victim must have to go through, if is cyber-bullied. Besides, as viewed by Ba
er (2017), the clients, who seek healthcare services using the social media, online portals or the electronic platform are also quite susceptible to being bullied over the internet, which is why as a responsible professional, the healthcare provider needs to search the databases for evidences that could help to solve this issue. Hence, this is a problem and the concerned population is that of the support users.
    I – Support from the care professionals
It has been noticed that the service users, who face cyber-bullying, are quite timid in nature and fear to reveal their experience. They are so vulnerable that they are often attacked by the cyber-bullies, yet they feel scared to protest or share their problems with others. This is why the need to entrust them to the care professionals has been deemed so important. As supported by Ca
et al. (2017), it has been evident before that the care professionals tend to the victims of cyber-bullying in such a way that they are not only able to stand against it, but also come out of their traumatic situation.
    C – Medical support
On the other hand, the support of medicines and medical aids have also been provided to the victims of cyber abuse as they have been found to have gone through a lot of mental pressure, stress, trauma and depression, for which medical interventions such as anti-anxiety, anti-depressant and other medicines have also been given.
    O – Reducing the impact of cyber-bullying
Either way implemented, the main desired outcome has been to reduce the impact of cyber-bullying so that the well-being of the service users can be sustained.
    Frame the PICO as a question (write out your information needs in the form of a question):
How is the support of care professionals more effective than the medical support in reducing the impact of cyber-bullying upon the adolescent service users?
    Outline the search terms (from your question) that can
e used to search include the parameters of a search:
    The keywords used for this research are Cybe
ullying, adolescent service users, healthcare professionals, medical support. These keywords have been combined to frame some relevant search terms, with the help of the Boolean operator “AND”. Firstly, the UNE li
ary log in page was visited using as the search engine and Google Chrome as the Browser. Further, when the li
ary page of UNE was visited, a number of databases appeared, from where the CINAHL database was chosen. On clicking the link of the database, a page appeared where the search bars were visible. The key words were combined using the Boolean operator, along with being search for individually. Further, when the results were generated, they were refined to be made na
ow, and generate results that were more specific. The filters were ‘Full Text’, ‘English’ and year ‘2014 to 2018’. Finally, an a
ay of results appeared, from where the following three research articles were selected.
    Conduct the search using the UNE Li
ary databases and co
ectly cite one original research article from the search:
The following three articles were chosen as the most suitable ones, out of which one was selected to be the most appropriate:
Campbell, L., Evans, Y., Pumper, M., & Moreno, M. A. (2016). Social media use by physicians: a qualitative study of the new frontier of medicine. BMC medical informatics and decision making, 16(1), 9.
Ranney, M. L., Patena, J. V.,...

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